I am trying to use DVD shrink to back up my DVD'. When I am ready to burn it, and click "back-up" it says I mut download the latest verion of nero. Unfortunatly It costs $100. For cheaper I could just buy DVD Xpress. ny ugesstions... do I need Nero to burn it? Currently I have roxxio 6
Hopefully you've got at least 4.35GB free to do this. You can always delete the file once burned. So first things first once you've got DVDDecrypter.
1) open shrink, open disc
2) click "backup!"
3) change target destination to "ISO Image File"
4) check the box to Launch DVD Decrypter
Under the "backup options" tab, you can check perform deep analysis. This is suppose to improve the quality, but does make the process longer.
5) click ok
Remember to run only these 2 programs (shrink & decrypter) and nothing else. Hope it works for you.
I bought Nero ultra 6 for 59.00 and it works GREAT with Shrink! Plus you get dvd authoring and re-encoding, cover design, and a one click simple burn (express) and burning rom is also included. It does a good job on any media I've tried. It's well worth 60 bucks....
I personally also use Nero 6 Ultra (for more than just the DVD burning), and it works great. I have also used DVD Decrypter, and it works really well also (and it's free!). Try either of those and you should be fine. Good Luck!
I downloaded shrink and decrypter.Ive tried to make several copies using shrink. It burns all but the last 15 minutes of the movie. Cant figure it out.
I tried to burn one using decrypter,acording to the analyser it wasnt too large but when I hit burn it said wouldnt fit????
sony vaio pentium 4 2.02
1 gig ram 160gb hard drive
toshiba dvdr
xp home
I am using "liquid video" dvd-R 2x
I use record now dx
I just followed the shrink user guide from one of these forums.I followed it to the T It burned all but about the last 20 minutes and ejected and gave a disk failed error I am about to just GIVE UP!
I tried the dvd x copy express first and It worked great. But when I downloaded shrink,It started doing the same thing. And then it said my trial period ended before it was supposed to!
I am having the EXACT same problem! I am using DVD Shrink and Nero. When approx 70% done, I get a burn error and the last 15 minutes won't make the disk. I am using a Dell 4600 / 512 RAM / TEAC DVD-RW / Normal DVD ROM / 160GB HD ...
On my last system, a much weaker one, Shrink & Nero worked perfectly. Needless to say, a little frustrating. Help greatly appreciated!