The Ultimate Softmodding an XBOX Tutorial Thread
20. September 2005 @ 20:13 |
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i think i'm 6/8ths the way there already... got every thing running except during installation of linux after all the things i chose, it freezes into a half screen; blue on top and green on bottom!! haha.. any ideas guys?
Junior Member
21. September 2005 @ 07:24 |
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@xlee: it sounds like your file is corrupt. try getting a newer or different one from another site.
21. September 2005 @ 20:31 |
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Smodder do you know why i can't do this??
22. September 2005 @ 12:02 |
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hey could anyone tell me what xbox version i have i bought it in late 2004 after holiday package. i've tried to softmod it before but when it was installing Evox the srceen was flickering different colors
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22. September 2005 @ 13:23 |
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i think i'm 6/8ths the way there already... got every thing running except during installation of linux after all the things i chose, it freezes into a half screen; blue on top and green on bottom!! haha.. any ideas guys?)))))))
ummm dude thats what mine did and it installed what you gotta do is leave it at that screen and look at your xbox eject button the button will start flashing when it is finished that screen is not an error dont worry just wait at it till light flashes
22. September 2005 @ 15:29 |
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ohh i turned it off when it showed a flickery rainbow sort of thing and u could see faint letters
22. September 2005 @ 15:29 |
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ohh i turned it off when it showed a flickery rainbow sort of thing and u could see faint letters
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22. September 2005 @ 16:22 |
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yep you have to leave that screen on that is the install screen it shouldnt take way to long though just let it sit like 5-10 mins at the most if it doesnt work by then its screwed up but yes i did that too got freaked turned it off then found out that i have got to actually wait for the disk is ejecting sighn so it will be fully installed i have unleash x and it rocks and i got it by 007 agent under fire exploit at dont mind that the site is spanish just look around there eventually you will find the right one
22. September 2005 @ 19:47 |
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yeah the only problem is that i can leave that screen on for like 2 hours and its still the same. i'm using mech assault. i also have splinter cell but no one has the files for that game, and i cant seem to find it under the ftp site as well. unless someone is nice enough to send it over via msn or etc... haha.. okay, i'll give it another try from a file else where.... before i used version 8... i think i'll try version 1.7.5 instead then.... i'll wait till version 1.8 gets a lil more stable. thanks for the heads up i thought my files were just goin berserk on me.
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22. September 2005 @ 20:31 |
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here is the problem.... i have tried it with every game but splinter cell i hear splinter cell works fine but i tried mechassult and every file ever possible even from #xbins and i eneded up buying agent under file first try i got it worked well long story short people stop wasteing money on mechassult xbl has been updated to fix the mechassult xploit and it freezes it up from what i know plus there are no more existing useable mechassult files i suggest going to the above website i mentioned( or( those both have i think good splinter cell filez good luck man
23. September 2005 @ 18:44 |
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Bang! it finally worked...!! i let it run one more time... this time 1.7.5... it screwed up... then i reloaded 1.8 and left it on for a day, i mean 24 hours..... then this morning when i checked it.. its still on the blue/green screen... but when i reset it... THERE IT IS!
anyone have a manual on the evox OS? and how do you transplant your games to that lil xbox hd?
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23. September 2005 @ 22:19 |
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glad to have helped you out man... i know it gets discorageing to see it like that it would help if they put a loading screen lol
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23. September 2005 @ 22:33 |
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also there are verious ways to transport your games to the xbox hd but since the stock hd is quite small i sugest clearing of all excess stuff also you need an ftp program
now that you have an ftp proram look on your xbox for an ip adress should look something like ect. i think in evox it is in low left hand corner if not check the system info
well on the ftp program on your computer type xbox for pass xbox for user and go to the network next to it that says site or destination or whatever then type the ip of the xbox now boot whatever game you want while the xbox is in the evox screen it shouldnt run
go to the d; drive and that should be the current game loaded on it
now copy all those files to your computer
now go to the e:drive and create a folder called games then in the games folder put the name of the game you want to use
then copy all the files from your computer to the xbox
(if useing halo 2 you can save room by going into the maps folder and deleting the maps with numbers in front of them, those are single player<or you could do visa versa
either way it should soon be on their now go on the file explorer and go to e drive and go to games then ?????(your game name) and open that then find the .xbe file in their and run it
after you do this the first time it should remmeber the games destinantion unless you did not save it right and should list it in the games menu
all of this is assuming evox is like my unleash x wich rules but they should be very similar from what i know so try to follow that as closly as possible
there should also be a download called dvd2xbox you will need to use this by ftping it to the apps folder in your e:drive you create and use the same method to run it by useing the .xbe file and it should stay listed under apps this will auto burn games to drive if you want(although they will have a hefty memory tag)
i hope this all helps you further if not try
24. September 2005 @ 10:48 |
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Thanks!! that really helped me out. i havent found time to get ftp'ing yet... maybe tonite. i might have to get a bigger hard drive, but i'll read on and see what they have for it. Kinda dont wanna void my warranty. too bad there isnt anyone working on an external drive drivers yet for the dashes.
i just got done downloading dvd2xbox and the Media center. Hope it all goes well. what program did you use read xiso's from your xbox? Craxtion seems to be a lil buggy for me.
Junior Member
24. September 2005 @ 11:58 |
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for doing xISOs:
1 establish a FTP connection with your XBOX
2 put in your game of choice that you would like to burn
3 under the drives in your FTP window, select D: and you should see all of the game files i.e. default.xbe media etc.
4 transfer all of those files to a folder
5 download Qwix and open it, go to create iso, and choose "local directory"
6 locate your directory with all of your files in it, choose it, and select OK
7 click make ISO
8 make an output file name
9 let it make the xISO!
for burning, i would use any of your ISO burning tools to burn it to a dvd. might i suggest DVD Decrypter.
25. September 2005 @ 18:21 |
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So I softmodded my xbox with no problems. I want to go and upgrade my Hd to a 250 GB. I was looking at this Segate Baraccuda, found it for a CHEEP ASS PRICE like 69.99 or something like that. I want to know if there are any perticular HDs that have had problems with locking them or a list of compatable ones or something like that... Thanks guys
26. September 2005 @ 09:06 |
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ok i finished modding my xbox, turn out to my memcard it was bad or something. now i am having a small problem. Hunkre said something about a program called dvd2xbox. 1. where can i get this file and 2. how do i install it onto the xbox. I thought i found it once but when i put it in the apps folder i couldn't find it anywhere on my xbox! if someone could help me it'll be very appriciated! THXS
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26. September 2005 @ 14:31 |
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well where you can find it at is in the usual places(xbins) i am banned from there so not allowed to post websites so i will send you a personal reply to you but just so everyone can see i believe all you do is ftp it put it in apps folder then go to file explorer and select the apps that you put it in and select the .xbe file in there that should pretty much do it
Junior Member
26. September 2005 @ 14:50 |
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why did u get banned?
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26. September 2005 @ 15:47 |
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Can I get around using an AR if I already have a hard modded xbox and want to softmod my other box by ftping the save file to the hard drive and then copying it to a memory card? I would think it would work but I just need to know before I do anything rash
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26. September 2005 @ 16:50 |
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#1 i got banned by accident(idownloaded to many files)
#2 you must use the softmod exploit unless you plan on unlocking the drive you have then saveing those files within it the relocking the drive but other then that you cant save the exploit to your memory card
Junior Member
30. September 2005 @ 17:38 |
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sorry ive been gone guys! mom's in the hospital.
im not exactly sure where the APPS folder goes, but you have to create on. probably on the E:/ drive. if EvoX doesnt recgonize it, just go ahead and stick it in with Games. it doesnt hurt.
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30. September 2005 @ 21:23 |
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The BEst program to softmod with is AID you download it burn iso to a dick and it does the rest. It takes less then 5 minutes
how2mod (lol)
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30. September 2005 @ 21:24 |
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sorry to hear about your mom xSModder.
how2mod (lol)
Junior Member
2. October 2005 @ 13:40 |
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my site explains it all