HI. I have been using dvd shrink for a few years now. now when i click on it ,it will not open. It looks like it is trying to open but then it stops, I removed it then reinstalled it ,but it still .will not open.the houre glass shows up for a se. or two. then nothing happens. Thanks for any help you can give me on this. xbill
I've had this problem before with Nvidia Video Driver. Not sure if you have installed any new video card but that is what caused my dvd shrink not to open.
uninstall the program
run CCleaner check and make sure there are no dvd shrink folders left in my documents,my computer etc. if there are delelte them
do a disc cleanup and defrag
reinstall dvd shrink
WARNING: Do not "update/upgrade" your SAMSUNG BD-D5XXX series (Bluray Player), or else you cant enjoy any of your movie files. How 2 downgrade Samsung BD-D5XXX Series Bluray playerhttp://forum.samygo.tv/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=4244
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. December 2008 @ 11:09
i was loged as adm. 2 it did bring up the licence page.i accept but nothing hsppend. i also ran cc cleaner and i deleted every thing inC:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\DVD Shrink also did a defrag . Thanks for your help so far i'll keep working on it. P.S Is there a program that works like shrink. xbill
nero recode 2, clonedvd, Intervideo DVD Copy6 are all transcoders that will work better. DVD Rebuilder is an encoder if you want very high quality backups
Quote:I have been using dvd shrink for a few years now. now when i click on it ,it will not open
Assuming it's not a graphics card/driver issue:
If running Xp with SP2 installed, it's possible that the OS's DEP (DATA EXECUTION PREVENTION) option is causing shrink to shut down. You have to change a setting to allow shrink to run...Click-> start, control panel, system, advanced, performance-settings, data execution prevention.... click on-> turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select. Now click-> ADD... and add the shrink executable file (dvdshrink32.exe) to the list, when done click-> APPLY.
NOTE: You should do this if running VISTA as well.
i got to the add part but can't figer how to get to the shrink executable file (dvdshrink32.exe) . not sure how to get to it.could you ex plane how to get it.a noob Thanks xbill