nero recode2 problems after latest update .
Senior Member
7. April 2005 @ 11:34 |
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I just tested this issue on 3 XP systems, upgrading from NVE30127 to NVE3100 and in all cases the nendgui.dll file is upgraded.
If it fails to upgrade, this would indeed cause problems. But this would not explain those who use the Nero General Clean tool and then did a fresh install and still had these two symptoms of Nero Recode closing, or Nero Recode not a seeing Titles from 'Remake a DVD' option.
Nero Inc
7. April 2005 @ 11:38 |
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I have installed Nero and Nero express,
and have prob with recode crashing (win crashes) as soon as you select anything.
I installed about 10 serial numbers for Nero plug-ins (i don't have installed) to see what effect recode would through up when I ran.
Suprisingly the crashes have stopped?
Senior Member
7. April 2005 @ 12:38 |
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Can you send me the serial key you had installed initially, that caused Nero Recode to 'crash'?
I've still not had anyone send me one of these serial keys, to see if that is the issue or not. :-(
You can send it to me at techsupport4@nero.com
Nero Inc
Senior Member
8. April 2005 @ 12:08 |
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Hello Everyone,
Thanks to one of the AfterDawn Forum Members, I have finally recieved a Serial key to confirm the issue of Nero Recode crashing when you launch it. This is indeed a Serial key related issue, as any other serial key that I use does not show this symptom, and the serial key was indeed a valid serial key. I've generated a bug report so our Engineers can look into this issue now that they will be able to duplicate this.
Till this is resolved, anyone who has a problem of Nero Recode crashing as soon as they launch it, or try to click on any of the options, please send an Email to our Techsupport@nero.com and tell them you have a defective serial key that causes Nero Recode to crash, and that this is a bug confirmed by Craig at Nero Inc. You will need to provide them with your serial key so that they can confirm this is a defective serial key, and so they can provide you with a replacement serial key. They will need to know your Name, Email Address, and your Serial key. They may ask for some proof of purchase, I'm not sure at this point.
I hope this is resolved soon in our next releaes of our software, so that we do not need to replace too many serial keys.
Sorry for the trouble, and thanks again to all the Forum members here. I could not have resolved this issue without your assistance.
Best Regards,
Nero Inc
Junior Member
10. April 2005 @ 05:06 |
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Craig,will this new update by Nero fix the problem of Recode 2 not detecting the Video_TS files and on the new Nero Burning Rom fix the Parameter error on disc's that are created?
11. April 2005 @ 08:32 |
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Thanks Craig to diligently listening to this thread and hopefully the pending update will nullify this!
I have been testing and looking at this problem of not detecting Video_TS files for about a week and working on a PC with DVD rom to DVD writer copying. I'm not using imagedrive to which a lot of messages seem to relate.
I am getting occasional coasters still but the test machine is only a 667MHz 256Mb celeron.
This is a workaround tested under WinXP (high spec PC) and under Win98 (above system)
If using AnyDVD or similar ensure it has had time to 'activate' on any disc insertion that follows, but fault/workaround applies without AnyDVD loaded.
DVD writer is sec IDE channel Master, DVD rom is sec IDE channel slave, files stored on root of IDE secondary slave.
Start recode
Insert source dvd in writer and start Import
Click cancel when analysis starts
Eject and then insert source dvd in dvd rom drive (wait for AnyDVD or the like)
Click import again and change drive source
When analysis starts again can insert a blank disc in writer, but don't do it before as it resets the workaround.
I don't think the above would resolve the imagedrive configurations and I'm still getting notable problems with DMA on the win98 PC as I can only enable one device for DMA on the secondary channel at a time and when I do I get occasional block errors.
If anyone is running 98 with a working DMA on both channels to DVD rom and DVD writer then could they post, otherwise I'm tempted to think this is a recode issue with ASPI and may be relevant as with imagedrive only one device is DMA according to the logs posted. DMA seems to work fine with everything else.
AfterDawn Addict
11. April 2005 @ 17:51 |
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Many thanks for your very valuable time. Without you, many of us would be in the dark.
All in all, it's a good marriage :D)
Senior Member
13. April 2005 @ 09:20 |
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Yes, we are expecting the new release of Nero Recode to resolve all the reported issues.
They have on our test systems that were able to duplicate them. But we will not know for sure till we get feedback from you and other users. :-(
But we are 99% sure it will resolve the issue. :-)
Nero Inc
Junior Member
14. April 2005 @ 09:20 |
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Craig...glad u r on top of things.....hope the new release fixes issues as well. Update on my problems, which were different that for others....all seems to be working fine now. I used clean tools and did fresh install with all the latest updates available and also installed the Nero ASPI as directed in it's readme. The only two problem backups that I had were "Forgotten" and "Resident Evil Apocalypse" and those problems disappeared when I reduced burn speed from maximum to 4x and didn't use the burn direct to disc option. Thanks to everyone for their imput and help. BTW...I am going to check out the current nendgui.dll and see which version and date it shows just to satisfy my curiosity.....I will post on here what I find.
Asus P4p800E deluxe,P4 2.8 ghz "prescott" 533 fsb,
two sticks Micron 512 mb pc3200 400mhz ram, WD Caviar 200 gb SATA HD 7200 rpm (not raid,)cheap micro advantage dual layer dvd burner, Win XP Pro SP2
14. April 2005 @ 16:07 |
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Hey craig/scuba;
Were any of the test environment machines able to duplicate the instances I had mentioned before about making image files that were greating than 95x MB's if and only if DVD-R DL engine enabled versions of Nero Burning ROM ( or Nero Vision Express ( were installed? That the images would have the packet header errors in them?
14. April 2005 @ 16:55 |
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hi db minter
I still get the "burning layer 2" informaion during recoding a film and it never plays.
it maybe due to do with the serial tag and set straight with next release.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. April 2005 @ 17:01
14. April 2005 @ 17:06 |
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drlight (BTW, in many places, I'm called by some variation of Dr. Wily :>)
Try using Recode to write to a folder instead. The files should be fine and then you can use Nero Burning ROM to create a DVD-Video job and import the files into the VIDEO_TS folder. I've not had a problem with DVD's Recode has made when doing this. It is something in the image creation phase only and only when NBR or .8a or NVE are installed. Due to, IMO, the DVD-R DL engine, the only common factor between the two versions and apps in these revisions.
You can also install NVE, copy the Recode folder to a temporary location, uninstall, install the previous NVE revision, whose number escapes me, and NBR, and copy over the install Recode folder, overwriting the files. You can then use the latest version of Recode to make images without the error. As long as you use pre revisions, Recode will not create images with the Burning Layer 2 problem and thus the discs will play fine. In my experience it has been. Even Recode going as far back as NVE or something like that was affected only when were installed.
Try out these solutions and see if they also help you, too, and let us know. That way, we can say it's not just a solution that has worked for one person.
Junior Member
15. April 2005 @ 08:19 |
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Here is my nendgui.dll info....it is older than either one that pooterpie posted..... last modified 09/13/2004. Don't know if this means anything other than I am using an older version of 6.0 that was OEM with my burner instead of the full retail package but I don't seem to be having the problems anymore.
Asus P4p800E deluxe,P4 2.8 ghz "prescott" 533 fsb,
two sticks Micron 512 mb pc3200 400mhz ram, WD Caviar 200 gb SATA HD 7200 rpm (not raid,)cheap micro advantage dual layer dvd burner, Win XP Pro SP2
Junior Member
15. April 2005 @ 08:56 |
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I just tested the new version dated yesterday, and the Recode problem appears to have been fixed! I tried it on two machines along with the latest NVE, and it appears to be working the way it should. Has anyone else tested the new version yet?
Thanks Craig and Nero, appreciate the support.
15. April 2005 @ 12:25 |
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Tried no change with slave DVD reader issue. I notice the change log on Nero site has NVE, but there is no download for this.
15. April 2005 @ 12:46 |
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Try to download the current link. Sometimes, they don't change the date or version number on the site. Sometimes, you need to check the contents of the FTP site, too.
15. April 2005 @ 19:46 |
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I haven't run extensive tests yet, but, the DVD-R DL issue (Just my name for it. May not even be caused by it.) may be partially resolved with the install of NBR I created images both in the failure range (945 MB) and one in the Burning 2nd Layer that does not fail range (1069 MB). I decrypted both the mounted images and the discs these images were burned to. The packet header not found errors were not present when decrypting the mounted 1069 MB image nor were they present on the DVD-RW this image was burned to. While the Burning 2nd Layer message does still appear in the Recode log, it does not fail to complete analysis, as it used to in the 945 MB range and the 1069 MB image decrypted fine.
HOWEVER, there are still errors in the 945 MB image where the Compile of a DVD used to just fail all together. While it does not fail to Compile the DVD like it used to do, it DOES have, yes, you guessed :) the packet header not found errors on decrypt of the mounted image file as well as the DVD-RW burned from the image. BUT, here's the weird thing. The old discs like this, with the packet header not found errors caused Recode to run out memory attempting to read the contents it created back in. It no longer does that, either from the mounted image or from the burned disc. There's no immediate way to tell about these discs without.
So, as long as your DVD image isn't in the failure range in the range of image file sizes I posted earlier in this thread, it should, at least, not fail to Compile anymore. BUT, whether these discs acutally work without problems, I still need to test.
So, drlight, try installing Nero Burning ROM and see if Recode creates discs that will play now. My above tests were with Nero Vision Express installed. I need to perform actual play tests now, of course, but, getting past half the previous errors when testing any new revision may be a good sign. :) Let us know what results you get.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. April 2005 @ 20:39
16. April 2005 @ 00:15 |
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There appears to still be a slight problem from before involving the packet header not found errors in Recode image files with NBR installed. It is very small and I only happened to notice a symptom by accident. Something caught the corner of my eye and I previewed the video with the slider in Recode to be sure.
It involves making Images of a specific size, 933 MB to 957 MB. (Technically, some part of 932 MB is part of this range, because you can move the slider a few ticks between each MB.) My test Image was 945 MB. What had been happening with (or NVE and any version of NBR) was if the Image target file size was within the given MB range, the Compiling DVD part would fail. Just fail in that step. It does not fail anymore, but, the output has a minor error. When decrypting with the latest version of DVD Decrypter, discs will have packet header not found errors. It manifests itself in this form: when Recode had read in discs before that it had created with packet header errors, Recode simply failed at the opening analysis, due to an out of memory error. Recode will read in these discs now, but, there will be one very small area of corrupted video in the final Title. The area, by that I mean one press of the arrow keys in the preview pane in Recode will be, on my screen, solid green in a significant portion of the video. On playback, the player will pause at these segments and then resume playing, "jumping" over the video. Where the error occurs depends on what the target size of the Image is, but, it will always be in the final Title, the Title X where X is the largest number in the Titles sequences imported in.
The packet header not found errors on decrypting with DVD Decrypter had been a problem before with any disc image greater than 957 MB, but, that seems to have been fixed with NBR installed. But, they seem to have been shifted to the 933 to 957 MB range, as opposed to failing to complete the Compiling DVD stage now.
The maximum size is now somewhere between 986 and 987. (986.0 will fail, but not 987.0. It's the ticks inbetween the two values where the maximum size lies. Starting at 986.0, only 1 packet header error is generated on decrypt.) The 933 value remains the same, though.
Before, 960 MB was a range where Compiling did not fail, but, the resulting image still had packet header not found errors. 1065 MB did not have packet header errors.
The files written to folder as opposed to an image file do not have errors in them. Only when Recode writes the Image to HD. I should try uninstalling NVE because it also had had similar problems and no new version was available to replace it.
Okay, went back to an older NVE, and still had the same problems. So, in the meantime, I am still recommending writing files to a folder only with Recode for now. That should solve the problem I and drlight (Anyone else?) have reported.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. April 2005 @ 03:14
16. April 2005 @ 15:38 |
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............ there was too much to read on this problem with RECODE2 so I hope I'm not duplacting a fix here..............
I'm running Nero (updated from 6.6I had a problem with RECODE2 crashing as so as it started up. the fix for this is simple. change the NeNDGui.dll to xNeNDGui.dll ( C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter), restart the 'putter and presto.
16. April 2005 @ 16:40 |
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This thread gets a bit confusing, I've re-read it several times as there seem to be several issues, some possibly related, others not. The crash on start issue has been addressed as a serial number issue, it would be useful I think for Nero if you sent Craig (previous threads your serial for replacement) then the Nero digital gui dll doesn't need renaming.
I'm no expert at DVD issues and so 'newbie' is my right title, but in problem solving / fault isolation I have a lot of years behind me.
Back to my previous post I did check all Nero ftp servers for the phantom version of recode refered to in changelogs. I have updated the nerofiles in nerovision folder with the dll's from the latest update of Nero, still does not resolve the visibility of files in recode if source not coming from the dvd writer. I hope this issue will be addressed sooner rather than later a it seems to affect quite a bunch of functionality; recode and remake options but not Nero digital in recode2; it also seems the nuisance factor is quite high to several people not being able to read from more than one source.
Dbminter - It seems your issues IMHO may be coming from your image files (going back through all posts), it is difficult to duplicate the error conditions, which you define and I'm not using Alcohol and am not familiar with it, but briefly looked at its' installation, I doubt compatability when installed with Nero, but can I suggest trying isobuster (the unregistered version will do) to create a new image from your mounted image; rename the image extension from tao to iso and mouting that in Nero imagedrive to see if that resolves the issue. That is if your source images are previously saved from a prior version of a different program or copied dvd from another program etc. I think you will hate me suggesting this as I am basically saying does this happen with Alcohol completely uninstalled?
That is if you are still trying to resolve this issue?
16. April 2005 @ 19:31 |
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In my case, it is not image files. It also happens on real, non protected discs. Plus, this issue only occurs with any NBR beyond and only with NVE Regress to any previous versions and it goes away. Hence why I think it's the DVD-R DL thing. It's the only common addition in both apps, the Burning 2nd Layer appears in the output even on single layer discs, which would be logical to infer it might be a problem because DVD-R DL would expressly have 2 layers in it, even if burning only 1 layer, due to how DL burning works. Lastly, DVD Shrink, which is the basic template for Recode back in its early days, does not have any problems creating Image or disk files from the same source doing the same edits.
I, too, know a thing or two about program testing:
1.) BS degree in comp sci :)
2.) beta tester for a popular Afterdawn download. ;)
Plus, I believe drlight has the same problem as I've described. Granted, I did go into further detail. :)
Your problem about Recode nothing finding any titles should be the one resolved. You can also resolve it by renaming the GUI DLL mentioned before. If your problem is trying to read from two different source
drives and you're not getting any Titles, I know this is still a bug in Recode beyond the one installed with NVE It's in the NVE, too; amazingly enough, I just now finished testing that one when I came here. LOL I forget, though, if it's for physical source drives or only just for virtual drives, but, on one or both, there is an issue where Recode cannot read in from multiple sources simultaneously. You will get very weird Start, Stop, and total time values because Recode apparently gets "confused" because there weren't supposed to be 2 separate genetic patterns. (Free virtual cookie, not a web one, to anyone who names the quote! :> ) Recode apparently forgets where it is in the stream from two separate of these sources.
As for testing if it's Alcohol, I've even gone so far as to restore a virgin, factory install partition for this PC and only installing the very basics and other alternative apps, too. Daemon Tools performed likewise. Although, I think this reminds me I never tested Nero's Image thing with it. Rarely used it.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. April 2005 @ 19:33
17. April 2005 @ 04:53 |
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Thanks dbminter and sorry if it sounded like doubting what you were doing, that clarifies the issues and out of personal curiosity I will endeavor to reproduce them as at times during extensive re-builds I believe I have not had the burning second layer in dialogue on occasions (and hence a possible fix), but when precisely I cannot recall (poor record keeping!). I think it was when messing with ASPI under win98 and/or deleting wnaspi32.dll(both copies) from Nero install to force use of windows ASPI, perhaps it was under win2000/XP to force SPTI; I could have been using an earlier version of wnaspi32.dll or nero's patch. I went through the lot to try and resolve the inability to read source files issue, which remains unresolved except by disk swapping as outlined in my earlier post.
Clearly Craig has said all issues will be hopefully resolved in next release of recode, so I guess it may be redundant work, but it keeps the mind going ;<)
17. April 2005 @ 07:56 |
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It's not a good idea to rename 'NeNDGui.dll', cause this is a big file
or to install an older version of NVE and overwrite the Nero Recode folder with the one from !
HERE IS MY SOLUTION (quite simple, I hope it works for all the others):
I solved the problem, that recode could not access DVD titles.
I deleted the 'dvddisc.dll' inside the Nero recode program folder.
It seems that the programmers forgot to delete it, because it has the
same internal name as 'ndvddisc.dll' (DVDdisc.dll !!!).
'dvddisc.dll' and 'ndvddisc.dll' have 100 percent identic properties.
I'm not a programmer - I'm just a user.
Sorry, but how stupid are the programmers ....... ?
Money for nothing !
Junior Member
17. April 2005 @ 10:02 |
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I'm going to try again for the 5th time this newer version of Nero and the NVE and hopefully it will work as its SUPPOSE TO DO.Ill try the deleteing of the dvddisc.dll file also if I have to.If it don't work then I'll roll it back to what dose work for me,again.
"Burn Baby Burn"
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. April 2005 @ 11:02
Junior Member
17. April 2005 @ 12:17 |
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HALLELUJAH ! It works now,but I had to delete the "ndvddisc.dll" file not the "dvddisc.dll" file in the Recode directory and it works even the the "Bad Perameter" problem in Nero burnning Rom when creating a disc.There is a God !
"Burn Baby Burn"