I have a DVD that is 5gb and need to shrink it to a standard DVD. The slider in DVD shrink wont let me shrink to fit. Any ideas why it wont let me do that?
open shrink
click...edit (top left)
target size...custom..set to 4360m
open disc
drag and drop Main movie only
click back up
here's how i do
movie only with shrink and decrypter.(you can use nero/imgburn instead of decrypter)
you will need anydvd running in the background to get rid of protection's
anydvd download (gives you a free trial)
Shrink it twice. 1st time,do it normal,but when you click backup-make sure the Select Folder for temp files-you may want to name that file to your movie. After double checking rest of backup options,click ok. It'll tell you size too big and may not fit. Just ignore it and click ok. After the analyzing,encoding:If you have dual drives,remove the empty disc during the analyzing. Single drive,just abort when it asks for blank disc.
Then open up dvd shrink,open files,locate that movie.Open it up and it'll do another quick analysis. Click Backup.Then set the Select folder for Temporary files to a similar name of that movie. Then proceed again. It'll compress it the rest of the way to fit.
Make sure you use the AEC enhancement like Max Sharpness,or Max Smoothness for because you'll lose some quality.
Make sure you have plenty of empty HD space because you'll have 2 folder approx 4.25 gbs each. Get rid of the 1st folder after you are done. Use that 2nd folder for extra copies or delete it if you don't need it.
5 gbs should easily be compressed the 1st time.I haven't done Reign over me.Even the Lord of the Rings trilogy of 3+ hrs movies each,didn't show any red. I have seen very few movies where dvd shrink had a red sliding bar for too big.
But,some of the newer encrypted flicks are doing some screwy things to dvd shrink. I've had a couple movies that have red in the slider bar before and after reauthoring.. Dvd shrink shows Automatic,90 or 99. According to the red sliderbar,it's too big because red is bad.
According to shrinks setting,it's ok and needs minimal compression. I've seen this 2-3 times in the last 4 weeks. 1st time,I ran into it,I ran it through shrink twice,but 2nd shrinking,dvd shrink said 100% so no compression was on it. The 2nd time I ran into it, I ignored the red slider bar and went with shrinks readout of automatic,90%.
The false red sliderbar can definitely screw up some people.Go with dvd shrink's compression %.If it tells you 50% or lower,it may very well need shrunk twice. If in doubt,use a DVD-/+ RW disc, LOL.
Anybody else noticing the unusualy Red sliderbars but shrink shows minimal compression %?
Quote:Anybody else noticing the unusualy Red sliderbars but shrink shows minimal compression %?
i can't say as i have taken a lot off notice...i'll do so next time i shrink
i must agree that 5 gig should be a doddle...but thinking about what Pete917 says
if he was only using the start/finish frames sliders then he could still end up with the movie being larger than the 4.38Gig.