.BIN / .CUE / .ISO Frequently asked questions. READ1ST
12. March 2003 @ 16:18 |
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Allright, used ClonyXXL and found out that safedisk 2.7 is the protection scheme. Which programs can override this? (I have Nero and Alcohol 120 now)
AfterDawn Addict
12. March 2003 @ 17:26 |
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13. March 2003 @ 17:30 |
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I have tried using safedisk 2 in alcohol for burning, but somehow I still get the same problem. Someone was talking about using "profiles" for clonyxxl when burning. I thought that ClonyXXL did nothing but tell you the file type, but am I wrong? Anyways I'm all out of CD's (except for a 650 megabyte CD-RW which is insuffient for the 795 megabyte bin file I have to burn) so I give up. THanks for your time anyways...
AfterDawn Addict
13. March 2003 @ 22:14 |
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'Profiles' apply to CloneCD (elby's software) NOT to ClonyXXL...
The only known reasons for Datatype=Safedisc2 not working are:
- Your burner is not capable to burn RAW DAO. You should 'customize' Safedisc2 profile in alcohol setup by changing RAW DAO to RAW SAO
- Your burner already corrects EFM error so 'Bypass EFM errors' is not needed (and spoils the CD). You should 'customize' Safedisc2 profile in alcohol setup un-checking the defalut setting in 'Bypass EFM errors' checkbox
- There is ATIP protection: the software detects you're using a CD-R rather than the original CD. Keep Alcohol running on the system tray with 'emulation' --> Ignore Media Type switched on
- The image is BAD.
Sorry for the CD expenses, next time you might ust try with a single 700 MB-80 min (808 MB of image burning) CD-RW...
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Junior Member
19. March 2003 @ 01:41 |
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I have a problem every time I try to burn an image with nero, fireburner and alcohol. the disc is otherwise fine but there's always one file that doesn't work. Just one. probably the last file burnt to the disc, but I'm not sure. If I then try to extract the file with IsoBuster, I get a working file! I've checked the CUE sheets and there's nothing wrong with them. I've tried almost everything with no luck. If I extract the image to hdd and then burn it, it works but not If I burn the image. This is really driving me insane...
AfterDawn Addict
19. March 2003 @ 05:34 |
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Can you check with isobuster the starting LBA (logical block address) of the file and its size (in blocks)? This way you know if it's the last that was burned.
If it's the last file maybe there is something wrong with the burner (but this should happen on last track of large audio CDs, for instance).
(Note: if you extract on HD this is no more true because files from HD are not burned accordingly to the LBA occupied in the original image but, for instance, on their date)
Junior Member
21. March 2003 @ 07:17 |
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I checked it with isobuster, the 'broken' file is always the last file written to the disk. the error message windows gives is "cannot copy, paramter is incorrect" so I think it's releated to TOC/something else rather than the file itself. Also, I borrowed another cd-rw drive to test if it really is my drive or not, and the same problem happened with this another drive...
AfterDawn Addict
21. March 2003 @ 11:25 |
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What happens if you 'Scan for corruption' using CDMage?
Junior Member
22. March 2003 @ 02:59 |
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The image is ok according to CDMage. This problem happened also in Win98 (I have multiboot with Win2k pro & 98) and I can clearly remember this same problem has occurred in the similiar way with 3 other images. this is getting soooooo strange....
BTW, my burner is Philips CDRW1610A and I've tried Philips and TDK mediums and slow burn speeds, I've disabled AutoInsert Notification, and I've tried disabling DMA, I've changed the IDE cable I've tried almost everything...
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26. March 2003 @ 06:16 |
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Hi, I was reading through this discussion and I am not sure if you already covered what I am about to ask. I have a bin file and I don't know how to get a cue file from it so that I can create a cd to use the program. But I am confused because I read that you dont need a cue file, and that you can burn the contents of the bin file by using fireburner. I extracted the contents of the bin file by using isobuster. I am not sure what I am suppose to do and if I am doing anything right at all.
AfterDawn Addict
26. March 2003 @ 06:27 |
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The safest thing is to write down a .CUE file. How to do that has been posted on the 'step-by-step burning guide for newbies' :
Quote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b) .BIN or .BIN.EXE files without .CUE.
Now you're in trouble because usually .BIN should be distributed together with their .CUE file.
You can guess one (It should work 95%) by opening Notepad and typing:
FILE "name-of-your-image" BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
"name-of-your-image" being the name of the BIG file you got (for instance: "dev-civ3.bin" or "Sim City 4 CD1 bin.exe" or whatever.
Also, if you're burning a PSX game change MODE1 to MODE2.
Save the Notepad file in the same directory of the image file but with the .CUE extension (Call it as you wish, for instance IMAGE.CUE) and start again the steps above mentioned.
Read the full guide. More, if the CD you're trying to burn is protected you'll have some trouble.. read the full 'protected CD' tutorial here
26. March 2003 @ 09:12 |
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I have a (possibly) related question that doesn't seem to have been addressed here. I burned ISOs of a certain game onto 2 CDs, and then ran the installer off the CDs. The game installed fine, but when I try to run it, it asks for the CD, but fails to recognize either of the 2 CDs as the game CD. Could this be related to how the ISO was created/burned, and if so, can I do anything about this?
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26. March 2003 @ 11:06 |
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Asus K8N nVidia nForce3 Pro 250 GB, Athlon 64 3200+, Hitachi 80 gig SATA 150, Corsair XMS 1 gig PC4000, ATI Radeon Saphire 9600 Pro (256 DDR), Windows XP Pro (64 Bit),Lite-ON SOHD 167T,, Plextor PX-712SA,BenQ 1640.

27. March 2003 @ 01:18 |
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heyhey, just fell over this site!! NiCe Site:))
sometimes when i shall extract to BIN/CUE files, with CDRWIN. it says somethink about DATA Sectors Error. from this to that...
what is that????
and how can i extract it to BIN/CUE???
AfterDawn Addict
27. March 2003 @ 02:33 |
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27. March 2003 @ 06:47 |
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I have been reading up on bin/cue issue for about half an hour now and im still in the dark.
I have HP2.bin
so now i make a cue file which should have this written in notepad:
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
my first question is should hp2.bin match the name of the bin file like above or be image.bin?
my second question is when i burn the cd, i know it has to be mode 1 and i know i click burn image but when asked for what to burn do i JUST select the cue file or do i select them both, i know they have to be in same dir.
My third and last question is do i have to change any options in nero?
Thanks for all your help this site really roxors!
AfterDawn Addict
27. March 2003 @ 11:47 |
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Three answers:
1) If the .bin file name is HP2.BIN then the correct syntax is
therefore matching the name name in the FILE command. The .CUE file, you can call it HP2.CUE to keep things simple (but you can give it any name) must be put in the same directory. If the .CUE is located on a different directory, it will not load the .BIN file, unless you specify the full path, for instance:
2) On any software (Nero, CDRWin, Alcohol and so on) you load ONLY the .CUE file, but with the proper command (File--> Burn Image in Nero, Record Disc ---> Load Cuesheet in CDRWin, Image Wizard --> Browse ---> .CUE file in Alcohol).
A full n00b guide is located here
3) On Nero, which loads .CUE only from version 5.5.9 and above, you can change very few options once loaded the .CUE file (the write speed, the write method, that is not much relevant since only TAO and DAO are available, and so on). Please note that Nero will not be able to burn succesfully any image of protected CDs so be careful.
To know more about protected CD, how to detect a protection (on a CD and/or on an image), how to backup a protected CD, read here:
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27. March 2003 @ 15:14 |
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Ok, im new to this kinda thing and realy confused, so if someone could take a little bit of time and help me, i would appreciate it very much. Here's my problem:
1) I have an ISO of the PSX boot disk, i tried to burn it onto a cd (the .iso file, nothing more) and it didnt work.It burned to the CD, but the PSX didnt play it. I also have the .bin/.cue of DragonBallGT for PSX and would like to know how to go about burning those so i could play them (I'm using nero
2) Can ps2 play burned games yet? can it play burned psx games? thanks in advance for the help.
Everyone knows skunks love free bacon!
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27. March 2003 @ 16:43 |
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this msg is for ripper75
i was wondering if you ever got that 007 nightfire 716 920kb working? and if you did how?
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27. March 2003 @ 21:31 |
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Don't bother burning the PSX2 iso (boot disc). I've yet to come accross any that works. PSX2 can play backups but a "mod chip"(to the best of my knowledge) is required.
Asus K8N nVidia nForce3 Pro 250 GB, Athlon 64 3200+, Hitachi 80 gig SATA 150, Corsair XMS 1 gig PC4000, ATI Radeon Saphire 9600 Pro (256 DDR), Windows XP Pro (64 Bit),Lite-ON SOHD 167T,, Plextor PX-712SA,BenQ 1640.

28. March 2003 @ 14:34 |
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Im not burning it for the ps2, but for the ps1, so i can play import and burned games. could someone plz help me?
Everyone knows skunks love free bacon!
28. March 2003 @ 15:00 |
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hey guys.. i know you get image burning questions like crazy but..
when i try to burn the .cue file through nero, it wont burn at all. i tried setting the .cue file to mode 2, but i cant figure out how to make nero burn it in mode 1 or mode 2.. what should i do?
it says error in line 1... but ive double checked the location of the .bin and its right
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
28. March 2003 @ 22:44 |
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Boot disc WON'T work for PSX1.
You need a mod chip to play backups.
Asus K8N nVidia nForce3 Pro 250 GB, Athlon 64 3200+, Hitachi 80 gig SATA 150, Corsair XMS 1 gig PC4000, ATI Radeon Saphire 9600 Pro (256 DDR), Windows XP Pro (64 Bit),Lite-ON SOHD 167T,, Plextor PX-712SA,BenQ 1640.

29. March 2003 @ 12:38 |
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Sounds like you tried to burn a *.cue file and since there isn't any *.bin file to go with the *.cue file, only the *.cue file was burned and nothing more, therefore, the disk will be empty.
As for the ISO, same as above, since the game you downloaded is an ISO, it does not use a cue file, therefore, when the *.cue file was burned, the ISO was not.
29. March 2003 @ 19:16 |
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Um, excuse me, but i have the original boot disk which allows me to play imports AND burned games. but forget i said anything bout that, How do u burn a .iso or .bin/.cue to a cd with Nero (
Everyone knows skunks love free bacon!
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