Hi - I hope you can help as I have spent hours trying to burn this disc after using DVDFab and DVD Shrink. When I go to burn I get message "Not enough space"
Image size - 2,299,848 Sectors (4.491 mb)
Disc Size: 2,297,888 Sectors (4.488 mb)
It's not that I don't know how to use these programs because I do - the problem I think, is the disc I'm copying - it is from a boxed set of the series "Bones" which was purchased in Taiwan and probably already ripped or shrunk before. Unfortunately the episodes on this one can't be re-authored as it is all under "Title 1", so I can't see a way to separate to 2 Discs.
1) uncheck all audio u don't listen to to help save space
2) you can always shrink once and leave output as hard disc folder, and then reshrink the 1st out put folder a second time to get to your desired target size.
Originally posted by tammy2: Unfortunately the episodes on this one can't be re-authored as it is all under "Title 1", so I can't see a way to separate to 2 Discs.
If you don't care about keeping menus, you can easily separate a movie to 2 discs using DVD Shrink. You just choose "Reauthor" and then use the Start/End function to split the movie in half. Not with this particular title though, it would be a waste of space.You can just cut out junk from the begining(logos and stuff), and the end credits.
hI Iluvendo,
Thank you for your fast reply, however, I don't understand what you mean -
There is only access on the disc when you try to re-author to delete Chinese language and in the main movie all episodes are under one title only - all other boxed sets I have done - each episode is titled separately, allowing you to split the disc in two.
Can you explain the shrink twice instructions step by step.
You shrink the video once. Instead of choosing the output target your DVD burner,"burn with nero" or "burn with DVD Decrypter", you choose "Save as ISO to HDD" or "Save as HDD folder". After you are done shrinking, you will have a shrinked.ISO or shrinked.Video_TS folder.(they will have whatever name you name them)
You open DVD Shrink again, and this time instead of loading the movie from the DVD, you choose "Open Files" and open the Video_TS folder, or if you saved as an ISO, you choose "Open Disc Image" and navigate to where you saved the shrinked.ISO, and process again.
You might not need to shrink again. Try cutting the end credits and the begining logos.
Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you to let you know how I overcame my problem with shrinking my disc.
I went to the two frame screens on re-author and started the first screen at No.1 and the second frame screen ended with No. 9 - then I encoded that lot. Then I started again with the No. 10 in first screen and No. 18 in the second and then encoded that one.
I would like to thank you all for your instant support, which I really appreciate. It is nice to know that there is somebody out there who is willing to give up their time to assist. You don't get that type of support sometimes from expensive programs and this is FREEWARE.
So you split the disc in two.
That works too, if you don't want to compress. Glad you figured that out!
As for the paid programs, there are very few out there that will give you the support that you are entitle to, since you pay them for that. Most of them take your money and show you the finger!