Blank media sales (updated weekly, daily, hourly)
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7. January 2009 @ 00:38 |
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16. January 2009 @ 09:18 |
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| 16x VERBATIM DVD-R's $20.99 with free shipping -100ct spindle Pretty sweet deal ! Cheapest I found lately was samsclub ! $10.87 per 50ct. spindle + or - so this price beats samsclub when you figure in Gas & Tax ( nearest SAMSCLUB is 30miles away !!! And Irony of Irony I just bought two 50Ct. Tubs of DVD+R's =Verbatims at sams the other day !!! Well what is that saying About" Never be too Rich. Too Thin or Have too Many Verbatims !!!" well something like that anyways ! Happy Shopping !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. January 2009 @ 09:51
Senior Member
16. January 2009 @ 12:32 |
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16. January 2009 @ 13:38 |
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bratcher- I don't think so but thanks my friend ! hek the nearest officemax is about 100 miles away sad but true ...
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
16. January 2009 @ 14:22 |
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For those who like the Verbatim printable. Our local Sam's Club has Verbatim + or - 16X MIT inkjet printable at $23.34/100 (+sales tax). They are not the full hub printable but the ones with the 36mm non-printable centers.I thought this to be a pretty good price for the made in Taiwan discs.
Senior Member
16. January 2009 @ 20:10 |
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Originally posted by BIGTOXY69: bratcher- I don't think so but thanks my friend ! hek the nearest officemax is about 100 miles away sad but true ...
And no Microcenter near you? Oh well, try clicking on one of the $12.99 pages. See what price you get for the 50 pack then order some with the shipping added on. If you get a fair price then it might be worth it. If not then don't finish the order....
Senior Member
16. January 2009 @ 20:30 |
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Originally posted by Lurth: For those who like the Verbatim printable. Our local Sam's Club has Verbatim + or - 16X MIT inkjet printable at $23.34/100 (+sales tax). They are not the full hub printable but the ones with the 36mm non-printable centers.I thought this to be a pretty good price for the made in Taiwan discs.
Thats cheaper than the $7.99 25 packs ($31.99 for 4 of them) at my local Microcenter. The local Microcenter is out of the 100 pack DVDR printables & I don't have a Sam's Club membership (nor does any of my friends) so I'll have to pass up your great deal. Thanks anyway.
I did find two Verbatim DVD + R 50 pack white inkjet (non hub printable) packs in the clearance/return section last week who's outer cases were slightly damaged but the discs were fine. I got both for $12.99 each so no complaints there. I even found three 50 pack Verbatim silver inkjet printable (I like white inkjet better) CDR packs that day for $6.99 each on the same rack so they went home with me too. Never hurts to check the clearance racks!!
Senior Member
17. January 2009 @ 17:00 |
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bratcher- I hear ya'!!! I do that all the time at Samsclub and have picked up a great deal now and again everything from Ceiling fans to DVD recorders and Verbatims to water Coolers {with THe Hot water Tap ) My wife call's that section the OOPS Rack - OOPS there it Is LOL!!!
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Senior Member
18. January 2009 @ 01:17 |
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Originally posted by rtm27: Originally posted by dr_ml422: These are great for the price>
Office Max has Verbs but not as low as they sometimes have them.
I have bought close to 800 of those RiData disks. I usually average 2-4 bad burns per 100. I have even gone thru 250 before I get a failure. They are right now my 2nd favorite disks to use after my favorite TDK's.
Yeah they're pretty good. Just tried the ones I got and ok, especially for the price. You're TDKs you talking about you use those as your primary favorites or 1 after tys and verbs? I forgot if you had posted about using the TDKs before and how they were pretty good.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
Senior Member
18. January 2009 @ 01:47 |
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I use TDK's as my primary when I can find them on sale, otherwise I use RiData's.
18. January 2009 @ 08:13 |
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Just an FYI,
you might want to check out OfficeMax if you have one near you... They usually have have some brand (mostly the so-so ones) on sale every week for around $20 for a hundred pack. (Yes, I know we only want the best... getting to that).
Last week they had TDK's for $17.99/100, so of course they're going to run out almost immediately... Went down on Friday and nothing but empty space on the shelves were they would have been..... but, all you need to do is ask if they'll substitute (3rd time now), and they usually let you pick what you want.
So.... got $59.99 VERBATIMs for $17.99 each!!!!
They've never questioned on substituting or even mentioned rain checks... just need to make sure they've alrady run out of whatever was advertised.
~~~~ Nothings Forgotten. Nothing Is Ever Forgotten. ~~~~
AfterDawn Addict
18. January 2009 @ 10:48 |
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The TDK discs are on sale this week at Office depot. + / - R $10.99/50. Have you scanned them in dvd identifier to ascertain the maker. The TDKs have become their house brand now. The first TDKs I used, were very good TYs, years ago. LMAO
AfterDawn Addict
18. January 2009 @ 11:01 |
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The TDK's that I've used in the last year or so have been TTH02 or TDK 003 and believe it or not have done ok. I'm not saying they match MCC 004 or TY stuff but better than the MBI and Ritek stuff I've got in the last 2 years. Of course it's always better to stick with TY or MCC media if you can. :)
AfterDawn Addict
18. January 2009 @ 11:10 |
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Is is as good as their old brands, Ritek or ricohjpn that I've been using for daughter and giveaways. Who's going to win the big games today???
Senior Member
18. January 2009 @ 11:45 |
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My Sgt. at work told me about this, but I forgot to check. Radio Shack has TDK's +/- 50pk's on sale for $9.99. I just checked online, and the sale is till 24 Jan.
Senior Member
20. January 2009 @ 09:26 |
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. January 2009 @ 10:18
Senior Member
20. January 2009 @ 16:40 |
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Walked into a Houston Sams club & found that they have the Verbatim 100 pack + & - R white inkjet printable DVD's for $29 & some change. I saw both MIS & MII in the 100 packs so if you want MIS then check the label before buying. Note: these are not hub printable discs!!
Senior Member
20. January 2009 @ 17:42 |
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bratcher- Yeah Buddy !!! The samsclub here in Central La. ( Baton Rouge ) Have been selling the 50ct. Spindles of Regular ( not Printable ) Verbatims for $10.87 for a while now Dvd+R or DVd-R's but only the 50ct. spindles & only the regular ones @ that price ! I don't know it as fact but I would surmise that they are gonna standardize and just carry the printables and maybe the camcorder sized Disc so they're getting the regular ones out at a good price !!! I have also noticed that the paper tag/sign that says how much these are also says one-time buy/sale? so perhaps they just got a really good deal on a container shipload of them & are passing along the savings ? regardless a deal is a deal When you can get Verbatims for about what we were paying for Officedepot/Riteks & Ricoh's" I would say that's agood thing Martha !!"- I mean bratcher !!!! Good luck & happy Shopping - or as some of our wifes would say " CHARGRE IT!!!!! lol!!!! jk - Ciao Buddy !!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
20. January 2009 @ 17:57 |
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Originally posted by rtm27: My Sgt. at work told me about this, but I forgot to check. Radio Shack has TDK's +/- 50pk's on sale for $9.99. I just checked online, and the sale is till 24 Jan.
Do you know what mid code they are?
Senior Member
20. January 2009 @ 18:04 |
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Originally posted by BIGTOXY69: bratcher- Yeah Buddy !!! The samsclub here in Central La. ( Baton Rouge ) Have been selling the 50ct. Spindles of Regular ( not Printable ) Verbatims for $10.87 for a while now Dvd+R or DVd-R's but only the 50ct. spindles & only the regular ones @ that price ! I don't know it as fact but I would surmise that they are gonna standardize and just carry the printables and maybe the camcorder sized Disc so they're getting the regular ones out at a good price !!! I have also noticed that the paper tag/sign that says how much these are also says one-time buy/sale? so perhaps they just got a really good deal on a container shipload of them & are passing along the savings ? regardless a deal is a deal When you can get Verbatims for about what we were paying for Officedepot/Riteks & Ricoh's" I would say that's agood thing Martha !!"- I mean bratcher !!!! Good luck & happy Shopping - or as some of our wifes would say " CHARGRE IT!!!!! lol!!!! jk - Ciao Buddy !!
The Houston Sams Club has some of those Verb 50 pack discs too. Not printable though for $10.97 each.
I'd love to see the Verb 100 pack white inkjet printables go for $25 or less each though. That I would buy in MIT or MIS!!
Senior Member
20. January 2009 @ 18:47 |
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bratcher- We Can hope for a sale like that can't we There is always hope !!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
20. January 2009 @ 23:18 |
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@ rtm and Garmoon and greensman Thnx for those pullups on the TDk's. I keep getting Office Depot's weekly deals in my E-mail. Didn't know they made them their house brand.
Any word from either Office Depot's, Radio Shack or Office Max and what Id comes up for those TDK's respectively.
@ joleco I'm going to keep that tip in mind on asking about substituting any of Office Max's sale items. They do almost always have sales on the not so popular brands. So a snatch of Verbs at that price is great. Now that some of you confirmed TDK's as pretty good I'm going to check them out. Still have 3 pks. of 50 verbs from Best Buys black Friday, and a 100 pack of New Egg's Riteks which I think were MIT. Kinda like them. pretty smooth.
@ bratcher I've yet to try those white inkjet printables from Verbatim. Even though I don't print I think you said they were still solid so I'm giving them a try.
@ BIG I've been letting those Verbs from Newegg slip me by because I been pretty stacked, but I think I'm going to pull the trigger soon because per the specs they look like the old packaging. Is that what you got? Or is it the DVD+R's that had the old packaging on the verbs in Newegg? Thnx.
OFFICE MAX has these verbs but w/bonus reward program. Think Newegg might still beat the price w/the free shipping.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. January 2009 @ 23:43
Senior Member
20. January 2009 @ 23:50 |
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The RiData disks from newegg code out as Ritek R05.
The TDK's from Radio Shack code out as Ritek F16.
The face of the TDK's aren't as dark as some of the older ones I had gotten less than 6 months ago. The spindle design is different. Instead of grooves on the bottom to lock the spindle closed, it's now a screw on cap.
The older TDK's I had gotten from Radio Shack had coded as CMC Mag M01.
Senior Member
21. January 2009 @ 00:01 |
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That's not bad on the TDK's from Ritek. The older ones from Radio Shack did they do pretty well? some CMC are not bad as the ones they make for HP which I'll never use again.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. January 2009 @ 00:38
Senior Member
21. January 2009 @ 00:24 |
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Originally posted by BIGTOXY69: bratcher- We Can hope for a sale like that can't we There is always hope !!!!
Oh yes, keep hoping!!