PS2 Sonic Heroes Swap Magic fix guide
Junior Member
6. February 2004 @ 10:41 |
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thanks a lot.
i've done that and just one more thing i wanna make sure. i have the SLPM 65431 file instead of the SLUS 20718 so do i type in the SLPM 65431 in the disk name.
thanks again u've been i big help.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. February 2004 @ 10:42
6. February 2004 @ 14:55 |
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hi, i need t o know where the sony cd/dvd software can be downloaded from. thanks in advance.
Senior Member
6. February 2004 @ 23:58 |
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Yeah just replace the SLPM file where the Slus file is then change the Disc Name to SLPM-65431 and the LBA of that file should be 301.I think you can find cd/dvd gen off of google or one of those just search for iml2iso and stuff referring to iml files and you should find it.Another site that has it is which you might not be able to download it depending on seeds from bittorrent but if you do get it downloading then you should be fine because they barely have fakes off of there.I also noticed that edonkey and overnet have it off of there you might have better luck getting it from there so try that out first make sure you get sony cd/dvd generator v1.20 or v1.50 one of those.
7. February 2004 @ 23:01 |
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Hi Burna,
I must did something wrong because after I cliked the RECORD (not BURN) button, CD/DVDGEN just gave me 2 files, 1 iml and 1 ims, on my C:\ drive as I mentioned to you above.
Now let me back track to the first steps. I used isobuster to read the ISO file created with dvd decripter. Once those files were in the right window of isobuster, I did right click on the ISO folder on the left window and cliked EXTRACT to another folder. I replaced the DUMMY.BIN Fixed file with the original one and followed the other steps by the letter.
Here is what I mentioned to you last time :
Thanks Nurna ... I'm watching the Superbowl ... :-)
I got on the files in order in CD/DVD Gen, retyped the number, got the stars, typed the disk name SLUS 20718 then click the RECORD (not burn) button.
It gave me 2 warnings like (unit not connected + initialisation failed) then it switched me to another windows where I clicked on QUIT to get out of it. CD/DVDGEN just gave me 2 files, 1 iml and 1 ims, on my C:\ drive not sonic.001, sonic.002 etc...Please help ... Thanks ...
Senior Member
8. February 2004 @ 08:11 |
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When you click on Record eurobum you will get those errors but then a window will pop up.At the top of the window in the record now window I am talking about go to file and click on export .iml files.Now when it asks you where to put them just press The C:\ drive this is where you need to put them.Now it should start showing a bar yellow moving across the screen this is creating your .iml files on your C:\ drive.When you go and look on your C:\ after it finishes look to see if you get this sonic.000 , sonic.001 , sonic.002 if you don't have these files then something is wrong.This means you missed a step somewhere could be a really easy step that you just missed somewhere if this doesn't work.Make sure you use the dos to build the iso after you see those files and the iso file should be close to 2.9 gig so make sure you see that.Peace L-Burna make sure if you don't get it this time to come talk to me again and I will hook you up with a answer on it
8. February 2004 @ 22:50 |
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Burna... It works ... I would like to express my appreciations to you ... Not only because I can make it works but you did spend your time to guide us step by step to make it happen ... and also you're very patient with all our ignorant questions ... Thanks again ...
8. February 2004 @ 22:56 |
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Burna... It works ... I would like to express my appreciations to you ... Not only because I can make it works but you did spend your time to guide us step by step to make it happen ... and also you're very patient with all our ignorant questions ... Thanks again ...
9. February 2004 @ 00:26 |
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9. February 2004 @ 18:58 |
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Like Eurobum, I'm having the same problem in backing up my nephew's copy of Sonic Heroes. I'm using Sony's cd/dvd ver.1.2. The layout is correct and the start positions are all starred. Clicking on the "rec" button brings up a temporary iml save window which creates an iml/ims file on my hardrive. Clicking on the file button and selecting "exporting iml file" gets me to a save file dialog box.
According to the thread, the program should begin to create sonic.000. etc.
Where am I going wrong?
Senior Member
10. February 2004 @ 01:15 |
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Hey wats up yeah a2user just type in what you want your image files to be named such as sonic or heroes or whatever when you go to the file export .iml files.These are your image files then it should create all the image files such as sonic.000 , sonic.001 , and sonic.002 you will see a yellow bar when it is making the files also make sure you save all those files directly to your C:\ drive and don't put them in folders just have them save right to your C:\ drive.When it finishes making them click on your C:\ drive and they should be located there.You are pretty much almost done just got to use the dos after this step to make the iso file and burn it.I also go that 1 .iml file and 1 .ims file you are not doing anything wrong but you do need those .iml files that end with .000 , .001 and .002 if you don't have these files just delete the 1 .iml and 1 .ims file and repeat the steps again until you get them if this doesn't work just saying that exiting out of the program when it is making them could mean a bad burn.Just be patient and wait for a second it should automatically make the files for you when you export them if not just click on create and it should also make them.Peace L-Burna
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. February 2004 @ 01:18
10. February 2004 @ 04:40 |
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Thanks for your quick reply. The generator program did create two files when I clicked on the record button (two files:sonic.iml/sonic.ims). The files were created to my c:drive. Respectively, the files are 2K and 602K in size.
Next, I clicked on file and selected export iml. A dialog box comes up (Export). I select c:\sonic.iml and nothing seems to happen.
Just what or where is the "Create" button? No files seem to be extracted when I select sonic.iml.
10. February 2004 @ 10:46 |
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Hey i did everything in your guide, but when i got to load up the game a back sceen just come up. Is there anything i can do?
10. February 2004 @ 11:00 |
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my backup plays the opening intro for the game then goes to a black screen i have a v7+ console
Senior Member
10. February 2004 @ 23:59 |
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I'm thinking if you get the black screen then maybe one of the files don't have the LBA set right or either the burning program you used did not burn it right.I also recommend using a slow speed something like 1X,2X or 2.5X something like that really slow when you burn this game with the fix.I used Nero Express to burn it and my speed was at 2X I think when I burned it maybe that could have something to do with it but it the program you burn it with I would have to say go with a well known program when burning this one.If you use DvdDecrypter to burn it not sure since I used Nero Express but just saying that you could have problems with it.The best thing to do is go back and restart from the whole guide I know it sucks going back and doing all the steps over again but to make sure you didn't miss any of the steps.Another thing I would suggest is when you get to Layout and you have to retype the LBA don't just type 300 for the System.CNF and have the star just on that file do it to all the files in the list.Peace L-Burna and keep coming back if you have problems
Junior Member
11. February 2004 @ 11:19 |
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Just wanna say thanks man. I didn't use this guide (I was actually bought the game by my girl today!) but the fact that you've made this thread and talked everyone through problems is very respectable! Props!
11. February 2004 @ 12:34 |
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i have redone everything and even burned with Nero express and still the thing happen, a black sceen. Any suggestions?
Senior Member
11. February 2004 @ 23:44 |
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Hey wats up adarsh320 what region are you trying to back up.Is it the PAL version,NTSC,or the Jap version?give me some info on what region you are trying to back up and I will walk you through it.Thanks deeswift and everybody that has appreciated the guide the reason I am helping out people is because I have the theory treat people the way you would want to be treated.Hey adarsh320 I am not really sure why you are getting a black screen but I still think you missed a step somewhere or are not using the right tools or something like that can't really say for sure but tell me exactly what you are doing and I will tell you what the prob is.It could be something so simple and you wouldn't even realize it so lets try that out alright.
12. February 2004 @ 08:34 |
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Senior Member
12. February 2004 @ 09:45 |
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Alright this is what you do ok
1.Use Dvddecrypter and make a iso file of the game
2.Then use isobuster and extract all the files put them in a folder on your desktop
3.Download the swapmagicfix dummy file and put that in the folder where your extracted files are.
4.Open up Sony cd/dvd gen click on create a new project DvdRom master disc not the dual layered one and place all the files in one at a time in this order
Note on the Modules you can just put the whole folder in the cd/dvd gen
5.Now go to where it says Volume and where it says Disc Name type this in SLUS 20718 exactly as this is written.
6.Go to where it says Layout and retype all the LBA numbers of the files according to this:
0000300 ,SYSTEM.CNF
0000301 ,SLUS_207.18
0004193 ,STAGE.BIN
0004550 ,MOVIE.BIN
0004683 ,STAGE07.BIN
0004804 ,STAGE09.BIN
0004918 ,STAGE13.BIN
0005027 ,STAGE40.BIN
0005129 ,STAGE03.BIN
0005219 ,STAGE01.BIN
0005301 ,STAGE05.BIN
0005377 ,STAGE11.BIN
0005453 ,ADV.BIN
0005508 ,STAGE28.BIN
0005535 ,STAGE27.BIN
0005556 ,STAGE26.BIN
0005577 ,STAGE33.BIN
0005592 ,EVENT_G.BIN
0005605 ,EVENT_F.BIN
0005617 ,EVENT_S.BIN
0005629 ,EVENT_I.BIN
0005641 ,EVENT_J.BIN
0005653 ,EVENT_E.BIN
0005664 ,EVENT_K.BIN
0005675 ,STAGE32.BIN
0005681 ,ASAVE.BIN
0005686 ,STAGE31.BIN
0005691 ,_DUMMY_.BIN
0005692 ,ROFS.CVM
Alright make sure all these files have there LBA retyped and are starred.
7.Click on the Record Button and save the .iml and .ims to your C:\ drive make sure you don't put them in a folder but directly to your C:\ drive meaning when you open up your C:\ drive you should be able to drop down and see those files.
8.Go to the top where it says file in the Record box and there should be a option export .iml files click on it.It will ask you what to save them as and save them as whatever you want your image files to be named,I used sonic for my image files.It should start to create the files automatically but if it doesn't show that then click on create at the bottom of the box it should be at the bottom left a button.
9.After it creates all the .iml files such as sonic.000 , sonic.001 and sonic.002 use dos.This is how you would get to dos drop down on your computer and click on the Start button now go to where it says Run... and type in cmd or command.It should now bring up a box and a show this
C:\Document and Settings\Owner>
When you see this type this in
C:\Document and Settings\Owner>cd C:\ or the drive you saved your .iml files to
Now it should show you this after typing cd C:\ in and press the enter button
Just type this in and it should start building your iso file
C:\copy /b sonic.000 + sonic.001 + sonic.002 heroes.iso
Where sonic is your .iml files you exported and the heroes is the iso name.
You should see this when you have done it right
It will save the iso file on your C:\ drive go to your C:\ drive find the iso file and burn it with Nero Express or whatever program is the best you use.
Peace L-Burna and if this doesn't work then you might have made a bad iso at the very beginning with dvddecrypter
12. February 2004 @ 11:20 |
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just to clarify when you put in the zeros infront there not really there it just puts a * in back, right?
12. February 2004 @ 18:28 |
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Hi Burna ... Would ponit me to the thread which talk about backing old CD/PS2 games like Time Crisis 2... I never mess around with CD games before. I have CloneCD though... TIA...
Senior Member
13. February 2004 @ 02:36 |
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Hey wats up adarsh320 just type the LBA exactly the way it is or you can do this just copy and paste it which is a quicker way I think in my oppinion.Yeah you need to put the zeroes in front before you type the LBA should look something like this
0000300 which would be the SYSTEM.CNF file
just make sure you type it the way it is don't try to type in 300 and just that or that could be your problem.I use CloneCd also and Alcohol 120% on cd games just do a exact copy and you should be fine on the cd games other than that I have never had problems with cd games.What cd game are you having probs with eurobum?If it is a dvd game and the game is 600 or something like that you need to back it up onto a dvd because the game is made on a dvd there is no way around that if you are talking about that unless you rip it.Give me some detail on the game or games you are trying to get to work and I can see what I can do to help out.If you have CloneCd all you should do is select the game option when burning a PS2 game which is not that hard but I would recommend using Alcohol 120% if the game is scratched all to hell.
Peace L-Burna
13. February 2004 @ 08:54 |
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Bruna i type in the zeroes abd then up in the 300 so its like this 0000300 in hte location box, but then when you hit ok it just puts it like this "300*" to the left of the file is this okay?
13. February 2004 @ 10:48 |
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i think it may be because i use cd/dvd gen 1.20 and not 1.50, where can i find v1.50?
Senior Member
13. February 2004 @ 15:49 |
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The thing is you need to retype all the files LBA so you should have those stars to the right on all the files.You already have the star for the SYSTEM.CNF file all you need to do is get all the stars to show up on all the files.I think you can find cd/dvd gen off of overnet,emule,or edonkey one of those you can find it there.I think this is the problem though the LBA part maybe all the files don't have the star to the right of them such as 300* yah know then you would have to type this in 301* and keep going down the list until they all have stars by them.