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PS2 Sonic Heroes Swap Magic fix guide
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1. February 2004 @ 08:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey wats up peeps just wanted to hook you all up with the Sonic Heroes guide

The first thing you need to do is get these tools:
Sony cd/dvd generator v1.20 or v1.50 you have to also get the fix for this program which is wnaspi.dll
and the dummy.bin fix from

1.Alright now we start by making a iso file using dvddecrypter or any program you like that will make a perfect iso file.

2.Now make a new folder place it somewhere on your computer somewhere like your desktop and extract all the files from the iso with isobuster into that folder.

3.Place the _DUMMY_.BIN fix file in your folder you made that has all the game files extracted in.It will ask you do you want to replace the original dummy.bin file just say yes.

4.Open up Sony cd/dvd generator v1.20 or v1.50 either one they are both the same and create a new project dvd-rom master disc do not click on the one that say dvd-rom master disc dual layered.Place all the files from the folder where all your game files are in this order one at a time:


Make sure they are exactly in this order if the files are in a folder look inside the folder and see if they are in the order they are suppose to be in.

5.Go to where it says Layout at the top right of the program and you will see numbers to the left of the files you just placed into the program this is the LBA.Right click on the numbers to the left of the files and retype all the LBA numbers in:

0000300 ,SYSTEM.CNF
0000301 ,SLPM_654.31
0004193 ,STAGE.BIN
0004550 ,MOVIE.BIN
0004683 ,STAGE07.BIN
0004804 ,STAGE09.BIN
0004918 ,STAGE13.BIN
0005027 ,STAGE40.BIN
0005129 ,STAGE03.BIN
0005219 ,STAGE01.BIN
0005301 ,STAGE05.BIN
0005377 ,STAGE11.BIN
0005453 ,ADV.BIN
0005508 ,STAGE28.BIN
0005535 ,STAGE27.BIN
0005556 ,STAGE26.BIN
0005577 ,STAGE33.BIN
0005592 ,EVENT_G.BIN
0005605 ,EVENT_F.BIN
0005617 ,EVENT_S.BIN
0005629 ,EVENT_I.BIN
0005641 ,EVENT_J.BIN
0005653 ,EVENT_E.BIN
0005664 ,EVENT_K.BIN
0005675 ,STAGE32.BIN
0005681 ,ASAVE.BIN
0005686 ,STAGE31.BIN
0005691 ,_DUMMY_.BIN
0005692 ,ROFS.CVM

Make sure after typing the LBA numbers in that you get a star by it.You must retype every files LBA number over again.

6.Go to where it says Volume Master Disc Information and type this in where it says Disc Name:SLPM 65431 this going to be your slus name for the game.Another way of finding out what your slus of the game is for this particular game would be to look at this file in your game folder SLPM_654.31 this will tell you what you should type in for the Disc Name.Note make sure you don't type it exactly they way it is SLPM_654.31 type it exactly this way SLPM 65431.

7.Now click on the burn button in the program you should get a error but this is normal if it doesn't support your burner doesn't matter though because it will let you create the image files.It will ask you to save .iml and .ims and a list and so forth on just save all these files directly to your harddrive C: or D: or whatever harddrive you want to use etc...

8.Go to the bottom left of your computer where it says start and go to where it says run.Type this in cmd or command and press enter.It will give you a dos prompt.We are going to make the iso using dos so make sure you remember what you named your .iml files should be something like this sonic.000,sonic.001 etc...or whatever you named them.You also need to know what harddrive you saved them all to C:,D: etc...Now when you are in the dos prompt it should look something like this:
or might look different something like this C:Document and Settings\OWNER>
type this in:
C:DOCUME~1OWNER>cd C:\ or whatever drive you saved the .iml files to

Now it should bring up this when you have done it correct:
C:\> the drive I am using is the C: drive
Ok almost done with it one more step with this and you are done with it type this in
C:\>copy /b sonic.000 + sonic.001 + sonic.002 heroes.iso

This will make your iso file just be patient and make sure that you type in the names of your .iml files you saved them as example:I saved my .iml files as sonic so if you saved them as a different name use it.The heroes.iso file is also changeable you can name this anything you want but I would make sure you name it something different than your .iml files.

You should now see the .iml files such as this forming
this is making the iso and saving it to the drive that you placed all your .iml files to.

9.After this process is done you can burn the iso with any program you are use to burning your PS2 games Nero,Record Now,Alcohol 120%,Dvddecrypter etc...

Peace L-Burna and enjoy the guide

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. February 2004 @ 08:45

1. February 2004 @ 10:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks a lot Burna ... I followed your instructions step by step (using dvd decrypter). I am in step 4 and here is my situation :

1. I have a subfolder called modules with the IOPR280.IMG and PACKIRX.BIN in it. I have to go to that subfolder to drag those files in the CD/DVD gen 1.20 to create the MODULESISOPR280 and MODULESPACKIR.BIN right?.

2. I don't see the file SPLM_654.31 but I have the file called SLUS 207.18. What should I do now?.

Again, thank you for taking your time to give us newbies a detailed guide like this. I really appreciate you generosity.
Junior Member
1. February 2004 @ 10:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey L-Burna just to let u know this is a very helpful guide, thanks a lot.

By the way, one question need to ask u, what do u mean by " have to also get the fix for this program which is wnaspi.dll"??

What does the file (wnaspi.dll) suppose to do to this program?? I guess this file doesn't come with the program when installing it right? Also, where can I find this single file, if cannot find it, will I still be able to go through this whole list of making a Sonic Heroes backup successfully?? Thanx again!

Senior Member
1. February 2004 @ 11:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey wats up eurobum if you have the file Slus 207.18 just put it in the spot where SLPM 654.31 is.Then go to disc name and change it to this Disc Name:SLUS-20718 and it should work.The wnaspi.dll file was pulled from Nero to fix the sony cd/dvd gen so everybody can create the image files the .iml files if you don't have this fix it won't let you create the image files.You can find the wnaspi.dll file off of this link in the support section under utilities ASPI Driver it should be the wnaspi32.dll this should fix the problem.Make sure you put this in the folder sony cd/dvd generator whatever version you have.Peace L-Burna

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. February 2004 @ 11:57

1. February 2004 @ 15:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks Nurna ... I'm watching the Superbowl ... :-)

I got on the files in order in CD/DVD Gen, retyped the number, got the star, typed the disk name SLUS 20718 then click the RECORD (not burn) button.
It gave me 2 warnings like (unit not connected + initialisation failed) then it switched me to another windows where I clicked on QUIT to get out of it.

In my c:\ I have only 2 files (sonic.iml (3kb) + sonic.ims (596kb))... Does it sound right to you?.

Then I went on the dos prompt then typed
c:\> copy /b sonic.ims + sonic.iml heroes.iso

and I have my heroes.iso ... So far what I did is right or wrong?. Thanks again...
1. February 2004 @ 16:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can I burn this game with cd-dvd generator after completing all of the needed changes. I have the wnaspi32 install in the folder. Last do I set all of the files location number to this post guide. I have tried other guides with only changing the SYSTEM.CNF file location. Anyway hoping I can burn with cd-dvd generator can't firgure out the start command thing.
Senior Member
1. February 2004 @ 18:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey wats up I also watched the super bowl :) it was close as hell wasn't it.Well anyways this is what you do click on the burn button it will give you those errors no matter what when you get to the screen that pops up look at the top click on the top where it says file and all that and look for export,and export it to your drive that you are using such as C:\ drive or whatever drive you are using after you have done that click on create and it should show a progress bar takes awhile I think it will make it the full size of the game eurobum such as 4 gig something like that with a couple of .iml files not one but could go from 3 to 4 files and you don't have to type in the .ims file just the .iml files are all you need in dos man.Hey JerryD just do this set all the LBA over again and make sure all the files have a star by them.Then go to start and there should be run in the bottom right when your start menu pops up.Click on run and type in cmd or command and it should give you a dos screen.Now just follow the steps through dos I wrote and you should be fine but make sure you save it directly to your harddrive such as C:\ or D:\ or something like that no folders for it either.This means when you go to my computer and double click on the drive C:\ it should show the .iml files and .ims files list and etc...Oh and hey eurobum make sure you set the LBA of the slus file that I told you to change with SLPM to 0000301 make sure you changed it to that.Peace L-Burna

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. February 2004 @ 18:42

2. February 2004 @ 13:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the guide L-Burna I think I finally got it. Last when I drag these modules files is it by them self or the whole folder. Here is how I doing it:


Right down the list using your guide burn with DVDdecrypted. Now when I try and play it in my PS2 I get a black screen. No loading screen without without the new dummy file. My question is do I need to drag the whole modules folder to get it right. I followed your guide all the way threw.
Senior Member
2. February 2004 @ 23:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah drag the folder that contains the files but they must be in the exact order yah know.Make sure you don't just drag all the files from the folder one by one just put the folder in if they are in the correct order.
3. February 2004 @ 06:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks got it working last night.
Junior Member
3. February 2004 @ 09:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sup L-Burna, this is something off the topic here, but anyway I read a thread started by u and that u mentioned u had purchased Breaker Pro, much appreciated if you can help me out on this thread, thanks man!
Junior Member
3. February 2004 @ 14:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello i go to start and type cmd and i type what you say and not recognized as an internal or external command.what do i do?
3. February 2004 @ 20:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Jerry ... How big is your dummy.bin file?. My original dummy.bin is 1.6gb and the fixed dummy.bin file is only 2kb. Also I have only 1 ims and 1 iml file after processing with cd/dvd gen ... Thanks.
Senior Member
3. February 2004 @ 23:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey wats up peeps yeah CHADSR do this go to start and click on run and type in command try this out or cmd which that one didn't work for you but try them out it should be like this.Drop down on your computer and click on the start button should show something Run... in there click on that.Then it says type in the name of the program,folder,document,or internet resource and windows will open it for you,type in command or cmd and then just click the enter key on your keyboard.If this doesn't work just open up dos using certain keywords such as command prompt or something like that.Hey daBoy I have the breaker pro and really don't know why I got it to be honest because I don't really do rips but anyways here are the steps I used.I have the swap magic 3 version which you can easily find of emule or something like that but you will still need to use your swap magic 2 version to boot it alright.The steps I use are this:
1.Swap Magic 2 cd
2.Using fliptop/swipe card insert the swap magic 3 and press X (if you already have the swap magic 3 don't follow the first two steps just boot it up normal).
3.When it starts up and says load program just eject your tray and replace it with breaker pro disk.This makes it where the TOC refreshes.
4.Now using fliptop/swipe card just put your dvdrip in and press load program and it should work.

I still hear people mentioning that there is a TOC cdloader out there but it is fake so if you want to do rips then this is the best thing to get.There is another way of getting it to work with swap magic 2 but this is harder to do meaning installing exploits on your memory card and using it that way.I don't know this step but I seen it not that long ago off of ps2ownz which is a tight site.Hey CHADSR make sure you save all your files the .iml,.ims,list everything to your C:\ drive or the one you are using don't save them to your desktop and then put them on your C:\ drive and try make sure that you save them directly to the C:\ and it will work.This works for all the drives if you are using a different drive such as D:\,E:\ or whatever drive you are using.Hey eurobum try going through the guide again you might have missed something or skipped a step not really sure how you only got 1 .iml file it should make it like this for example sonic.000,sonic.001,sonic.002 something like that.Peace L-Burna and if this doesn't work eurobum we can try something else
4. February 2004 @ 04:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I finally got it to work with L-Burna guide. The problem I had with my other burns, was adding IOPRP280.IMG and PACKIRX.BIN instead of the whole modules folder. Also made sure that all of the files location had a star next to. I named all of my save work as image. Saving it to a folder I made call Sonic Final. Then put my image.001 + image.001 and image.002 on my C Drive not in a folder. My run cmd setup ended looking like using Windows XP.

C:\Document and Setting\JD>cd c:\
C:\>copy /b image.000 + image.001 + image.002 sonic.iso
Junior Member
4. February 2004 @ 05:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello, i type cmd or command and thats fine but when i type in teh C:\Docume~1owner>cd c:\ i get a message that says not recognized as an internal or external command and i have the ims and iml on the c drive.Someone please help me to figure out what to do?
Senior Member
4. February 2004 @ 09:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey CHADSR just do this when it comes up type this in
C:\Document and Setting\OWNER>cd C:\ make sure that you type in whatever you use for computer login after Document and Setting such as if you log on to your computer and have to type a password in then enter your name that has to have a password.I would also make sure that when you type >cd C:\ that it is in a capital C not lower case try this out.I see you have cd c:\ written but you need to make it cd C:\ and it should switch you directly to your C:\ drive.Then after that just type this
C:\copy /b sonic.000 + sonic.001 + sonic.002 heroes.iso

or whatever you saved your .iml files use that instead of what I used for instance sonic.000 , sonic.001 .

If this doesn't work just come back and I will keep trying to help you out until it is fixed.Peace L-Burna
Junior Member
4. February 2004 @ 11:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello,L-BURNA i typed in the cmd and typed it the way you said and it came up as 1 file<s> copied.Now what do i do after this.ALso are you supposed to put the whole modules folder in the cdd/dvd gen or the items in it seperatly.thanks
Senior Member
5. February 2004 @ 01:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey wats up pretty much a easy step process this is what you should do:
1.make iso with dvddecrypter
2.extract all the files with isobuster
3.replace the _DUMMY_.BIN file with the swapmagicfix dummy.bin.
4.Open up cd/dvd gen click on new project=dvd rom master disc,do not click on the dvd-rom master disc dual layered.Drag and drop all the files in cd/dvd gen including the modules folder it should have the files in the order already just put the folder in and it should work.Go to where it says Volume and type in SLUS 20718 .Now go to where it says Layout and type in all the LBA numbers that where given over again on every file.Now click on the burn button on the program and it should give you an error but you are still able to create the image files (this supports some dvd burners you will have to check to see if your dvdburner supports this program if not proceed on making the .iml image files).When the window pops up just click on File at the top left of the program and drop down to where it says export .iml files.Click on this and save it to your C:\ drive.Click on create and it should make all the .iml files which in this case is sonic.000 , sonic.001 , sonic.002 should look like this.
5.Now go to start click on the Run... and type in cmd or command.It should say
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>
type in this when you see this displayed
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>cd C:\
Now it should display this
You need to type this in now
C:\>copy /b sonic.000 + sonic.001 + sonic.002 heroes.iso

The sonic.000 , 001 and 002 are your .iml files which you can name them whatever you want to.The heroes.iso is the name of the iso file that it is gonna make which you will be able to find on your C:\ drive.After you have entered all this correctly click on the enter button and it should make the iso file which is close to 3 gig .Just be patient and do something while this is running,go watch TV or play a game or whatever you want to do it is up to you.I also would recommend using Nero Express to burn the iso but any burning program that supports iso files will burn it such as:RecorNow,Nero,Alcohol 120%,dvddecrypter etc.....this could keep going for awhile on programs but make sure you pick whatever works best for you.

Alright this is a short summary of what you should do to get it to work.Peace L-Burna and tell me if you get stuck on it again and I will help you out as much as I can.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. February 2004 @ 01:10

Junior Member
5. February 2004 @ 10:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   



Junior Member
5. February 2004 @ 10:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   


Junior Member
5. February 2004 @ 16:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello my heroes iso is only 1.17mb.what am i doing wrong.please help me.
Senior Member
5. February 2004 @ 23:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The Iso file is 2.9 Gig close to 3 Gig actually but should be somewhere around there.I can look at the files of the iso with buster with the iso I created it is nothing special just use the iso you just made and open it up in isobuster and it should display all the files.
Junior Member
6. February 2004 @ 06:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
let me get this right

the files u copy is sonic.000 sonic.001 sonic.002 and thats its no other file.

am i right please tell


i've done that and just one more thing i wanna make sure. i have the SLPM 65431 file instead of the SLUS 20718 so do i type in the SLPM 65431 in the disk name.

thanks again u've been i big help.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. February 2004 @ 12:18

Senior Member
6. February 2004 @ 09:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey wats up the files you just mentioned are just for creating the iso file the iso file is the one you will need to copy.After you have copied the iso file you should be able to view all the files in it.You will need to do the dos command to create your iso such as this go to your start menu click on Run... now type in cmd or command in the box in run and click enter on your keyboard.If you did it right you should see this
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>
Now just type this in
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>cd C:\ and press enter you can change the end C:\ to whatever drive you are using where you stored all your .iml and .ims files.
Now it should give you something like this
Just type this in
C:\>copy /b sonic.000 + sonic.001 + sonic.002 sonicheroes.iso and hit enter
This should make your iso file to burn the game with the fix.The thing you should look at is the sonic.000,001,and 002 files you should type the name of them in whatever you saved them as.I just saved mine as sonic.The iso file you can name whatever you want.I named mine sonicheroes but you can name the iso file something you like doesn't matter but name it something different than your .iml files the files sonic.000,001,and 002 if you name the iso file the same as them then you might get a error and might not create the iso file.Peace L-Burna
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