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AfterDawn Addict

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3. March 2011 @ 14:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That's a large order LOL! I only buy that many when I get my tax return. That is sadly spent :(

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3. March 2011 @ 16:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by omegaman7:
That's a large order LOL! I only buy that many when I get my tax return. That is sadly spent :(
Yes I've spent my tax return too but not on discs....
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3. March 2011 @ 22:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Not such a big sale but if you like Maxell branded media well then here it is.

Walgreens Maxell 25 pack DVD + or - R $8.99 each. Bought one of the -R to check it's mid code which turns out to be RitekF1. I have no idea what the +R mid code might turn out to be. Perhaps whatever Ritek uses for +R or maybe something else. Anybody know?
AfterDawn Addict
4. March 2011 @ 00:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@bluesbabe - TYG02 or TYG03 ( TY DVD-R 8X and 16X) are very good DVD-r discs. I also like cmc-mag-am3 discs but knowing who carries them is a different thing. Memorex used to carry them, DVD-r 16X of course. ;)

I'm not a fan of the Ritek disc. Doesnt make them a bad product just don't like the quality scans I get.

4. March 2011 @ 00:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bratcher:
Not such a big sale but if you like Maxell branded media well then here it is.

Walgreens Maxell 25 pack DVD + or - R $8.99 each. Bought one of the -R to check it's mid code which turns out to be RitekF1. I have no idea what the +R mid code might turn out to be. Perhaps whatever Ritek uses for +R or maybe something else. Anybody know?
I wonder if Maxwell will get as bad of a reputation as the Verbatim value series seem to received in last few months as Ritek F1 is one of their disks. Also MCC 004 I have received on the value series. So far no problems from either appox. 10 out of 1000 was bad. I no longer buy them either But at $4.79 for 50 I did. Tayio Yudens is all I will buy now.
AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
4. March 2011 @ 00:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A lot of it has to do with the burner though too. Optiarcs (NEC Chipped) are excellent burners. Two of them have proven to be good readers too :D They burn everything I throw at them well. CMC, MCC, TY(of course), even Ritek discs. I don't like trusting discs that have large dark spots on the recording dye though. And I've seen them on ALL manufacturers discs. It's extremely rare on Verbatim discs though. Heck, I think I've seen more on TYG03 discs. TY discs seem to be ok with the dark spots though. Which is why I primarily trust TY ;)

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AfterDawn Addict
4. March 2011 @ 06:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bratcher:
Not such a big sale but if you like Maxell branded media well then here it is.

Walgreens Maxell 25 pack DVD + or - R $8.99 each. Bought one of the -R to check it's mid code which turns out to be RitekF1. I have no idea what the +R mid code might turn out to be. Perhaps whatever Ritek uses for +R or maybe something else. Anybody know?

The last +R Riteks I used were F16, and they sucked, big time! I wound up giving most of them away.



GigaByte 990FXA-UD5 - AMD FX-8320 @4.0GHz @1.312v - Corsair H-60 liquid CPU Cooler - 4x4 GB GSkill RipJaws DDR3/1866 Cas8, 8-9-9-24 - Corsair 400-R Case - OCZ FATAL1TY 550 watt Modular PSU - Intel 330 120GB SATA III SSD - WD Black 500GB SATA III - WD black 1 TB Sata III - WD Black 500GB SATA II - 2 Asus DRW-24B1ST DVD-Burner - Sony 420W 5.1 PL-II Suround Sound - GigaByte GTX550/1GB 970 Mhz Video - Asus VE247H 23.6" HDMI 1080p Monitor

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4. March 2011 @ 09:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have been using verbs +r big time the last several years, most came from India some came from other places, can't remember past a year but have not had one coaster, I have bought them from OfficeMax, SMS, or Sams Club, always 100 pack for 20 bucks, and of course I use ty's a lot also, just recieved my first order of JVC ty's, 200 pack form SMS, hope all goes well, besides those two, I wouldn't touch anything else, with that kind of track record why would I.

The JVC ty+'s were on sale which is rare for ty pluses so I jumped on it.
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4. March 2011 @ 11:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by greensman:
@bluesbabe - TYG02 or TYG03 ( TY DVD-R 8X and 16X) are very good DVD-r discs. I also like cmc-mag-am3 discs but knowing who carries them is a different thing. Memorex used to carry them, DVD-r 16X of course. ;)

I'm not a fan of the Ritek disc. Doesnt make them a bad product just don't like the quality scans I get.

Well my Samsung burner just gave me an excellent scan of an almost full RitekF1 disc that I burned at 8x. But then I never burn any DVD's higher than that. Oh & I've gotten great scans out of CMC discs too btw.
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4. March 2011 @ 12:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bratcher:
Originally posted by greensman:
@bluesbabe - TYG02 or TYG03 ( TY DVD-R 8X and 16X) are very good DVD-r discs. I also like cmc-mag-am3 discs but knowing who carries them is a different thing. Memorex used to carry them, DVD-r 16X of course. ;)

I'm not a fan of the Ritek disc. Doesnt make them a bad product just don't like the quality scans I get.

Well my Samsung burner just gave me an excellent scan of an almost full RitekF1 disc that I burned at 8x. But then I never burn any DVD's higher than that. Oh & I've gotten great scans out of CMC discs too btw.

Nice scans are great, longevity is my biggest concern.
4. March 2011 @ 13:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by FredBun:
.... longevity is my biggest concern.
Could you discuss this issue at more length, please?
For that matter, what do people mean when they say "good scans"?
4. March 2011 @ 13:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bratcher:

If your worried about media quality then go online to Meritline (or anywhere else that you like) & get some Verbatim or Tayio Yuden/JVC discs. They will do well for you.
Which Verbatims do you mean, and does it matter where I get them? I was about to get some Verbatims (100 stack, the DVD-r ones with the blue/orange label) on Amazon when I happened to read the reviews and realized that long time users were saying they've turned to crap. And they flat out hate the "life series" line. That's why I posted here in the first place, since quality seems to be ever-changing.
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4. March 2011 @ 14:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bluesbabe:
Originally posted by FredBun:
.... longevity is my biggest concern.
Could you discuss this issue at more length, please?
For that matter, what do people mean when they say "good scans"?

OH YUK, I hate doing this again as I have posted in lenght a while back, but no matter, when asked I will do so, most good members here on AD always did the same for me. I don't have much time have a doc appt, but here it is in short.

As far as scans that's not my thing, it's fun to play with for a while than gets old, I go by what I see on my screen and how long my disc's last, before I joined AD I always bought my dvd's in stores buying the cheapest media I could find, mostly is was memorex, philips, tdk's etc. when I first got on this forum I would read about the warnings of crappy media, thinking I knew better because all my burns were fine most anyway, I would argue with these guys about all this, after getting tired of my arguments these guys which most don't post here anymore like I said this was some years ago, lastly just told me wait till some time passes by.

Well guess what, more than half of my dvd's that are not either ty's or verbs that I burned on more than 5 years ago or so either don't play, skip, freeze etc. any idea how much time and money went and lost, not pretty, after finally getting it because in the beginning I thought I knew better, lesson learned, it's been close to 5 years since I started with ty's and verbs, I have mucho kids in the house and all the movies get played often, all the ty's and verbs just keep on hanging in like that bunny, that's about it, a lesson learned the hard way.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. March 2011 @ 18:10

AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
4. March 2011 @ 14:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
These are generally a good batch. Their origin usually is Taiwan, but sometimes they come from UAE(United Arab Emir). The UAE discs usually scan substantially better. I have not had a bad burn from either :D

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4. March 2011 @ 17:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by omegaman7:
These are generally a good batch. Their origin usually is Taiwan, but sometimes they come from UAE(United Arab Emir). The UAE discs usually scan substantially better. I have not had a bad burn from either :D

I concur, I've had those also, never a coaster.
AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
4. March 2011 @ 18:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Great discs. I've burned well over a thousand of them :D I've burned more TYG03 discs though. +R's are for my archival purposes. I use the -R's for giveaways and projects ;)

The -R's seem to have a very high Compatibility ratio. For taiyo yuden anyway.

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. March 2011 @ 18:05

AfterDawn Addict
4. March 2011 @ 20:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello to all. The reports of my death have been gravely exaggerated! Finally put together my new pc since my XP expired. First I did my wife's new laptop and then my desktop both windows 7. Can't say I see much improvement over XP. Did manage to find online the program updates which run with win 7. Put my old reliable burners in today and nero expressed a dvd 16X on the fly with a CMC mag verb which now are my giveaways.Good burn for the first one. I will use my Sony TYs and Sony and JVC TYs for myself. Verbatim not what they use to be.

AfterDawn Addict
4. March 2011 @ 23:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey GARmoonY.. How you been? Glad to here you're back up and running. ;)

Yep... I likes those TY discs plenty good. ;)
AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
5. March 2011 @ 00:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by garmoon:
Hello to all. The reports of my death have been gravely exaggerated! Finally put together my new pc since my XP expired. First I did my wife's new laptop and then my desktop both windows 7. Can't say I see much improvement over XP. Did manage to find online the program updates which run with win 7. Put my old reliable burners in today and nero expressed a dvd 16X on the fly with a CMC mag verb which now are my giveaways.Good burn for the first one. I will use my Sony TYs and Sony and JVC TYs for myself. Verbatim not what they use to be.
If you're a gamer, the difference would be night and day. Windows 7 blows XP away. Definitely a necessity for a gamer.

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6. March 2011 @ 21:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by FredBun:
Originally posted by bluesbabe:
Originally posted by FredBun:
.... longevity is my biggest concern.
Could you discuss this issue at more length, please?
For that matter, what do people mean when they say "good scans"?

OH YUK, I hate doing this again as I have posted in lenght a while back...........

As far as scans that's not my thing............

Well guess what, more than half of my dvd's that are not either ty's or verbs that I burned on more than 5 years ago or so either don't play, skip, freeze etc. ..........
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be a nuisance. You should have just given me a link.

I still don't know what these "scans" are, that people are talking about. Can anyone tell me?

Does anyone know what it is that makes older DVDs not work right?
AfterDawn Addict
6. March 2011 @ 21:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does anyone know what it is that makes older DVDs not work right?
cheap dye, poor quality blank media , burning at to fast of a speed, storing them incorrectly and the list goes on!

Antec 1200 Full-Tower Case/Thermaltake 750-Watt PS/ASUS SABERTOOTH Z77 Mobo/Western Digital Black WD500 500GB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache/NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTX 384-bit GDDR3 PCI Express Video Card/CORSAIR DOMINATOR PLATINUM 16GB DDR3 /Intel Core i7-3770K Ivy Bridge 3.5GHz (3.9GHz Turbo)/CORSAIR Hydro High Performance Liquid CPU Cooler/3-Asus DRW-24B1ST Sata Drives/Samsung 2493HM 24" LCD Monitior 1920x1200 resolution,5ms respone time/OS Windows 10 Pro SP1 64-bit
AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
6. March 2011 @ 22:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Scanning reveals how well a particular reader can read a disc. If you have an excellent reader and you have bad scans, than chances are the disc may not read to well by other readers. Contrary to people calling the scans pointless, they do have their uses :p But you have to know what you're doing, otherwise it can seem useless.

If you're using good media, and it plays on devices than don't worry. But you probably can scan media over time, and watch the scan degrade due to material degradation. I have 5 - 6 yr old verbatims that still rip at high speed.

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6. March 2011 @ 22:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ZoSoIV:
Does anyone know what it is that makes older DVDs not work right?
cheap dye, poor quality blank media , burning at to fast of a speed, storing them incorrectly and the list goes on!
Except for the 'storing them wrong' one, wouldn't these all be a problem from the beginning? A post said not making coasters is only half the story- that they don't last is the tricky part.

I know everyone praises verbatims, (from Japan) but the most recent ones I've seen were no longer made there, and people are saying they're going down hill. And now that JVC absorbed TY, who knows what'll happen to them.

I'm just trying to figure out how to do things as right as possible.
6. March 2011 @ 23:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by omegaman7:
These are generally a good batch. Their origin usually is Taiwan, but sometimes they come from UAE(United Arab Emir). The UAE discs usually scan substantially better. I have not had a bad burn from either :D

Two weeks ago, that picture is what was in the ad from Office Max, but when I got there, they were selling what they claimed was the same thing but in new packaging, and it looked like this:

That's what got me worried in the first place- I'd been using Verbatims for years.
AfterDawn Addict
6. March 2011 @ 23:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
bluesbabe where are you located? USA, UK, Europe, or somewhere else? The only Japanese made Verbies I've heard about are sold in the UK and Europe. I"m sure Japan has them but Verbatim has been known to outsource from many places and many manufacturers. Taiwan used to be the Origin of choice but it seems the Middle East discs are gaining favor. The dual layer Singapore discs were (are?) disc of choice as well. I don't by DL discs any longer as I don't think the quality is worth the extra price. But of course I'm only viewing on a 32" TV at best. To cheap to buy a new TV when I won't settle for anything less than 46". Sounds like a woman.. lol. binkie I"m just kidding. :p

As far as storage of discs. I've found that it's better to store them vertically but of course that's on 1-7 year old discs. I have TY's that I burned in 2004 that still scan in the 90's (yep that scanning thing that all talk about... ;) ..) I also have some older discs from CMC, MCC (verbies), TDK, Ritek, AML, and a couple of others that still play but NOT all of them scan in the 90's. Some of the worst that I've had are some off brand crap and most of those were gone in the first year. Of course my burning techniques have improved dramatically in the last few years. And I still burn at 8X unless I'm having some fun or testing an ODD (optical disc drive or burner). I don't do much testing any longer as it got a little expensive to 'have fun' at $20-$30 a pop for drives. I have plenty for future builds tho... DOn't ask.. it's a sore spot with me bride. LOL.

Anyway... If you live in the states I would definitely use or to purchase your media needs. They always have sales of some sort and if you're lucky you can grab 200 discs for $34.99 delivered like I have in the last few weeks. That's for TY DVD-R media. Heck I even grabbed some Verbies (100) the other day for $15.99 delivered. Just have to sign up with those people and you're in on the email alerts. ;)

I would try to stick with AZO Verbies or TY media for now. Unless a miracle media hits soon I'm afraid that you can't beat TY for all around great/good quality media. 1st tier if you ask me.



[img]quoted from creaky, "I think i need a break away from this thread, you are just talking absolute and utter nonsense now. Im off to ban myself and hit myself repeatedly with blunt objects. And if im still conscious after that im going to install Windows Me."[/img]
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