I assume you have the PSP Slim? Yeah you need Skype credit (put money into a Skype account)to make calls off of yer PSP, you can also call people who already have skype either on their PC, PDA, PSP for free, I do believe you need the head set with microphone to do it though, since the PSP slim doesnt have an internal microphone, I always wanted to try skype on the PSP, if anyone here has knowledge of how the quailty is please let us know! Thanks!
the skype service is very good if you have a headset you can call 1800 numbers with out skype credit so you can call 1800goog411 and it will connect you to any business in the us for free you can also call other skype members for free but you have to pay to call landline orcell phones directly and to have a phone number to recive calls butits very cheap
Assuming you already have a set of headphones (who doesn't?) then you can use the go!cam as the microphone attachment. So if you already have the go!cam, you're good to go. I bought the camera for a few quid more than the slim headset and can take pictures and stuff - it will be really cool if I get around to using go! messenger - is it like a video phone?
It all works fine and means you have a cordless skype phone to use around the house or better still (but I've yet to try it) a skype phone you can take with you to use at any hotspot you may find.
Yeh, I could just use my mobile, but skype is freeeeeeeee! 8-)>