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Panasonic DMR-E85H error U99
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16. October 2008 @ 22:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yankee, at the time of my test, the system should be plugged in, turned on, with the wire connector removed from the hard drive, correct?

12. October 2008 @ 17:46 Link to this message
Just a note. The +12v that feeds the hard disk drive also feeds the DVD drive. If the +12v is out or flaky, plugging the hard disk drive into an external power will not affect the DVD player.

You say that the capacitors are OK. Visual check only? Have you tested the +12v? It is easy to do. On the 4-pin power connector that plugs into the hard disk drive poke a voltmeter probe into the back of pin 1 (the red one) and put the voltmeter ground lead on pin 2 or 3 (the black leads). It should read about +12v. [for completeness, pin 4 (yellow) is +5v.] If the voltage on these pins are solid, then the capacitors (C1270 and C1271) are OK.
Junior Member
18. October 2008 @ 00:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yankee, I am hoping to test the wires tomorrow. Should the system be plugged in and on, or turned off at the time the probe is applied? Should the wire module be plugged into the hard drive at that time, or unplugged? Meanwhile, I did open up the dvd drive and removed the errant disk today. No change, system is still locked up in a please wait/bye mode that ends with the digital window showing channel 7, but nothing coming through. No ability to change back from hdd to dvd etc. I am still concerned that running the hard drive off an external power source should have bypassed the power supply board and the suspect capacitors. But I will just overrule my suspicions if the capacitors come up as suspect based on the probe check. If I recall from you guys, I can go as high as 35v on the new capacitors. K
18. October 2008 @ 00:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's not too tough to get a DVD out of the drive (at least on my machine). Once the top of the DVD drive is exposed - there are a few small screws that let you pull the top cover. If memory serves me correctly - there is a small plastic slider in the top cover of the drive that needs to be somewhere in the middle of the slot that it rides in - if it isn't there - the drive makes a few nasty grinding noises until you pull the cover and get the slider where it needs to be.

I've only seen this jamming behavior on "VR" mode discs - not with any other type DVD or CD (as in when upgrading the firmware).
Junior Member
18. October 2008 @ 01:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Saved by a Toothpick, no kidding![b][/b]
Hi all. I tinkered with the machine some more tonight. I got the errant dvd out by opening the top of the dvd drive. Four screws come out. Then I just pushed on the top in various directions til it popped up enough to allow me to remove the disk. That did not bring the system back however, so I decided to expose the suspect capacitors again. When I did so I also again examined the plastic web belt that carried data from the hard drive into a slot under the dvd drive. That belt has come out a few times over the past few years, including just a few weeks ago. Well, when I examined the belt under a magnifying glass, I determined that about ten of the fine thread-like wire pins at the end of the belt that slides under the dvd were bent all over the place. I carefully realligned them with a toothpick under the magnifier. I pressed down on them by sliding my fingers from the plastic over the metal and off the end. When it looked pretty straight and separated, I carefully reinserted the wire belt into the slot under the dvd. I now see the machine wants to show me the tv guide, the dvd drawer opens under button command at last, and the clock is again showing. So I believe I am up and running. I will be afraid to put a blank dvd in there again as that started this whole nightmare, but my expectation is I will have access to my hard drive again and will again be able to record off cable. The machine won't be set up with cable for another hour or so, but I am amused that a toothpick could help such a technical piece of equipment. [img][img][img]Will let you know how it all worked. K[/img][/img][/img]

PS ... can I buy a replacement web belt somewhere, perhaps a computer club shop of some kind?

Now if I can just figure out how to stop the water from puddling up inside my refrigerator!
Junior Member
18. October 2008 @ 23:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Had my laptop hooked up to my DMR-E85H's front S-Video port the other day so we could view content on my television. Later that evening I turned it on to view my local news via OTA antenna. The picture had extreme interference (many parallel diagonal lines slowly moving across the screen). I at first thought it was due to local interference. But then I switched to the input my satellite receiver is on - and had the same extreme interference! It is so bad I cannot make out any details or even read the receiver's EPG.

So I went into a panic. This dvd recorder has never let me down and I use it every day.

At one point I thought (hoped) that since this condition was being exhibited on all inputs that it might just be a bad video cable between the Panny and my television - but I ruled THAT out when I learned that all the stuff that I have previously recorded on the Panny's hard drive is perfectly clear and readily viewable on my television.

Ideas anyone? I can't afford to replace this thing or even to pay someone to fix it.

Thanks in advance!
Junior Member
19. October 2008 @ 00:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does the interference still occur when you wired the panny to the TV? My first guess would be that the number of flashes per second on the laptop screen is different than the flashes per second on the tv. Example, if you run a European vhs (PAL) on a US tv, you get those lines. Other example, if you take some video inside a computer lab, you will notice the screen rolling. Why> Because the camera is shooting at one flash speed, and the computer is running at a different speed. The recording on your panny came through the regular cable tv line, right? Does it play correctly on your tv?
Junior Member
19. October 2008 @ 00:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Luvshisex, I would not panic. I would record another show on the panny and see if it plays correctly into your tv. My bet is something is wrong about the interface from your laptop to the panasonic.
PS>>> My system is definitely up and running again, I can view off the hard drive, delete files etc. haven't dared to try to burn a fresh disk yet though. That can wait a long time.
19. October 2008 @ 01:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Kassel, it doesn't really matter if the HDD power connector is plugged in or not for the test. Having the probes inserted before applying power is probably safer if you are worried about probe slipping and zapping something, but I don't think it is necessary. The connector is big and the pins are widely spaced. Most probes can be inserted from the back of the connector if it is still plugged into the drive and you have a solid device holding the connector (the HDD it is plugged into). Some find it easier to unplug the drive and insert the probes into the female sockets of the connector. Either way, you will get a good voltage check. If the capacitors are bad, the load or lack thereof won't make a difference. Of course, you can check it both ways if you are suspicious.

As for the voltage rating of the capacitors, there is no limit as to how high you can go. Just don't go too low. For a 12v circuit, I wouldn't go any lower than 25 V. 35 V should be just fine. Higher voltage rated capacitors tend to be larger, which might not physically fit in the spot on the board or the leads might be too big to fit in the holes. An oversized capacitor might block some airflow too. Those are the only things to watch for. For power supply filter capacitors--which is what these are--bigger (capacitance and voltage rating) is better, just probably not necessary.


Originally posted by Kassel:
Yankee, I am hoping to test the wires tomorrow. Should the system be plugged in and on, or turned off at the time the probe is applied? Should the wire module be plugged into the hard drive at that time, or unplugged? Meanwhile, I did open up the dvd drive and removed the errant disk today. No change, system is still locked up in a please wait/bye mode that ends with the digital window showing channel 7, but nothing coming through. No ability to change back from hdd to dvd etc. I am still concerned that running the hard drive off an external power source should have bypassed the power supply board and the suspect capacitors. But I will just overrule my suspicions if the capacitors come up as suspect based on the probe check. If I recall from you guys, I can go as high as 35v on the new capacitors. K
Junior Member
19. October 2008 @ 11:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
As for the voltage rating of the capacitors, there is no limit as to how high you can go. Just don't go too low. For a 12v circuit, I wouldn't go any lower than 25 V. 35 V should be just fine.

OK, thanks Yank. I will try that in a week or three. The system is operating now, but I do not trust the recording capability. Too many times inserting a blank disk has led to the self check baloney.
Junior Member
21. October 2008 @ 02:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You seem to be missing something. When I connected my laptop to the Panny everything was fine. It was later that evening when I turned the Panny on again and tried to watch an OTA news broadcast that I realized I had problems. At that point, EVERY input to the Panny (OTA antenna on RF port, satellite receiver on component ports, laptop on S-Video port, even a digital camera on the composite video) is FUBAR with the symptoms I described.

Problem is definitely somewhere in the input part of the Panny. Outputs are fine as I can play content that was previously recorded to its hard drive and it looks fine.

At a guess, maybe there was some kind of power surge when I disconnected the laptop's s-video cable from the Panny or even a static electricty discharge. I haven't a clue. I'm still kind of stunned by the loss. While people routinely discuss capacitor failures, dead hard drives, dead dvd burners, etc., MY Panny had none of these problems in the four years or so I've owned it and the countless (who knows, maybe 1,000 or more?) dvds I've burned, the thousands of shows I've recorded, edited, split, etc.
Junior Member
22. October 2008 @ 22:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK Luvishex. Again, call me an optimist, but I bet your system is not down forever. If I understand correctly, you wanted to view something that was on your laptop on a tv. For some reason you wired that laptop to the panny rather than directly to the TV. Perhaps because you wanted to record onto your panny's hard drive to allow you to make disks at high speed later on.

Now you see lines rolling through your video of any kind, since the bad interface. If it were me, I would probably hook some other instrument, perhaps a video camera or another dvd or vhs play, to the exact same inputs that you had connected to your laptop. Now I would record some of the video into the panny. My suspicion is the panny reset it's own flash speed to match up to some type of laptop, and now it does not want to work with anything else. I suspect that by reintroducing a product with the standard US flash rate, your panny may reset itself. Otherwise, some posters in this board have mentioned ways to reset the unit to the original factory specs.
I don't want anyone to think I know anything more than your average Joe, but I just go by instinct and by what I learn from your posts. K
23. October 2008 @ 17:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's dead, Jim.

My 85 is black. No power. Checked the cables, checked the outlet. It was working last night but today nada. Wife and kids have been ruled out as suspects.

Which brings me to my question? What killed it?

Bad Caps? I will find those messages that describe the replacement process and visually check them.

Power Supply? Is there a power supply? Can it be replaced?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated ... it just can't be (notice I am at stage 1 - denial, anger will come soon enough ...).

23. October 2008 @ 18:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok, I forgot about the grief stage - bargaining ... can anyone recommend a replacement? It needs TVGuide (or onscreen program guide) and IR support for Digital Cable Terminal. Anyone ever try:

Panasonic?s DMR-T6070?
Panasonic's DMR-EH55?
Tivo TDC649080 80 Hour Dual Tuner DVR ?

Help ... (thanks)

Junior Member
27. October 2008 @ 21:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Geissler, open her up. There is a little glass tube fuse on the board. Before you do anything else, change that puppy. I got replacements at radio shack.

Meanwhile, if that does not work, you may wish to put an old computer next to the machine, stretch one of those wires from behind one of the disk drives over to the hard drive on your panasonic, then turn on the old computer, see what if anything happens. You are now getting power from the old computer. If you get some kind of action, you can also try to turn on the panasonic at this time. I am betting the fuse went poop, so for less than a buck you are back in the real world. If mine died, I would buy another of the same model on ebay, used, since nothing since the e85h has come close to what this beauty can do, IMHO. K
27. October 2008 @ 22:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Kassel:
There is a little glass tube fuse on the board. Before you do anything else, change that puppy.

Hey Kassel, thanks for the advice. I took it into a repair shop -- for $30 they will diagnose the problem. I did open it and I saw a couple bad capacitors.

If its the fuse, perfect, I will get the caps replaced at the same time. If it is something else then I will have to see if it is worth paying to get it fixed ...

BTW, I hate the VCR ...
Junior Member
27. October 2008 @ 23:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sounds like you are on the right track geissler. If you saw melted capacitors, you need their help anyway and if someone else can change them for you, all the better.
Junior Member
29. October 2008 @ 22:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Luvishex, I guess it goes without saying that you tried to copy something using the front inputs behind that flipdown door?

PS .. I did finally try to make dvds again. I got into that same Please wait, self check dog chasing his tail trap again, and the tv guide erased itself again. However, I did buy verbatim disks per a suggestion in here, with the same self check result. One clue, however, seems to be that if I put the dvd blank in, and then turn it off, later one when I turn it on, it will record onto the blank dvd without incident, and it will finalize. This tells me maybe there is a heat issue, a cold machine records fine. K
Junior Member
30. October 2008 @ 01:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Kassel:
Luvishex, I guess it goes without saying that you tried to copy something using the front inputs behind that flipdown door?

PS .. I did finally try to make dvds again. I got into that same Please wait, self check dog chasing his tail trap again, and the tv guide erased itself again. However, I did buy verbatim disks per a suggestion in here, with the same self check result. One clue, however, seems to be that if I put the dvd blank in, and then turn it off, later one when I turn it on, it will record onto the blank dvd without incident, and it will finalize. This tells me maybe there is a heat issue, a cold machine records fine. K
Yes, I have tried all inputs. They all show the same messed-up picture (same extreme interference pattern). Also, it looks completely different than the way a picture looks on a device that is accidentally set for PAL as opposed to NTSC so it is not a case of the recorder accidentally going into a different video mode. AND that kind of thing would affect the recorder's output, not its input. The recorder still outputs fine as evidenced by the fact that I can see the onscreen status (when I press the STATUS button on the remote one or two times) just fine and I can view DVDs and content that I recorded to its hard drive before things went screwy.

Glad to hear you can successfully record onto discs after a fashion. Yes, sounds like a component is nearing end-of-life and is failing at a certain temperature. It won't fix the component, but I wonder if placing a small computer-type fan so it will blow into the recorder will extend your window of "recording ability." I would be wary of blowing dust/dirt into it but if you have a very clean environment or cut a piece of that cut-to-fit a/c filter material and place between the fan and the recorder's vents it may not be a problem.
Junior Member
30. October 2008 @ 11:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah, I made three disks yesterday, but followed my rule of putting in the blank at a time when I was leaving. When I return, I powered the system up and it loaded easily onto disks. I haven't pushed the envelope yet, am always dealing with a cool machine so far. I am going to try and make sure my firmware is update next week, and may still have those caps switched. I wonder how geissler's change worked.
Junior Member
30. October 2008 @ 12:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
TV Guide/Guide Plus+ After Feb. 2009

Some people have stated there won't be any TV Guide/Guide Plus+ for analog recorders after 2009. This is not correct. You'll continue to get it & you can check on this website to make sure:

You can enter your zip code if you want to be more specific.
30. October 2008 @ 17:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, I got my dead e85 repaired. It cost $85. The problem was two leaking capacitors. The tech also updated the firmware. I have plugged it in and my hard drive data is fine -- hopefully everything works for another 4 years. However, now I am having trouble downloading the TVGuide...

Junior Member
30. October 2008 @ 19:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by geissler:
Well, I got my dead e85 repaired. It cost $85. The problem was two leaking capacitors. The tech also updated the firmware. I have plugged it in and my hard drive data is fine -- hopefully everything works for another 4 years. However, now I am having trouble downloading the TVGuide...

That's awful expensive to do a 10-minute soldiering job on $4 worth of capacitors.

Which firmware did he load on it, the newest North American firmware or the Japanese(?) version that works so well?
31. October 2008 @ 19:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't know which version of the firmware but everything is still in English ...

You are about right, the invoice labels the parts at $5.00 but the labour (1.3 hrs) was $75 which included diagnosing the problem and testing the system.

Now another issue has arisen ... since getting the system back the TVGOS won't download. I contacted the repair shop to see if they had a cause. They said their own technicians were saying their personal equipment stopped receiving the guide info.

I contacted the cable co (Shaw in Edmonton) and they said the signal comes through CFRN (CTV affiliate) and they may be upgrading equipment and no longer supporting the signal.

I contacted CRFN and the engineer there said as far as he knew everything was working (although I'm not sure we were talking about the same thing). He said when they have problems, they usually get alerted to them by Norpak (who I think supplies them with the equipment that adds the TVGOS data to the video signal).

Anyway. So thanks to HandyGuy2 who posted the link to the Macrovision website, I did some more digging and found out that Macrovision bought Gemstar (and TVGOS) last December and have put up a website which includes the following:
TV Guide On Screen
The TV Guide On Screen system's features vary between products. Please refer to the product list below so you can get the support that works best for you. If you need additional support for TV Guide On Screen, you can contact us at or 800-368-7380.
So I sent them an email asking if they knew who I could contact to find out if my TVGOS was ever going to work again. I'm not holding my breath.

Here are some links I found interesting about TVGOS
1. November 2008 @ 22:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The folks at that address are quite responsive - they helped me troubleshoot a problem with my TV Guide on screen... we had an on-going e-mail exchange and they frequently responded in less than an hour...
3. November 2008 @ 23:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Scan10:
The folks at that address are quite responsive

You are right Scan10, I recieved a response from Macrovision and they wrote:

Unfortunately Shaw is no longer supporting TVGuide onScreen Data, there is no resolution to this issue at this time. We have attempted on several occasions to work with Shaw but they have been uncooperative. We are open to working with Shaw in the future to resolve this issue for there consumers.
I called Shaw and Greg on the technical support desk confirmed that they are no longer carrying the TVGOS signal. He said he recieved a memo a couple days ago and the reason they stopped carrying the signal is because in the past it was a free service, but now Macrovision is charging a fee. Greg said Shaw made the decision to stop the service because they already provide a guide on Channel 5 and through digital cable.

If you are effected by Shaw's decision, I encourage you to let Jim Shaw, Shaw's President and CEO know. I believe his email address is

I know this message is off topic from the original U99 theme, but I think that it is something that may be of interest to many of you, particularly those in Western Canada. > forums > home theater > dvd recorders > panasonic dmr-e85h error u99

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