I have tried using shrink on a couple of dvd's of note From dusk Till Dawn and when I choose the drive it states wrong parameter and will not open the drive i.e. E:FROM_DUSK_TILL_DAWN any ideas please.
Thnx Sly for your comment. I have run the dvd in the drive and the movie plays fine, but when I start shrink it still states that the parameter is incorrect. Any help gratefully appreciated.
I made my dvd rom drive region free with a firmware patch, but that still did not encourage shrink to recognise the disc it still states that there is an error and it cannot read from the drive. What I did in the end was use decryptor and create a File F which in turn makes an iso file which after a bit of trial and error with compression in shrink worked. It is quite a long process, but the quality is pretty good and let's be honest for the cost of writers these days I will not worry how long it takes as long as it works eventually. Trial and error a wonderful state of being. HeHe!