An AVI converted and burned to a DVD disk, has no region.
It's only a commercial DVD movie disk that has a region code - then DVD Shrink will make it all regions.
I have been using dvdshrink for well over 4 years now and never really had a problem.
I usually convertx2dvd the avi files I need, author them with dvdlab, run them through dvdshrink and burn them with nero, this makes the dvd region free, and I never have had problems before.
I recently reformatted my xp computer and now when I follow those steps the dvds wont play on my xbox, its hd player, or a regular dvd player.
Now the only way I can get the dvds to play is if I skip the dvd shrink process and burn the authored files using nero, only problem is, the dvds arnt region free that way.,
In DVD Shrink, when you click 'Backup' there is a region tab, you can use this to select the region (or all regions).
If that doesn't help, PGCEdit may be able to do it.
Ya, before, when I had all regions selected, it would work no problem, i THOUGHT that might be the new problem, but even when i select region 1 it wont work.
Originally posted by attar: Open the output files from DVD-Lab or ConvertX with PGCEdit.
Allow it to scan the files.
When scanning complete, click 'Close' on the pop-up box.
Click the 'Globe' logo on the Toolbar and check the Region settings.
A video that has all the boxes checked will play in all regions.
Fill in the boxes as required and save the files [Ctrl s].
(you can also do this with the DVD disk - but of course, the files cannot be updated)
If your original files are in 'Video_TS', use that folder after Pgcedit has modified them.
The backup folder only contains the originals of the files that have been modified.
They can be used to replace the modified files if you make an error or want the original region code back without re-opening the folder.