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22. October 2008 @ 21:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello all . I have an xbox V1.0 that i installed an X2.6CE into . I flashed bank 1 with X2 4981.67 512K . When i try to access bank 2 however the xbox boots as if its on bank 1 . The switch is set for bank 2 and it boots my X2 bios . Soooo im scratching my head in wonder . I will go into some detail for the pros . I flashed bank 1 as said above . Bank2 did work ie flashbios came up . I then proceeded to tool around replacing old apps and what not . Then i changed my dashboard setup so i proceeded to redo my X2 bios with xbtool to boot the dash of my choice . I flashed my X2.6CE on bank1 with evolutionx . Now bank1 and bank2 boot the same . I tried reflashing bank2 with M8 PLUS . When i boot her up form either bank it boots the same same bios . Im confused . Do i need a programmer ? this chip is only 2 days old now . If you could shed some light on this for me i would be very happy . Thank you guys .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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22. October 2008 @ 21:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How do you know it's the same bios?.. All the bios does is launch the dash specified in evox.ini.. which is part 2 of what I'm not getting.. why were you screwing about with xbtool (at least it's only that and not a splitcher eh?) when all you need to do to change the default dash is move some files around or edit evox.ini...

Now memory starts to fail because it must be 5 years since I even loaded xbtool.. but if I do remember right it is very capable of flashing/overwriting whichever bank you specify when you hit "write"

You can get into the x2 config system by holding down.. is it the white button peeps?? ;) when you boot.. long time since I did anything xbox related.. moved on to proper things.

Anyway.. no matter.. last slayers and a few other installers have flashbios capabilities and a collection of different bios files on them.. I suggest reading up on it a little.
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22. October 2008 @ 22:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was customizing the bios to my liking . ie colors and dashboard boot preference . i have it set to boot unleashx first . i used xbtool to resize the bios to 512k as well . i know that the bios are the same because i only flashed x2 bios first .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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22. October 2008 @ 23:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you were to put unleash.xbe on C and call it default.xbe.. or dash.xbe the result is the same as editing the bios.. the 2.6ce has a live config bios just like the 3ce.

You should still be able to flash the banks with slayers or another installers bios flash utility. I still think you accidentally flashed the wrong bank by mistake.. it's the only explanation unless your bios is 1mb across both banks.
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22. October 2008 @ 23:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok . well neither of those tuts help as in #1 im not using X2 5035 . #2 when i flashed bank 2 to test my problem i flashed bank2 with EvoX M8PLUS for 1.0 - 1.5 . When i booted the xbox up on bank 1 it booted with the EvoX M8 PLUS BIOS . I am about to flash bank 1 with 5035 thru EvoX . I will post my results . Thanks for baring with my retarded self . Will Post in A few . One more question . I would like to have bank2 have flashbios 3.03 on it in case of an emergency and bank 1 be my hacked bios . but my flashbios 3.03 that i have is 256k . Can i flash bank 2 with this and it work ? And if not how might i go about resizing them to 512k . thank you for your time .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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22. October 2008 @ 23:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok , just flashed x2 5035 to bank 1 . Booted up normally . Turned off my xbox and set my switch to bank 2 and it boots my X2 5035 . Explain that please . By the way i used evolutionx to flash my bios . i double triple checked what bank i was on before i flashed . i was on bank 1 .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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23. October 2008 @ 00:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok , i just tore my xbox apart and double , triple checked all the points and connections . Everything is solid . I installed it via pinheader just for extra info . I am at a loss here for words . Ok i found my problem . Apparently Evox Flashes the whole 1mb chip . How odd . I decided to use an app from my X3CE modded xbox called Flash X3 and i flashed bank 1 with 4981 and had 5035 already on bank 2 . I then checked both banks then bingo their different bios ! I am so sorry to bother you . I still have a question tho . Being that flashbios 3.03 is 256k can i flash that to bank 2 and it will work ? If not then how might i resize them so i can make them 512k . thank you sooo much for your patience . I greatly appreciate it . Seriously i do .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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23. October 2008 @ 00:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Im sorry my mistake , there was an addon in my evox.ini that was for x2 and i removed it and now it flashes correctly . i take back the flashes 1mb i meant 512k . its been a really really long day . thank you man for being here to help this dumbass .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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23. October 2008 @ 00:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It gets like that.. I was guessing what it could be. Must be 4 years since I flashed an x2.

To make your 265 bios into a 512 you can join it together.. I think the tools you have for bios manipulation will allow that.. then just flash the doubled up bios onto whatever bank you need. The example bois tutorial showed a 512 bios flashed across 2 banks.. but it was actually by the looks of it a 256 bios on twice... Try joining it together and flashing.. though now you found the tool it's really not necessary.

Good work BTW.. well solved. evox.ini does a lot of things.. that's why I kept pointing you in that direction ;) Learn the syntax and your dash can become a very fun place...

Skins use the same xml notation too.. drag a simple one off and have a look how easy they are to make and manipulate.. there is even a skin maker though I like making them by hand.

Now get some sleep.. you sound like you earned it :)
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23. October 2008 @ 01:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So i use flashX2 to flash flashbios 3.03 to bank 3 then do it again to bank 4 ? Am i understanding you correctly ? Because neither xbtool nor evtool will allow you to edit flashbios of any type from the looks of things , hence ive tried with both programs . This is my first X2 . Ive only done 5 modchips so far . 2 duoX2 GS . 1 duoX2 Cromwell . 1 X3CE . And now this X2.6CE . I did it to fix a broken xbox that i did a bad tsop flash to . Any advice on fixing that issue ? If not no harm no foul . Ive tried disabling the chip , disable and pull it completely out . I have no clue . but im just happy to have this xbox working properly again after sitting for a year in the closet .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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23. October 2008 @ 01:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yep . flash x2 with flashbios 3.03 on bank 3 then 4 . works perfect . i love you guys in a professional way . you guys should get paid for dealing with people .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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23. October 2008 @ 01:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I used to get paid for fixing the xbox.. You have a little of my code on your box.. modesty prevents me from telling which app it is in.

heres a little present for you... the last great free repository of xbox apps and files for direct download ;)

now about this bad tsop flash... was it a 1.3 or something else? It should be a similar procedure.. write enable the chip and flash the banks.. you need to look upo the xbox version for the bank configuration.. then it should be as easy as flashing an xecuter. I would use a softmod hdd and slayers the same way.. food for thought.. you sound like a clever work it out kind of guy :)

Tizz on llamma forums is the expert on tsop flashing, but we aren't speaking these days. Drop over and take a look in the guides.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. October 2008 @ 01:24

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23. October 2008 @ 01:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks alot man . i really appreciate it . But do you have any ideas for me to fix my tsop ? Its and odd ducky xbox . Everything points it to be a 1.0 . but when i last flashed the tsop about a year ago i flashed a 256k bios and it worked . But then i boobooed pretty bad while i was still young at this and flashed EvoX M8 BFM to it . Yeah i know , not a wise move . I didnt know that then like i do now . I tried the 3 wire trick . No go . Thats why i bought this chip . If not then if you could kindly point me in the right direction id appreciate it . id like to be able to go on live again with this xbox again . Thank You again man .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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23. October 2008 @ 01:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oops im sorry i have dislexia . i had to re-read what you wrote . my bad . i will head over there now . thank you again . feel free to close this post if you like or if i have to i will . Thank you sooo much . id be bald by now . lol . Have a good night .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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23. October 2008 @ 01:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
And you..

I would use a small 10 gig hdd and softmod it..(spare original xbox drive.. I have about 200 of em) then you can pull the chip and still get a boot on the bad tsop flash box.

Then it's the same procedure as flashing an xecuter once you have joined the flash enable points on the mobo ;)

The last slayers if I remember right even has a menu entry precisely to do just that.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. October 2008 @ 01:33

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23. October 2008 @ 01:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok let me get this right . I dont happen to have any extra drives . I can softmod my current xbox but i will change my bank 2 to original bios so it will work properly . I have Slayers 2.7 . after softmod , i boot up with chip on , then boot slayers disc , pull chip off or disable ? then flash tsop ? Am i understanding you correctly ?

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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23. October 2008 @ 02:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
After softmod just take your chip out.. the box should boot to the softmod exploit dash.. or it will as long as the hdd is locked.

As you already have a modded box why not hunt down C4RN1 who has a complete softmod C: and E: image to download and copy onto the drive. It's on his profile page in the links.. probably with instructions... saves a lot of mucking about.

Once that's working you should be able to link the tsop flash points and just use whatever method you use to flash a chip to flash the tsop instead.

I think it was the 1.1 that had 4 banks.. so if you know a 256 works flash with that.
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23. October 2008 @ 02:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
But... when i boot without the modchip the xbox frags . Do i boot up the xbox with the chip on then go to exploit dash then pull chip off then flash tsop ? the write points are still soldered as i have not unsoldered them .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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24. October 2008 @ 07:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here is my update . The xbox is a 1.0 . BUT it has a hynix 256k tsop . Dont ask me i didnt make it . The 2 wire trick does not work . I have done a ton of reading . I softmodded it but was unable to get to my softmod due to my modchip . I spent 3 hours playing around with different ideas . I tried slayers V2.7 . No go . I tried raincoat 0.7 . No go . I straight up tried evox . no go . All i get when i boot to my flashing utility and get to the flash bios area is "flash Not Writeable" . Im pretty disapointed . I bought this modchip to fix this xbox and so far im only able to boot off of the modchip . I looked around at llamma and wasnt able to find anything about tsop repair . I dont need the tsop fixed but i would like to know that i can pull the modchip out to repair a stack of other unfortunate xboxes laying around . I know that the tsop is infact 256k because i originally flashed it properly before i screwed up , i used M8PLUS bios 256k . And it worked correctly . Please someone help me . Thank You .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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24. October 2008 @ 17:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I Have another question . I would like to be able to to flash my X2.6CE from EvoX . When i Currently doit thru EvoX it flashes both banks with the same bios . I would like to be able to flash one bank or the other not both at the same time . Sooooo i am hoping someone can answer this . What is the manufacture code and device code specifically for the X2.6CE . If this is possible please let me know . I currently flash the chip from Flash X2 . Just thought i might add that if any1 may wonder . I prefer evox to flash with . Thank You in advance .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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26. October 2008 @ 22:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok im a bit frustrated . ive tried using tsop d6 bios flashed on bank 2 of my X2.6CE . Ive read alot of repair tips . Nadda . i cannot get my bad tsop box to boot as the tuts ive read said that it should . I suppose its above and beyond me . It works with a modchip so i guess i will leave it at that and go buy another non modded xbox just for live . Seems like a waste of money , But whats a guy really to do here ?! . HELP ! ! ! Thank You .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
27. October 2008 @ 06:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't want to confuse things but here's the notes i made when i had problems with an X2.6CE. I'd never come across a chipped xbox before so it was a lot of reading and the hardest part was finding the actual files, i certainly won't help with that bit but i'll try to describe how i did the actual flashing.

i used EVtool (v1.0.9) to tweak the m8plus_16 bios.bin (that came with the download i'd found) with a different logo. This was purely to see if it would work, was experimenting at this point. The new filename was M8plus_16_x.bin and when this bios was passed thru the x2bm (v23) utility the resulting bios file (to transfer to xbox) is now m8plus_16_creakz.bin. This had flashbios 3.03 on the first 2 banks, and m8plus_16 on the second 2 banks.

Then i ditched flashbios and put m8plus_16 on ALL 4 banks (judging from my notes this must've been the original m8plus_16.bin that came with the download.

Not the most clear of notes, it had taken me a while to get that far and i was just glad it was done.

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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. October 2008 @ 06:53

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27. October 2008 @ 17:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I appreciate the help . Ive got all the bios i could ever need . I just now use flashx2 to flash my X2.6CE . It does the job . It lets me pick which bank to flash . So i am set there now . My X2.6CE problem is complete now . Thank You For all the help i have recieved . I am onto the tsop issue now . Ive used 3 different kinds of chips . X3CE , X2.6CE , And duoX2 . I have found the same result with all of them . Ive used tsop d6 bios . Ive used EvoX Matrix tsop Bios . Whats left that i am not getting here ? Thank You Very Much .

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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30. October 2008 @ 02:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok i said the X2.6CE problem was over ? Well now i can lay it to rest . I was bored about 8 minutes ago , and heres what i came up with and i hope this helps other people out there that wish to use evox to flash their x2.6ce's . My EvoX ini says this for the x2 .

Flash = 0x1d5,"AMD Am29F080B",0x100000

This is what i did .

#Flash = 0x1d5,"AMD Am29F080B",0x100000
Flash = 0x1d5,"AMD Am29F080B",0x80000

You can however if you so choose to remove the first line starting with the # sign . I left it for a 911 time cuz ya just never know when your gunna spoof someday and need a quick way to reflash it . Enjoy !

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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30. October 2008 @ 02:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok well i just messed up . I have a chip in a 1.6b ok . I just unlocked the hd ok . Now when i boot my X2 5035 V16 it flashes red and green and gives me error code 6 . Does this in MS mode and on bank 1 . Bank 2 has flashbios 3.03 . I tried to lock it with flashbios but it turns the box off then back on then says "Cannot read first sector of hardrive" . I was wise enough to make a backup of the xbox . Can i use UnlockX on my pc to relock it ? Any help would be spectacular ! This is my wifes box . Dont Let me get my nads cut off ! HELP !!!! SOS !!!

Not A Noob . Just A Curious Guy
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