It seems like my Dvdshrink has slowwed down. It used to take only 12-15 min to rip dvd and encode and now it takes 20-30. And I have updated computer to a AMD 6000 3.1 and 2 gigs of OCZ with sata optical drives...any ideas why??
DVD Shrink is no longer updated, this could be hindering your ripping process because it may be having trouble with the newer encryptions. Try ripping with DVDFab HD Decrypter and then processing with DVD Shrink.
-An easy quick check is to make sure that you main HDD has DMA enabled since the video files are first ripped to the HDD before they're burned to disk.
To be honest, 20-30 minutes isn't bad. Completion time can be affected by:
-shrink's quality settings (AEC and Deep Analysis add significantly to transcoding time)
-the amount of compression required to shrink the movie size down to fit onto a DVD-5 disk.
Now if you take a DVD that took 12-15 minutes for shrink to finish with it, and now takes an hour or more, then I would be concerned.
Just an idea, but I find that if you are backing-up lots of dvds then you may need to defrag your hard drive so that you are not spending time waiting for the hard drive to seek the section of the file all the time.
Maybe worth letting it defragment over night and seeing if this helps speed things up a little.
Originally posted by gemsie: Just an idea, but I find that if you are backing-up lots of dvds then you may need to defrag your hard drive so that you are not spending time waiting for the hard drive to seek the section of the file all the time.
Maybe worth letting it defragment over night and seeing if this helps speed things up a little.
That is a very good idea, I use IObit SmartDefrag to keep mine nice and tidy automatically.
I agree that defragging your HDD is a good thing (I do it once per week) and can impact performance, but unless the hard drive is heavily fragmented and close to being full, I din't believe it's going to help crash702 much in this case. Defragging may speed things up by a minute or so, but I don't believe it's going to speed things up by 8-15 minutes.
Completion time will vary from movie to movie depending on its size, compression required, and quality settings. I backed up spiderman in about 20 minutes, but when I backed up King Kong, it took about 45 minutes.
I like it because you install it and don't have to worry about it anymore. It runs automatically when your system is idle. Although I do disable it while burning and ripping disks just to prevent it starting when it sees low processor usage. Also I have found that it does a more thorough job than the Windows default. I have run the default and when it completed run SmartDefrag. SmartDefrag found further fragmentation and finished cleaning it up. I guess that it is just personal preference, but I think you guys would like it if you gave it a try. Plus it is free and we all like free. :)
Edit: @ johnl123
I agree that drive fragmentation is probably not the OP's problem and that we may have drifted slightly OT. Or maybe we just expanded the discussion further in a different direction!