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AfterDawn Addict
24. July 2009 @ 07:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks Fred

I guess the drive wouldn't rip it since it won't play it. It was just a thought. Or would it rip it?? Fred, did you try that too, I bet you did?

24. July 2009 @ 08:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ta-da first result in Google when you search for region free DVD drive

see it isn't hard...

I could put something funny here but I cant be arsed. Now GO AWAY!
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24. July 2009 @ 11:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can make any dvd drive region free by flashing the firmware.. most can be changed anyway up to 5 times.. I usually dump the factory RF original and just reflash as and when needed.
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24. July 2009 @ 11:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
garmoon, yes I did rip, I burned it, I don't watch movies on my PC, I have not tried veiwing it that way, I tried different setting with AnyDvd etc. but no go watching on my DVD players, thats when I e-mailed support at slysoft and found out the bad news.

Now what Kieth mentioned, I don't understand if that means being able to view your burns on your PC only or would that work on standalone players also after flashing?
AfterDawn Addict
24. July 2009 @ 14:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So, Fred, you were able to rip the incorrect region disc with anydvd active? And obviously could burn it or watch the ripped files. Well that will be a work around fix for incorrect region discs. I'll have to remember that if I ever see one. Learn something new almost everyday but getting so old I forget each thing the next day, unless I write most of it down. LMAO now if I could only remember what that means!

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24. July 2009 @ 14:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The obvious way would be to rip it to a mpeg or avi then remaster..

Setting standalone players region free depends on make and model (some have very ordinary pc style dvd drives inside.. my old dansai has a samsung 604b.. a tevion has a rather obscure thomson 4x dvd-rom.. the cheap ones are usually all region.. the expensive ones are locked. Sometimes it's worthwhile opening them up and having a look at the drive.
24. July 2009 @ 14:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
AnyDVD will make it region free but for us in the US we now need to convert it to NTSC to play on most dvd players.

You should be able to watch the ripped files on your PC.
To play out of region DVD's in the PC like the others have said you'll need AnyDVD, or FreeDVD running or change the region of the drive.

So if you want to play the movie in your dvd player and not the PC you need to convert it from PAL to NTSC. The 2 ways I've used to do that are Vobblanker and Nero Vision. Vobblanker fools the player into thinking it's NTSC so this method doesn't always work with all players. Nero Vision though does a true conversion. The one thing you can't convert though is the menu. I'm sure there's a way I've just never been interested in finding it.

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25. July 2009 @ 04:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user

no --------- comment.. like it hasn't been done to death over and over for the last 15 years ;)
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26. July 2009 @ 01:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
garmoon, yes I did, I did make two burns after a couple rips using different setting with AnyDvd before I even called support, I never did try to view either one on my PC cause I don't watch movies on my PC so I never took interest in viewing it that way.

I did throw away the two disc's I burned, kinda wish now I didn't so I would be able tell you if there were veiwable on my PC, after not being able to watch them on my standalone and getting the news from support I just chucked them.

As varnull said about ripping them to mpeg or avi is the way I think it explains on the AD forum I gave previously, I did read up on that but like I said over my head.

I also read on another forum also how varnull explains about flashing your player, that wasn't an easy read either, actually that was really techie, I even called sony on that because I wanted to see if they could help on that subject, they were no help at all, they actually told me not to even try it because it can void the warranty not that I cared it's out of warranty anyway but they still didn't even want to discuss it with me. I tried different avenues because I really want to get my movie The Krays changed just can't find a simple solution.

Now what Blinkie suggests that sounds more less complicated e.g. like using this nerovision, I never heard of that one before, I did google it but ran into to much advertising sites. She also said she can't get the menu, I don't know if that would stop me from obtaining getting subtitles cause both my kids are deaf and I also use it cause my hearing isn't all that great anymore either so that loss would be important to me.

Either way I'm not gonna stop and see if I can find a simple solution or maybe one day The Krays might sell as region 1.

I could go out and buy one of those cheap standalones cause I hear many of them play almost everything, but just can't see buying it because of one movie.
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26. July 2009 @ 20:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The problem with the menu is they are usually jpeg still backgrounds with positioned active layers.. I could explain exactly how they work .. hehehe.. but I will just confuse you..

The difficulty comes because the actual sizes of the frames is different for pal or ntsc .. this makes the overlays not relate to the button positions in the background and the active layer overlays .. you have to rip the stills from the background then rebuild the menu entries (buttons and overlays.. actually all you need to do is position the active parts back over the image and set some stuff) properly... but still not for the easily frustrated... also even though it may be silent a menu needs a music track which usually loops.

If you feel real brave have a read through this little lot.. the later posts have info about menus and the like.. implied rather than specific.. you could build dvd games using info from the last couple of posts.
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27. July 2009 @ 12:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
AfterDawn Addict
27. July 2009 @ 13:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's about an RPG called dofus.

The game should have been named "doofus".
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27. July 2009 @ 13:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
And the poster should be called "dikfer" .. oh Karen *whistles* !! .. change user name before banning the spamming moron? *hums happy little tune while innocently strolling off*
AfterDawn Addict
27. July 2009 @ 14:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
they hid that one fast. Musta been pretty good.

AfterDawn Addict
27. July 2009 @ 15:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No, sorry, it was just rubbish boring drivel that had no place on the forum - you didn't miss anything :p

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27. July 2009 @ 15:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by garmoon:
they hid that one fast. Musta been pretty good.

Nah just totally irrelevant pretty much and lengthy - it had a word count of 420 so way too much to wade through (well for me at least). Oh and it was a copy & paste from another site so totally plagiarism. So to spare our aD members I hid it. I can always unhide if you like.

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27. July 2009 @ 15:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Did you get 'em all? .. 3 or 4 times it was posted. These desperate people trying to get some points on a game instead of playing it.. *sigh* I don't know.. really...
AfterDawn Addict
27. July 2009 @ 15:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Thanks for sparing us.

27. July 2009 @ 16:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by garmoon:

Thanks for sparing us.

Anything for you guys and gals :)

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30. July 2009 @ 16:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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30. July 2009 @ 16:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Why not refer him to the wonderful or, both will give him what he wants..

30. July 2009 @ 16:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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30. July 2009 @ 18:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That is already his homepage.

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31. July 2009 @ 07:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Why oh why do they even come here?!

31. July 2009 @ 12:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
maybe because we are the best at what we do? > forums > general discussion > safety valve > incoherent thread award

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