The Ultimate Softmodding an XBOX Tutorial Thread
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13. March 2006 @ 19:58 |
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thanx dude
and ya i think ill need the itools
13. March 2006 @ 21:01 |
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How did you go about tring to softmod to begin with?
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17. March 2006 @ 13:55 |
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hey i now have the same problem he is can u please give me your email on msn or yahoo. i can play games
17. March 2006 @ 15:18 |
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If you allready have the linux game save when you load splinter cell, you should get the ldots tools, scroll to the bottom and click dashboards and select ms dashboard "thats you original microsoft dashboard" and do what I told you before xbox info> and get those two for digit kernal #'s and write them down and I can tell what version you have. Your x box version will determine what BIOS "basic imput output system" you need to select while using the ltools. Its really easy, don't make it hard on yourself.
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18. March 2006 @ 05:45 |
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ok thanks mloyllo i i think i know what version it is it said it is version v1.1.
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18. March 2006 @ 06:03 |
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hey mloyllo here is my problem when ever i have the disk out the light blinks red and green and there is a bunch of letters in diffrent languages. but i can start up splinter cell and go to the linux file but cant delete the soft mod. but i can go through settings. and also i cant go to the ms dash board. but i know what version it is i think it is v1.1. i think i need a new dash board i also have flash fxp and puff o matic for computer. is there anyway u can help me pleasssssseee im really scared to death that i can only play games and not live any more as you can see so please help me and can u tell me you msn or yahoo email so i can talk to you on there. PLEASE HELP.
18. March 2006 @ 10:01 |
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I don't play live, and have never wanted or attempted to restore my x box, because its so sweet the way it is. I do have a 200 gb hdd though. If you can ftp back and forth, I think you could restore everything by putting the original files back in your c and e partitions. Slayers Auto Installer 2.6 has the original files in it. You can replace the contents of your x box c and e folders and I think that will restore it. You can download Slayer's A I 2.6 at It might come as an iso and you will have to extract it with either qwix or winace, i forget. The other option is to finish your softmod. UDE1>nkpatcher> and then select a dashboard. Slayers is a bootable disk and will install all sorts of apps and there is an option which I used install apps on drive f "Stealth mode for x box live" I've never tried live though with mine. I love my x box for the simple fact that I have almost 60 games on it and it makes for an excellent dvd player. You can even copy a dvd 2 the hard drive and watch it without the disk or your cpu?
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18. March 2006 @ 10:04 |
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mloyllo can u send me your email 4 yahoo or msn
18. March 2006 @ 10:06 |
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Why? Try what I told you to do.
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18. March 2006 @ 10:07 |
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cause i need help using flash fxp and puff o matic on computer just send me or adress or ill send you mine
18. March 2006 @ 10:10 |
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18. March 2006 @ 10:11 |
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how do i restore my xbox and get back on live
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. March 2006 @ 10:54
18. March 2006 @ 10:20 |
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I don't reccommend posting your e-mail, in a public forum. I think its against the rules too. In the future send a private message if you want to share your e-mail.
Follow the teammoders ftp tut I sent you, I think you'll be allright.
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18. March 2006 @ 10:20 |
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im sry didnt know k ill try to figure it out
18. March 2006 @ 10:24 |
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Oh yeah you can edit your previous messages and erase you e-mail.
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18. March 2006 @ 10:49 |
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k mloyllo i got flash fxp working i see all the files now what do i d withh all the files. tell me what to do step by step. i just want to know how to put my xbox back to normal and mod on xbox live.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. March 2006 @ 11:12
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18. March 2006 @ 11:09 |
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is Slayer's A I 2.6 is that suppost to be puff o matic cause i already have that and i think that urasia web site u gave me is wrong. i also think i might need a new dash board.
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18. March 2006 @ 11:31 |
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k ill be back later and i want to finish my soft mod for live so i will need to get a dashboard dont know how and i will need to know how to send mods to xbox. and remember i want to know how to play on live with them. PLEASE fast as possible.
18. March 2006 @ 12:48 |
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Send me a private message with your e-mail and I'll send you some goodies, like c, and e and even slayers 2.6. Your right the one at euraisia is not the same thing I have. I got mine off of bear share. I even edited the version I have with updated applications like dvd2xbox 2.4 emulators roms and such. Yahoo messager is good for transferring files up too 100 mb, and chatting. Get yahoo messager from the home page and we'll get it.
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18. March 2006 @ 12:54 |
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which one are u going to add me on yahoo or msn
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18. March 2006 @ 13:03 |
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yeah i thought it was diffrent anyways thanks for all your time man i hope i get my xbox running again. but i still want to soft mod my xbox for live can u help me with that too.
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18. March 2006 @ 14:46 |
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hey mlyollo are you on my yahoo cause ur not on mine
20. March 2006 @ 18:44 |
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You need this file Type is exactly Bearshare's search and select apps/Archives: Slayers_EvoX_Auto-Installer_v2.6FINAL.iso
Not .exe not .rar
Make sure its .iso
It's size is 365,297,664 bites or 365.297,664 Megabites
Its got an icon on the left side of it that looks like a cd.
Once you get it downloaded
1.Open QWix
2.Click Etract iso.
You will browse for Slayers_EvoX_Auto-Installer_v2.6FINAL.iso in your My downloads folder. Usually it located under MY Computer>Local disk C>My downloads.
3.Select it, and it will ask you where you want it to be created, put it somewhere you'll remember May I suggest My Documents>My Pictures.Wherever
4.Select that and it will start extracting it. It could take a few minutes.
5.When it completes go to My Documents>My Pictures and you'll see it in a file folder.
5.Click it, and select DVDImage>System>All. Boom there are your replacements for c, and e.
6.FTP the contents of the folder c on your computer to the "folder/partion" c on you x box overwriting and exzisting files currently there.
7.As far as e I would do the same at first, If there are still problems I would erase the contents of TDATA UDATA and Cache, NOT THE FOLDERS THEMSELVES.
Hope this helps,
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. March 2006 @ 18:03
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22. March 2006 @ 11:07 |
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HEy I didn't know any where else to post this but i try to make an account and it says use a different credit card? Can you only have a certain amount of accounts on one credit card??
[swf width=400 height=120][/swf]
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23. March 2006 @ 15:14 |
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I had a hard time finding Ldots iTools SC 1.7 so I would really appreciate you sending me the link at