Blank media sales (updated weekly, daily, hourly)
9. March 2011 @ 15:58 |
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well, I made the leap. I decided to try them, and I'll continue to watch for deals on the premium line. What's an average price, so I'll know when a good price happens?
I've been dealing with meritline for quite awhile, and have no complaints. I get their 'one day sale with promo code' emails regularly, and love that shipping is free on them. Sometimes it's China junk, but often good deals on good stuff. That's where someone got Verbs for $16 shipped.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. March 2011 @ 16:06
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
9. March 2011 @ 16:02 |
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Originally posted by bluesbabe: well, I made the leap. I decided to try them, and I'll continue to watch for deals on the premium line. What's an average price, so I'll know when a good price happens?
I'm afraid I've been out of the loop on both of those types for some time now. I generally buy the Dvd-R 16X Semi Gloss TY's. They are TYG03 discs. Excellent for high speed burning!

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
AfterDawn Addict
9. March 2011 @ 20:55 |
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Originally posted by bluesbabe: well, I made the leap. I decided to try them, and I'll continue to watch for deals on the premium line. What's an average price, so I'll know when a good price happens?
I've been dealing with meritline for quite awhile, and have no complaints. I get their 'one day sale with promo code' emails regularly, and love that shipping is free on them. Sometimes it's China junk, but often good deals on good stuff. That's where someone got Verbs for $16 shipped.
You are the jealous type aren't you?? LOL. It was me that grabbed the Verbies for $16 shipped. ;) I also have purchased 200 TY valueline for $35 delivered TWICE now. :P I'm telling you, you have to hit those deals right when they are delivered/received or you're NOT getting them for that price. :D Those emails are normally the Monday deals for the week. ;)
GOod LuCk!! :)
10. March 2011 @ 18:34 |
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Originally posted by greensman: You are the jealous type aren't you??
I covet....
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
10. March 2011 @ 18:44 |
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Originally posted by bluesbabe: Originally posted by greensman: You are the jealous type aren't you??
I covet....
so do I... XD
There's so much technology I want.

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
AfterDawn Addict
11. March 2011 @ 08:43 |
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Senior Member
11. March 2011 @ 09:42 |
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AfterDawn Addict
11. March 2011 @ 11:13 |
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Senior Member
11. March 2011 @ 11:20 |
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11. March 2011 @ 12:32 |
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I'm a fan of CMAG M01's, can't fault then; never used AM3's though
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
AfterDawn Addict
11. March 2011 @ 13:27 |
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Originally posted by creaky: I'm a fan of CMAG M01's, can't fault then; never used AM3's though
creaky when the M01 discs first came out they were NOT very good but it could be because of "lacking" fw for the drives. ;) I've had very good luck with the AM3 discs... great give-a-ways. :D
11. March 2011 @ 13:31 |
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I've been using M01's since they first came out (i think), however i'm still using the same burners i was using in 2005, and the newest burners i bought in 2007 so firmware has been a non-issue for me :)
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
11. March 2011 @ 13:32 |
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Anything burned by my optiarcs I trust :p

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
AfterDawn Addict
11. March 2011 @ 16:15 |
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Originally posted by creaky: I've been using M01's since they first came out (i think), however i'm still using the same burners i was using in 2005, and the newest burners i bought in 2007 so firmware has been a non-issue for me :)
Yeh I haven't had any real issues but some of the discs my friend gave me were from a Phillips external he used... I'm not sure what he did but about 1/2 of them wouldn't play and the rest were dead inside one year... It was him not me messing up.. that's a change.. ROFL
11. March 2011 @ 16:15 |
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Originally posted by bluesbabe: well, I made the leap. I decided to try them, and I'll continue to watch for deals on the premium line. What's an average price, so I'll know when a good price happens?
I've been dealing with meritline for quite awhile, and have no complaints. I get their 'one day sale with promo code' emails regularly, and love that shipping is free on them. Sometimes it's China junk, but often good deals on good stuff. That's where someone got Verbs for $16 shipped.
Agree with you on the Meritline deals. I just got 2 100-blank Maxell spindles for $15.99 each, Free Shipping. Lots of great deals on this site and have been buying from them for a couple years now.
Senior Member
11. March 2011 @ 17:53 |
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Meritline has My Visacard Number - I shall Not want !!!
SupermediaStore has Me On Their Demon Dialker - I shall Not Run short !!!
Officedpot Has My Picture at all Locations - With a 10 Spindle Limit Notation ! I Must hit the next One!
Officemax will Only deal with me Online Cause they're none nearby Damn'it !!!!!
Staples Ditto and Double Dumb - ADZE on You To Paraphrase Mr. Spock!!!
I shall Wander The Sears & Kmarts Forever Still Hunting For Made In japan Sony's & Fuji's
I shall Kick Myself eternally For Not Pulling out the plastic When a Remodeled Walmart had wall Full of Made in japan Maxells !!!
It may date me but I still miss The Officedepot / Riteks disc ???
I shall always be at samsclub when they are closing out the verbatims , yeah baby Behave !!!!!
Verbatims , Taiyo Yidens & Sony's For me !!! & Beer for My horses !!!!! LOL!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
11. March 2011 @ 17:55 |
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GREENSMAN Thou shalT not Covet Thy Nieghbors DVD Collection !!! LOL!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
11. March 2011 @ 18:06 |
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Moses didn't allow beer whilst wandering in thee desert either.
Senior Member
11. March 2011 @ 21:45 |
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Originally posted by garmoon: Moses didn't allow beer whilst wandering in thee desert either.
Well there Garfish !!!! It's kinds hard To keep Beer cool Anywhere and in the Desert Doubly so ! They Were Probably all Jazzed on Manna and Palm Wine and maybe some Funny Fungi that would be a growing on all that camel , Goat , sheep & oxen or Donkey Poop Take your Pick! No wonder they was lost for Forty years ? When there ain't no ocean the whole Beach Concept becomes a moot point ! Though Moses was a natural leader I don't Think he ever quoted Eric Von Zipper ? Though Perhaps in some Apochryphal -Extra biblical Text he may have paraphrased him somewhat ? " The Israelites ,They are My Idol , But I am my Ideal !!!" Besides If they did have Ice chest Back in The day they would probably have them Chock fulled up with Camel Milk Spumoni Icecream? It's The Shiznit Don't ya' know ? Indeed The Ark of The Covenant Probably was'nt a Sacred Reliquary for The 10 Commandments at all Or a Super weapon or Even a Wireless Link to The Big Guy Himself ? But merely a Really Cool and Ornate Ice Chest Full of Camel Milk Spumoni From Moses own stash That was so Good he had To Electrify it Like a Cattle ranchers fence !! this could explain a lot of Mysterious Things Or it Could merely mean I have'nt had enough Sleep in The last 48 hours and My Neurons are misfiring at random again ? In either case ? Live long and Prospect Lil' Buckaroo - CiaO daddio !!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
11. March 2011 @ 21:50 |
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Originally posted by BIGTOXY69: Originally posted by garmoon: Moses didn't allow beer whilst wandering in thee desert either.
Well there Garfish !!!! It's kinds hard To keep Beer cool Anywhere and in the Desert Doubly so ! They Were Probably all Jazzed on Manna and Palm Wine and maybe some Funny Fungi that would be a growing on all that camel , Goat , sheep & oxen or Donkey Poop Take your Pick! No wonder they was lost for Forty years ? When there ain't no ocean the whole Beach Concept becomes a moot point ! Though Moses was a natural leader I don't Think he ever quoted Eric Von Zipper ? Though Perhaps in some Apochryphal -Extra biblical Text he may have paraphrased him somewhat ? " The Israelites ,They are My Idol , But I am my Ideal !!!" Besides If they did have Ice chest Back in The day they would probably have them Chock fulled up with Camel Milk Spumoni Icecream? It's The Shiznit Don't ya' know ? Indeed The Ark of The Covenant Probably was'nt a Sacred Reliquary for The 10 Commandments at all Or a Super weapon or Even a Wireless Link to The Big Guy Himself ? But merely a Really Cool and Ornate Ice Chest Full of Camel Milk Spumoni From Moses own stash That was so Good he had To Electrify it Like a Cattle ranchers fence !! this could explain a lot of Mysterious Things Or it Could merely mean I have'nt had enough Sleep in The last 48 hours and My Neurons are misfiring at random again ? In either case ? Live long and Prospect Lil' Buckaroo - CiaO daddio !!!!!!
AfterDawn Addict
11. March 2011 @ 22:32 |
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Originally posted by BIGTOXY69: GREENSMAN Thou shalT not Covet Thy Nieghbors DVD Collection !!! LOL!!!!!
I don't covet... I may drool but NO coveting for the GM.... lol. ;)
Senior Member
12. March 2011 @ 07:10 |
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Quote: I don't covet... I may drool but NO coveting for the GM.... lol. ;)
Yeah That's why Them cases are Plastic , and have Clear Plastic on 'em to cover the artwork ! would'nt wanna Ruin Princess Leia Would we ? WeLl atleast not The Pictures of her anyway ? Yup Yup In the Next Star Wars Movie They can Cast Billy Ray Cyrus as a Villian I can See It Now He'd be DARTH MULLET Local Sith and 7/8ths !!! Hey the can even Hire Miley Cyrus Too She can be Princess Bongwater ExDisney-OH ! If Only they can Keep her out of the DogoBah , and she can quit calling Chewbacca Toto ?? Oh well I don't Think we're in Kansas anymore LOL!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
13. March 2011 @ 14:23 |
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Hey BT69 . . sounds like the crop was a good one this year . .
Spindle of 100
$17.99 + Tax
Spindle of 100
$17.99 + Tax
Spindle of 100
$12.99 + Tax
03/13/2011 - 03/19/2011
Sony +DVD's
Spindle of 100
$22.99 + Tax
Sony -DVD's
Spindle of 100
$22.99 + Tax
03/13/2011 - 03/19/2011
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AfterDawn Addict
13. March 2011 @ 18:20 |
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Thanks catfreak...
We (I) forget about the Sony discs... even tho they aren't TY any more they still are pretty good discs. ;)
NOT a bad deal on the TDK discs... I'd like to know what the DVD-R discs are. ;)
AfterDawn Addict
13. March 2011 @ 21:44 |
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Originally posted by greensman: Thanks catfreak...
We (I) forget about the Sony discs... even tho they aren't TY any more they still are pretty good discs. ;)
NOT a bad deal on the TDK discs... I'd like to know what the DVD-R discs are. ;)
Well don't make the mistake of asking an employee what the discs code out as; 'cause they haven't the foggiest!