dumpster diving !
Senior Member
6. June 2009 @ 15:51 |
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FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
6. June 2009 @ 16:46 |
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ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ =)=)=)=)=)=) I Cant beleive this thread is still so active,and going like it is,how long has this thing been going,haha,i never looked before i posted this,and im still getting emails everytime its updated
6. June 2009 @ 16:53 |
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Originally posted by odie241: ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ =)=)=)=)=)=) I Cant beleive this thread is still so active,and going like it is,how long has this thing been going,haha,i never looked before i posted this,and im still getting emails everytime its updated
and after all this time of being a member and posting in this thread here,I'm still a newbie,lmao
Senior Member
6. June 2009 @ 19:24 |
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odie241- all things come to he or she who waits ! - I would'nt worry about being new !!! You'll be old one day trust me !!!! - Besides Labels don'y necessarily mean Much ? I've learned lot's from Quote " So called Newbies as well as Old hat's and everyone inbetween ! - Iy's a community So your being New is just like you moving to a new neighborhood ? Your gonna be The new Guy on the Block for awhile That's all !!!! But title changes will come with time ! Just be respectful of others as you would want them to be to you, keep an open mind about things and people !!!.Try and help others when you can ? and keep a sense of Humor about you Cause we all need to laugh now and then !!! You'll find that 99.9999999999 to the Infinite decimal place % of members are Great people and will go out of their way to help if they can So Live And Be well my friend and have fun with your Techno-HobbY Good luck & happy Burning & Diving
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
8. June 2009 @ 22:53 |
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No updates really. Macs stopped falling out of the sky =/ it's like people stopped throwing away their stuff lately lol.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. June 2009 @ 07:21 |
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Originally posted by 21Q: No updates really. Macs stopped falling out of the sky =/ it's like people stopped throwing away their stuff lately lol.
thats the understatement of the year...times are tough and people are trying ot take of there things better,repair there things the best they can. but thats no excuse for BlockBuster to stop tossing cases..ive came up dry my last 10-15 dives.nothing at all. that includes 3 different dives. its 7:18am here, the boys are out of school and we are going to the river to do a little fishing this morning and might hit a coupple new BB's. if no cases are there i will come back with a fishing story...lol
hope everyone is doing well and being good. i know its hard for me to keep up as much as i did before. LIFE HAPPENS...lol
Senior Member
9. June 2009 @ 10:49 |
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cincyrob- Hey Bud Glad your still Skulking around lolJ/k !!!! - Went this morning My old faithful & regular producer Had about 30 or 40 That I could get & Both Dumpsters were full'O metal /wire Rack shelving ? which made my Job a lil' bit mo' difficult !!! But I got As many as I could !!! there . On to my second Stop About 100-110 Maybe ? loose I got 'em all Just Like Poke'mon ? I bagged and counted a total of 144 for this trip not great but not bad ???? for a few minutes of work !!! Good luck And Happy Father's day in advance !!! Ciao Y'all
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
10. June 2009 @ 10:39 |
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Rob, glad you have some time for the family bonding, (Fishing) Some things are more important than BB diving, but seriously went on a nice family trip to Atlanta, saw the aquarium then visited the Coke museum, saw something definitely not from a dumpster you might appreciate (Well, envy is a better word).

Sorry, couldn't resist, the urge got the better of me.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. June 2009 @ 10:39
AfterDawn Addict
10. June 2009 @ 13:59 |
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Eat your heart out Rob. Blivet that was evil and sheer delight! LMAO
Senior Member
11. June 2009 @ 09:14 |
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garmoon-BLIVET says That's Dr. EVIL to You !!!! " I did'nt go to 8 years of Evil Medical School to be callrd Mr. Evil " LOL!!!! Go Easy on our Boy {CincYRob } He's Trying !!!!!- Good Luck & Good Hunting, Fishing < Diving or Whatever Float's yer BOAT !!!!Ciao!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
11. June 2009 @ 09:46 |
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Of course if the big Red Machine ever wins another championship, their logo will appear on cans of Milwaukee's Best" or something of the sort.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
11. June 2009 @ 11:51 |
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now theres nothing wrong with some milwaukees best(ice)
heck after 108 years of total failure i would be proud to have a title again. enjoy it while ya can. the era of the roids is over so all of bostons chances are now slim to nun again....lmao.
The Little Red Machine is doing just fine.giving people some hope for now. the only chance we have is to stay healthy and we arent right now.
i did think i seen taht ring and can before. the ring i saw in the buble gum dispenser outside a barbershop, and the can im sure my 10yo tossed 50 of them a few weeks back......lol guess ill have to go do a DIVE for them...had to get back on track.
AfterDawn Addict
11. June 2009 @ 14:33 |
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sorry Dr. EVIL!
garmoon bows down and takes his 40 lashes. Now does this mean I get maybe 12 virgins, to enjoy in the here and now.
'Cause there is nowhere mentioned that SEX is even permitted in Heaven nor Hell.
11. June 2009 @ 16:31 |
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do you deserve it? dr. evil has got nothing compared to me.
AfterDawn Addict
11. June 2009 @ 21:23 |
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no comment LOL
Senior Member
11. June 2009 @ 23:22 |
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Quote: garmoon bows down and takes his 40 lashes. Now does this mean I get maybe 12 virgins, to enjoy in the here and now.
'Cause there is nowhere mentioned that SEX is even permitted in Heaven nor Hell.
Not to step on the toes of any religon or dash the hopes of some potential suicide bomber, but if they make it to heaven or paradise as a virgin, just how ugly are they?
Personally if I was to be rewarded with female flesh in the afterlife I would like one slutty chick who knew what she was doing.
(Me smell ban for this one)
11. June 2009 @ 23:30 |
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ban afterguard deoderant?
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
12. June 2009 @ 09:18 |
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LMAO!!!! and who said ddp had no sense of humor???
im with you on this one BlivetNC lol
Quote: Personally if I was to be rewarded with female flesh in the afterlife I would like one slutty chick who knew what she was doing.
AfterDawn Addict
13. June 2009 @ 14:53 |
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yeah, ddp is a rather witty nice guy when his capacitor isn't charged!
Senior Member
14. June 2009 @ 09:49 |
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[b][/ Yeah !!!! I would Settle For Thailand " Interesting Food , Beautiful Women !!!! IT might'nt Not Be Heaven But Could have Dibs on Paradise ??????????? Unfortunately It did'nt appear So For The Late Character actor, B-Movie Star & Kung Fu/ Kwai Chang Cain Star David Carridine Who Was Either Murdered , Commmited Sideways or Accidentally Hung Hisself durning a Bout of Auto-Erotic asphixiation - & While My prayers and Condolences go Out To his Family I can't see Punching out like that ? But as that Catch Phrase Goes " The world may never Know?"
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
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Senior Member
17. June 2009 @ 10:04 |
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Went yesterday Will post results once all is counted and sorted !!! Wake Up america !!!!!!!! The EaRth has a Fever !!!!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. June 2009 @ 11:36
AfterDawn Addict
17. June 2009 @ 13:34 |
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Yeah it's HOT and last night I left a hose running all night watering a flower bed and the street and storm drains. Nothing growing in the street yet tho. And after work when I got home AC was not working. Just the drain pipe and pan were full but I did have to get in attic at 1pm must have been 150 degs, and blow the damn algae out of the line. LOL
Senior Member
17. June 2009 @ 17:54 |
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Bleach works wonders cleaning out algae and scum from AC condensate lines.
AfterDawn Addict
17. June 2009 @ 20:35 |
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Yeah it got a good dose of 50% bleach and water after unstopping. Someone also told me liquid draino also is good for keep the drain opened. Anyone tried that?
Senior Member
18. June 2009 @ 12:23 |
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garmoon- naw just used bleach / chlorine myself ! Would recommend caution if you try the draino thing !!!!! - Okay Gang Yesterdays Totals - 290 cases mostly the Booger Green Game cases along with a Fair amount of White DVD/game cases and The rest were mostly Blockbuster Heavy Duty Locking cases !!! , Also retrieved were 59 Playstation 3 cases and 6 Bluray cases along with about 2dozen Marley & Me Frisbee's ( Ooops!!!! I mean Flying disc) Frisbree's a trademark !!!!- I also Found a Pristine framed artwork Marilyn Monroe Picture still in the original packaging {Sweet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!} I hit my regular /favorite BB first & Found Most of the Booger Green& white Cases , All the frisbee's and the Marilyn Monroe print there !!! THen to Stop #2 MOre Cases & almost Got some free Movies ( Loose DVD's ) But they were all Killed with a Box cutter so Curse You BB employee !!!! . Then Just like the last 2 or three Times At the third stop The BB Nerd was there already so El paso on that one ! Still To quote that Shakespearian Actor & Famous Rap Artist ICe CUBE - Damn Right it was a Good Day LOL!!!!!! Ciao Y;all
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. June 2009 @ 12:24