Blank media sales (updated weekly, daily, hourly)
Senior Member
3. February 2009 @ 16:24 |
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I was just on the newegg website (at work now, using my mobile to surf) and saw they had verebatim 16x dvd -R 100pk spindle for $19.99 after $8 mail in rebate and free shipping.
Can't give the link, as I'm on mobile.
AfterDawn Addict
3. February 2009 @ 16:53 |
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Not the best of prices- $28/100 They were just under $12/50 +tax @ Best Buy and don't have to deal with rebates. About the same price but no rebate involved.
Senior Member
3. February 2009 @ 17:17 |
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Originally posted by garmoon: dr_ml422
I hate $ony more than most, but don't dis all their discs because the $ony MIJ 8X +R were top of the line (maybe best ever made) TY T02s.
The 16X varieties and most other $hit they monopolize, you can dis.
I hear you. I've heard about those 8x DVD+R's. Never had the pleasure of running into them. Read 1 post where I think some guy said he was lucky to pick some up at a convenience store or something. Think it was the Sony's. Not 100% sure. They're gone now huh?
$12.50 for a 100pk. or a 50 spindle of Verbs? Never saw them that low for 100ct. Thnx.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
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AfterDawn Addict
5. February 2009 @ 18:11 |
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I still got 2 unopened 50 pk spindles of Sony +8x Yuden000-T02!!! They were some of the best.
I picked up another spindle of sony +16x and gave the new looking memosux a closer looksie. Over $50 for a 100 pk tub!!! Holy Moly! They're in the purple/white tubs.
I'm curious to see if they can be booktyped and how they code out.
Bigtoxy: I used to go to sam's club years ago. That's where my R-200 printer came from.My wife at the time would spend way too much $$$. One time,she came home with 20 lbs of candy! I was a little PO'd, LOL!
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
Senior Member
6. February 2009 @ 07:42 |
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saugmon- Well maybe she was going to build a Gingerbread house in the forest and when Hansel & Gretel showed up well you get the picture ! LOL - I hear you though ! I'm not affiliated with them( SAMS) other than as a customer! I just think that's about the best Deal On verbatims I've seen lately ! unless you have a Mysterious Benefactor That's giving them to you ? " Ehh!!!! It Fell Of The Truck Capiche' !!" On the Memorex deal I would say that's the everyday inflated price for any dvd media ! But I think you figured that out for yourself my Pollywogian friend. Unless it's Dl media and even then it would still be overpriced maybe not to the same extent !On shopping ! I'm an Anachronism or is that Astygmatism ? whichever one has better eyes? I like to shop not so much for clothes < I don't mind the shopping part it's the try this on 24 different times part I'm not particularly fond of !But Regular shopping , Dvd's Blank & Movies - Hello Big Lot's !! They say if you had Wieght Loss Surgery ( Gastric Bypass ) in me and my wifes case You probably had a Food addiction ? and sometimes aster having the Surgery People have addiction switching ? Start Gambling. Drinking , Drugs ect.. Or some people shop ! But as long as it's not out of hand and your not going into debt I guess it's alright ? To be honest I liked to shop before So I'm not sure much has changed ? And Irony of Irony ! Now that I can't eat as much as I could before we seem to buy more food ?- Well A shopping tipp to Go ! If you see something you think you want at Samsclub, Biglots , and even Walmart sometimes ? Buy it if you wait it'sll be gone and they'll never get'em back in stock ! if You change your mind bring it back ! - Good luck and Watch out for the Giingerbread Man Buddy later my friend!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
9. February 2009 @ 11:54 |
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Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
AfterDawn Addict
14. February 2009 @ 16:43 |
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The +R's are always higher for some ungoddly reason!
Same price for either format at every b&m store in the USA.Better get Leonard Nimoy involved because that mystery has still never been solved.
Staple's has Sony on sale starting 2/15/09. 100 pks for $23
Also HP 25 pks for $4 after easy rebate.
BTW: Staple's also have 1Tb external HD for $100. Seagate Free agent and a WD for that price. I paid $130 for that same seagate 2 weeks ago, LOL!
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
1 product review
14. February 2009 @ 16:56 |
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Originally posted by saugmon: The +R's are always higher for some ungoddly reason!
You get 6MB less on +R as well :(
AfterDawn Addict
14. February 2009 @ 18:35 |
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Highway robbery!
I wish they'd have another awesome Office Depot sale. TDK 50 pks for $11 at OD. Seagate external HD also $100 at OD, UGGH!
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
Senior Member
16. February 2009 @ 19:40 |
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saugmon- I Think that it's a subset of Murphy's Law !!!? Anytime We buy something even onsale it never fails to be cheaper soon thereafter! - But If you wait for it it won't Get cheaper ! I think it's the Gotcha - Syndrome ? Sounds like a Good movie title too !!! But yoou can't go through life worrying about stuff like that or we'd never buy anything would we ? Just get the best deal you can at the time and keep on trucking !!!! Later my pollywogian pal !!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
16. February 2009 @ 19:51 |
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Looks like the ABC Warehouse down the street from where I live has joined in the fray . . .
Their everyday price for Verbatim 50 packs is $14.99 and they will beat ANY current price including on-line . . .
Now if only they would get some MIJ Sony discs
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Senior Member
20. February 2009 @ 07:40 |
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catfreak- Look what the Cat Dragged in ? lol j/K buddy !!!! - I hear ya' though !!! If Only I was born Rich instead of Good looking { Ha!!!}, If only Angelina was'nt so attached to Brad & the Kids she would'nt have to live without me !!!, If only Salma Hayek was my School teacher and would Give Me ??????? { Detention } ( I'm a Bad Boy !!!} - I suppose That's as far as I should go on that Tangent ? LOL!!! but you get the Idea !!! anyhow Nothing Wrong with Verbatims or Sony's But it's Like finding Easter Eggs or striking Gold in your Backyard when you find some Sony/Taiyo Yuden's or even rarer Fuji MIJ 's I actually know of a store in town that has or had ? FUJI MIJ's but they were singles in Dvd Cases and were like a$1.00 + apiece !!! uch as I like Taiyo/Fuji's That's too rich for my blood for that price I'll order online and get a better deal !!! maybe I should check that store and see if they still have'em & or have marked them down ? well good to hear from you again !!! Keep it clean and Good luck with the cats - Would'nt want any Cat-astrophies would we ? I know Bad Pun , No fun Time to Go By' y'all !!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Suspended permanently
20. February 2009 @ 08:30 |
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spam removed
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Senior Member
20. February 2009 @ 09:20 |
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Life is Grand !

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AfterDawn Addict
20. February 2009 @ 15:55 |
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Spammers everywhere, LOL!
Catfreak: I'd love to hit a motherload of those sweet Sony Tys! I still have 2 sealed up 50 pks in the vault.
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
Senior Member
20. February 2009 @ 16:48 |
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Originally posted by saugmon: Spammers everywhere, LOL!
Catfreak: I'd love to hit a motherload of those sweet Sony Tys! I still have 2 sealed up 50 pks in the vault.
What are you waiting for? Burn those baby's!! I would....
Senior Member
20. February 2009 @ 17:52 |
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bratcher-yup yup I hear ya'! I still have 2 -100ct. spindles of MIJ Fuji 's in my leaning tower of media !!! as well as a few odd 50ct. spindles of Maxell MIJ ! I think I even still have some Verbatim 4x stuff that I got on sale ( Shiny like Taiyo's ) I know they are there cause I have'nt burned them yet ? yeti ??? just too lazy to disturb the pile I guess ? but I'll Get to them one day !!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
20. February 2009 @ 19:25 |
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Originally posted by BIGTOXY69: bratcher-yup yup I hear ya'! I still have 2 -100ct. spindles of MIJ Fuji 's in my leaning tower of media !!! as well as a few odd 50ct. spindles of Maxell MIJ ! I think I even still have some Verbatim 4x stuff that I got on sale ( Shiny like Taiyo's ) I know they are there cause I have'nt burned them yet ? yeti ??? just too lazy to disturb the pile I guess ? but I'll Get to them one day !!!!
I would have burned all that up a long time ago. All I can say is get to them when you have time.
Burned up about 400 4x Verb +R white inkjet printables (till I couldn't buy anymore) in the standalone DVD recorder thats hooked up to my cable DVR. Meritline had them fairly cheap in 50 packs about a year & a half ago. 3 months ago I bought 200 generic (coded out as Optodisc) 4x +R white inkjet printables & they play back fine burned from the DVD recorder. Went back to reorder & they were out of stock. Low priced at the time which is why I bought them. Didn't use them (nor the Verb 4x) in the computer as 4x is too slow since I prefer to burn at 8x. So it's back to 8x TY white inkjet printables in the DVD recorder. They burn great in it plus I use them in my computer's DVDR drive.
As for me I have about 750 8x TY's (white inkjet hub printable) to burn between my computer & the standalong DVD recorder thats hooked up to my cable TV DVR. Also have about 400 Ritek white inkjet printable CDR's to make audio CD's out of that I paid $8.99 per 50 pack for, back when Microcenter had them. They don't carry them anymore so I can either buy Philips white inkjet printable at Microcenter (I haven't tried them yet) or just buy the Ritek ones from either Meritline or Supermediastore whoever has the best deal at the time. I find the Ritek CDR's good for audio play in my truck stereo. Never had a problem with them.
Junior Member
21. February 2009 @ 10:06 |
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Office Max-Verbs -R/+R 16x 100pk spindles (MCC004s) $24.99 ($35.00 promo discount at register).
 "The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."
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AfterDawn Addict
21. February 2009 @ 10:43 |
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Damn good price but no Office Max here. Pi$$! Thanks anyway.
Edit; Are they MIT? or MII?
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Junior Member
21. February 2009 @ 13:38 |
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Them's Taiwanese...
 "The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."
AfterDawn Addict
22. February 2009 @ 00:12 |
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Nice ! MIT Lucky Dogg!
Senior Member
22. February 2009 @ 08:54 |
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garmoon-I'm Guessing Heavy on the Onions , Extra Relish !!!, & lot's O' Mustard ?Lucky Dogg!!!!! LOL!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Junior Member
22. February 2009 @ 09:25 |
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Hey, keep your mustard off the Dogg. My girlfriend (Vicksburg native) tried that and it burned like hell; the ownyown didn't help either. You Cajuns; always tryin' to spice up perfection.
 "The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend."
AfterDawn Addict
22. February 2009 @ 10:21 |
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You got that right. altho I haven't had a Lucky Dogg in years. You actually have to show up in the FQ to find them. I don't think they are here in BR parades. Mustard-onions-relish and maybe a splash of home, Tabasco!