Because dvd shrink max's out the processor during encoding and analyzing,try the following:
1) Blow out the tower
2) Check the fans,blowers and think about adding extra fan or 2.Pop open the tower and point a fan into it and see if it happens.
3) Clean registry
4) Clear all malware
5) Good quality powersupply with ample wattage
6) Bad windows install
Using 4 different pc's with dvd shrink,some machines can do some screwy things. My backkup pc had the most problems. Added extra fans,better powersupply,and a total reformat took care of most issues. She acts up during the hot days of summer.
Best Bet after the tower cleaning:You can try main movie only.
It'll reduce compression,which results in shorter process time,and less need for the cpu intensive AEC enhancements like Max Smooth/Max Sharp/etc.
Thread title renamed from "dvd shrink" - a title such as that in a forum of the same name is as bad as "Please Help". In future please see here about thread titles ~
if its a laptop make sure that the fan isn't covered on the bottom, had the same problem with convertxtodvd i thought it was randomly turning my laptop off, realised the laptop was getting extremely hot on the bottom, then i realised there was an intake fan on the bottom of the laptop