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Having Codec Issues? Look here.
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27. August 2004 @ 12:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am having a very strange problem. Whenever I try to play a certain type of video, windows explorer crashes when I click on it. Its an mpeg.

Anyone have any ideas?
27. August 2004 @ 17:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Looks like Praetor's either gone on holiday, or more likely, gotten fed up of us posting our codec problems to this forum. Anyone else up for taking Praetor's place?

miller56 - thank God - I thought it was just me! What does GSpot say about your installed codecs? If you don't know how to find out, open GSpot, go to View > Installed Codecs > Video. Here's what mine said. If anyone can spot any codec that shouldn't be there, or knows how I can sort out the ones which say "codec not registered" (all the VFW codes) PLEASE let me know!!

DMO _ MP4S _ Mpeg4s Decoder DMO _ Microsoft Corporation _ qasf.dll --> mp4sdmod.dll
DMO _ (NA) _ WMV Screen decoder DMO _ Microsoft Corporation _ qasf.dll --> wmsdmod.dll
DMO _ (NA) _ WMVideo Decoder DMO _ Microsoft Corporation _ qasf.dll --> wmvdmod.dll
DMO _ MP43 _ Mpeg43 Decoder DMO _ Microsoft Corporation _ qasf.dll --> mp43dmod.dll
DMO _ MPG4 _ Mpeg4 Decoder DMO _ Microsoft Corporation _ qasf.dll --> mpg4dmod.dll
DSH _ (NA) _ FFDShow video encoder _ (NA) _
DSH _ (NA) _ InterVideo Video Encoder _ (NA) _ ** File Missing: D:\Program Files\Common\Bin\
DSH _ (NA) _ J. River Video codec 1.0 _ J. River, Inc. _
DSH _ (NA) _ LEAD MCMP/MJPEG codec _ LEAD Technologies, Inc. _ lcodccmp.dll
DSH _ IYUV _ Ligos GoMotion Analog to MPEG Filter _ Ligos Corporation _
DSH _ YUY2 _ Ligos GoMotion DV to MPEG Filter (Version 1.7) _ Ligos Corporation _
DSH _ (NA) _ MJPEG Compressor _ (NA) _ quartz.dll
DSH _ (NA) _ FFDShow MPEG-4 Video Decoder _ (NA) _
DSH _ MPEG1 _ MPEG Video Decoder _ (NA) _ quartz.dll
DSH _ YUY2 _ DivXG400 _ (NA) _
DSH _ MP43 _ Moonlight NicePheratu _ Moonlight Cordless Ltd. _
DSH _ DIVX _ DivX Decoder Filter _ DivXNetworks, Inc. _
DSH _ DVSD _ SONY DV Video Decoder _ Sony Corporation _
DSH _ VP60 _ VP6 Decompressor _ Inc. _
DSH _ MJ2C _ Morgan MJPEG2000 VFW Decompressor _ Morgan Multimedia _
DSH _ WMV1 _ Windows Media Video Decoder _ Microsoft Corporation _
DSH _ WMV2 _ Windows Media Video Decoder _ Microsoft Corporation _
DSH _ VSSV _ VSS Decoder Filter _ Vanguard Software Solutions, Inc. _
DSH _ RUD0 _ Rududu Decoder _ (NA) _
DSH _ XVID _ XviD MPEG-4 Video Decoder _ (NA) _
DSH _ MJPG _ Morgan MJPEG Decompressor _ Morgan Multimedia _
DSH _ MP4S _ Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Decompressor _ Microsoft Corporation _
DSH _ (NA) _ LEAD MCMP/MJPEG Decoder _ LEAD Technologies, Inc. _ lcodccmp.dll
DSH _ MP43 _ Microcrap MPEG-4 Video Decompressor _ Microsoft Corporation _
DSH _ MPEG1 _ Ligos MPEG Video Decoder _ Ligos Corporation _
DSH _ JRV1 _ J. River Video Decoder Filter _ J. River, Inc. _
DSH _ (NA) _ AVI_PASS _ Pinnacle Systems _
DSH _ (NA) _ Ligos MPEG Splitter _ Ligos Corporation _
DSH _ MPEG1 _ Elecard MPEG2 Video Decoder _ Moonlight Cordless Ltd. _
DSH _ MPEG2 _ InterVideo Video Decoder _ (NA) _ ** File Missing: D:\Program Files\Common\Bin\
DSH _ IV41 _ Indeo® video 4.4 Decompression Filter _ Intel Corporation _
DSH _ (NA) _ MotionWavelets Decompression Filter _ Aware Inc. _ icmw_32.dll
DSH _ MJPG _ AVI Draw _ (NA) _ quartz.dll
DSH _ (NA) _ Video Port Manager _ (NA) _ quartz.dll
DSH _ QTRpza _ QT Decompressor _ (NA) _ quartz.dll
DSH _ MJPG _ MJPEG Decompressor _ (NA) _ quartz.dll
DSH _ TM20 _ TrueMotion 2.0 Decompressor _ The Duck Corporation _
DSH _ (NA) _ AVI Decompressor _ (NA) _ quartz.dll
DSH _ (NA) _ CyberLink Video/SP Decoder _ CyberLink Corp. _
VFW _ 3IVX _ 3ivx D4 4.0.4 _ _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ AASC _ Autodesk RLE Compressor _ Autodesk, Inc. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ ADVS _ DVSoft (TM) _ Adaptec _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ AFLC _ Autodesk FLC Compressor _ Autodesk, Inc. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ AVRN _ Avid AVI codec 2.0d2 _ Avid Technology, Inc _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ BT20 _ Brooktree ProSumer Video (32) _ Brooktree Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ CSCD _ CamStudio Lossless codec v1.0 _ RenderSoft Software. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ CVID _ Cinepak codec by CTi _ Compression Technologies, Inc. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ DCMJ _ dcmj_MainConcept Video V3.00a _ MainConcept _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ DIV3 _ DivX ;-) MPEG-4 Low-Motion _ Hacked with Joy ! _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ DIV4 _ DivX ;-) MPEG-4 Fast-Motion _ Hacked with Joy ! _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ DIVX _ DivX® 5.1.1 codec _ DivXNetworks, Inc. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ DMB1 _ Morgan Multimedia M-JPEG V3 codec _ Morgan Multimedia _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ DV25 _ Matrox DVCPRO _ Matrox Electronic Systems _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ DV50 _ Matrox DVCPRO50 _ Matrox Electronic Systems _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ DVSD _ MainConcept DV codec 2.0.4 _ MainConcept _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ DVX4 _ DivX codec 4.12 _ DivXNetworks, Inc. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ EM2V _ Etymonix MPEG-2 Video codec v1.10 _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ FFDS _ FFDShow Video codec _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ FLJP _ Morgan 'FLJP' LSI M-JPEG codec _ Morgan Multimedia _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ FRWD _ Forward JPEG _ Darim Vision Co. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ FRWT _ Forward JPEG+Alpha _ Darim Vision Co. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ FRWU _ Forward Uncompressed _ Darim Vision Co. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ GLZW _ GLZW 1.00 _ Gabest _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ GPEG _ GPEG 1.00 _ Gabest _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ HFYU _ Huffyuv v2.1.1 _ Disappearing Inc. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ I263 _ Intel I.263 Video Driver 2.55.016 _ Intel Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ I420 _ Intel 4:2:0 Video V2.50 _ Microsoft Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ IPDV _ Panasonic and I-O DATA DV GigaAVI codec _ Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. I-O DATA DEVICE,INC. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ IV32 _ Intel Indeo(R) Video R3.2 _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ IV41 _ Intel Indeo(R) Video Interactive _ Intel Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ IYUV _ Intel IYUV codec _ Microsoft Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ M261 _ Microsoft H.261 Video codec _ Microsoft Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ M263 _ Microsoft H.263 Video codec _ Microsoft Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ MIRO _ Pinnacle DV codec _ Pinnacle Systems _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ MJ2C _ Morgan Multimedia M-JPEG2000 V1 codec _ Morgan Multimedia _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ MJPA _ ReelTime MJPEG codec _ Pinnacle Systems _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ MJPG _ Morgan Multimedia M-JPEG V3 codec _ Morgan Multimedia _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ MKVC _ FullMotionVideo Decoder _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ MMES _ Matrox MPEG-2 I-frame _ Matrox Electronic Systems _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ MP42 _ Microsoft MPEG-4 Video codec V2 _ Microsoft Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ MP43 _ Microsoft MPEG-4 Video codec V3 _ Microsoft Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ MPG4 _ Microsoft MPEG-4 Video codec V1 _ Microsoft Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ MRLE _ Microsoft RLE _ Microsoft Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ MSVC _ Microsoft Video 1 _ Microsoft Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ MSZH _ AVImszh Compressor _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ NT00 _ NewTek Inc. Version 0.0 _ NewTek, Inc _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ PDVC _ Panasonic and I-O DATA DV GigaAVI codec _ Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. I-O DATA DEVICE,INC. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ PIM1 _ PCLEPIM1 32-bit Compressor _ Pinnacle Systems _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ PNG1 _ CorePNG VFW codec v0.6 _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ QPEG _ QPEG® Video codec 1.1 by Q-Team Dr. Knabe GmbH _ Q-Team Dr. Knabe GmbH, Korschenbroich, Germany _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ RMP4 _ Sigma RMP4 MPEG-4 codec _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ RUD0 _ Rududu Encoder ver 0 _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ S422 _ Tekram YUV422 codec _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ SJPG _ White Pine M-JPEG codec 1.13 _ White Pine Software and Paradigm Matrix _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ SONY _ Sony DV software codec _ (NA) _ ** File Missing: Sony DV software CODEC
VFW _ TSCC _ TechSmith Screen Capture codec _ TechSmith Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ TVMJ _ Morgan 'TVMJ' LSI M-JPEG codec _ Morgan Multimedia _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ VCR2 _ ATI VCR2 Format codec _ ATI Technologies, Inc. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ VIFP _ VFAPI Reader codec 1.05 _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ VIXL _ miroVIDEO-XL 32-bit Compressor _ Pinnacle Systems _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ VP31 _ VP31® Compressor _ _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ VP60 _ VP60® Simple Profile _ _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ VP61 _ VP61® Advanced Profile _ _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ VQJK _ Kodak EZ200 DIGITAL CAMERA codec driver _ Eastman Kodak Company _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ VSSV _ VSS Video codec _ Vanguard Software Solutions, Inc. _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ WMV3 _ Microsoft Windows Media Video 9 _ Microsoft Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ WRPR _ AVI Wrapper Video Client codec _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ XVID _ XviD MPEG-4 codec _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ Y41P _ Brooktree YUV 411 Raw _ Brooktree Corporation _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ YV12 _ ATI YUV12 Format codec _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
VFW _ ZLIB _ AVIzlib Compressor _ (NA) _ ** codec not registered
27. August 2004 @ 18:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This has gotten even worse now. My TV tuner stopped working and dxdiag crashes when it tests "directshow".

I'm completely fed up and I have decided to format. I'll let you know what happens.

g-spot crashes when I open it too. Something is VERY messed up on my comp.
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1. September 2004 @ 12:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i got ace megacodec pack and on some of my movies if i open a folder containing the movie explorer crashes.

how can i fix that
1. September 2004 @ 13:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
After the format everything worked. I am going to venture a guess and say that my DirectX isntallation was corrupted somehow.
4. October 2004 @ 06:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok I used Praetor's configuration and it still wont run files with AC3 audio. The video runs smoothly, but no sound even though avicodec and GSpot say it's supported on my comp. When I used nimo build 9 default the sound works, but the video is very very blocky and choppy and slow. I tried that divx pack thing and it just caused everything to run with video slower than the audio, and the file I was trying to run didn't run at all, just froze on the first frame. I tried it with just divx 5.21 + xvid + AC3 and nothing. Everything runs but that one file still wont. Can anyone suggest a different codec configuration?
12. October 2004 @ 08:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
does anyone know how to add a different audio track to a downloaded movie? Case in question: I've downloaded Van Helsing and all the audio is in spanish. Is there an english audio track that I can download so that I can hear it in english, or do I need to download the whole thing again and hope it comes out in english?
12. October 2004 @ 12:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
first of all, ur talking about piracy, which is not a good idea on a public forum like this one. if some official is browsing and happens upon your post, the possibility of getting banned from this site would be the least of your worries.

second, to partially answer your question (i won't answer the bit that relates to piracy), you can use VirtualDub or some similar app to strip the audio from a video file and re-encode it with a different audio track. of course you need to have the audio as a separate file, which you don't have.

my advice, if you want to see Van Helsing in English, go buy the DVD.
12. October 2004 @ 12:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does it count as piracy if I do, in fact have the dvd??? I don't have a burner or a dvd drive on my computer, and as an alternate way of backing my disc up, I wanted to just download it. If that counts as piracy, I didn't know. The thing is that where I live children have a nasty habit of trying to play my discs and thus scratch the disc up, rendering it useless. I did not think it was illegal if you own the disc. I understand your assumption that I would be stealing movies, but do not appreciate it. Many ppl I know own this movie, and I can easily see it. I just don't like my movies being ruined every time I leave the house. If there is a legal alternate route of backing up my discs, (and don't say preventative maintanence), I would appreciate if someone caught me up to speed on it.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. October 2004 @ 12:48

12. October 2004 @ 12:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Apologies for the accusation. New advice: get a DVD burner! :-) They're not that expensive and backing up your movies takes minutes, compared to days, I would expect, judging by current p2p download speeds.

What you can and can't download off p2p networks depends entirely on the other users. If someone connected has stripped the English audio track off Van Helsing and shared it then yes, you can download the audio, unlikely though that may be.

Even if you get a DVD reader drive you can strip the movie to file yourself using an app like DVD Shrink.
12. October 2004 @ 12:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
too bad that I'm a poor college kid, right? how much to dvd burner drives cost? How difficult are they to install? What are the system requirements?
12. October 2004 @ 12:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
this is a codec thread. if you want to continue this discussion please email me at
12. October 2004 @ 13:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Email sent
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23. October 2004 @ 13:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can anyone help me???
i d/led this movie. i opeded the folder and 2 files are mkv. i have AC3, motroska_pack_lite, VobSub. i played the movie in window media player, and the picture comes out perfectly. but theres NO AUDIO!!! Can anyone help me???

23. October 2004 @ 22:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mkv is a revolutionary format allowing several features that vfw previously couldn't handle, like variable framerate for example. attempts at playing movies ustilising such features in windows media player are likely to be unsuccessful. try using mkvtoolnix or AVI-mux instead:

27. October 2004 @ 19:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have had many problems with codecs as well- not able to play some files. I removed them all with codec SNIPER and now installing the codecs mentioned here.
All my videos are playing fine now.However I do have a
encoding problem, I am trying to convert a xvid with VBR audio to CBR since my Philips dvd player only likes CBR @128k. TMPEG works fine but I would like to use VirtualDub and recode the audio only( to save time) but have no luck.
VD wont open file because of VBR. I tried VDmp3 and
encoded audio full process but end result is video choppy with no audio.
Any ideas?
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6. November 2004 @ 06:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

thanks a lot for putting up the codec guide. however, it was made in september of 2003. should i still follow each step to the letter? what about newer versions of files or new formats that have popped up? also, the divx link is broken.

thanks for your help.

4. December 2004 @ 10:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i got a problem with a win98 sys. its an old pc, running on PII. any good suggestions on how i shld configure the codec require for viewing any videos including real media files? i was thinking of just installing a k-lite codec pack 2.34 but i am not sure if it supports win98.
8. December 2004 @ 10:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK, here is my problem.

My Codecs worked great before I had to reinstall my system.

After installation I had Xvid, and DIVX 5.* installed, and my vids would start and about stop 15 times or more through the movie and I would have to go a few seconds beyond where it stopped to continue the movie where it left off.

I uninstalled both codecs and installed one at a time. No difference.

I uninstalled all codecs and installed FFDShow codecs. No difference.

Installed GSpot, It said everything was fine in the the movie. All codecs installed, and no sign of error.

I tried PowerDVD, and DIVX Player, Then I tried ZoomPlayer. Still doing the samething.

I am at a lost about now.
Any suggestions.

29. December 2004 @ 15:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think something is wrong with xvid codec or something? Whenever I play certain movies, even though GSpot says they should work out fine and can render them, I get an illegal operation whenever I try to watch it. I ripped the DVD myself with Gordian Knot, and it works fine on my bro's computer.. though I've had similar problems a couple times with other videos I haven't ripped myself.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the xvid codec, but it didn't help. Any ideas what might be the problem?
Junior Member
9. January 2005 @ 02:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Two simple codec packs out there to tackle your needs are...

Gordian Knot codec Pack at sourceforge

and Kazaalite codec Pack...



9. January 2005 @ 12:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Holy SHIT!!!

I never curse but! GEEZ!! I downloaded the DivX Total pack thing, and now my files even work in Video Edit Magic!! MY GOSH MAN! Why did no one tell me about this before/?!?!?!?!?
WOw...... O_O

The five V's!
Vhat, vhy, vhen, vhere, and who. Although I don't know vhy dey have "who" in dere... it not start wit V!
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12. January 2005 @ 08:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I actually came across this problem when I downloaded some 300+Mb of an *mpg file, but when I used AVIcodec to check what codec it uses, it was actually blank, and AVIcodec recognised this file as an audio file. I cant attach the screenshot but it looked something like this.

Filename V.codec name A.1 codec name
F:\beach.wmv (blank) Mpeg-1 audio Layer 1

Some ideas on what should be done?

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3. February 2005 @ 07:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi everybody,

I'm not 100% sure I have a codec problem but I strongly suspect it. Here's the story:

A long long time ago, back when my laptop PC worked like a charm, I had no problem playing AVI files, or any format for that matter. Then after installing one of the following (can't say which did screw my system):
Winamp 3.0 (the one that also plays video files)
Windows media player 9 series
nothing was ever the same again.
The only file format I can now play correctly is mpeg (or mpg). All the others, especially AVI take ages just to open and then while playing, the image freezes after 2 seconds and stays frozen for minutes, the sound goes on without the image or is filled with cuts, and the bigger the file the worst it gets. I suspect I have too many codecs installed, but which ones do I have to delete? And will it really solve the problem?

I'll be VERY thankfull for any tip about this and thanks for spending the time.

9. February 2005 @ 22:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm running window xp, no servicepacks. I've got a pretty old videoadapter: a SiS 6326 agp.

Before, I had windows 98 SE running with the latest FFDShow codecs. I could play every videofile.

Now, with windows XP and again FFDShow installed, mediaplayer, bsplayer, and quicktimeplayer crash almost instantly when I run whatever kind of videofile.

The strange thing is: when I load mpeg files in VirtualDub, everything works just fine.

Do I have a codec problem, and if so, what can I do about it?

Thanks in advance for your knowledge,
kind regards. > forums > digital video > video playback problems > having codec issues? look here.

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