The Easy Way DVD to DVD-R
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9. October 2002 @ 02:46 |
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well after lots of messin abot ive finaly found an easy way to copy dvd's first thing you need is dvd decrypter (get it from this site) next you need instant video get the demo here (come's free with pioneer a04) right thats all the software you need
1st open dvd decrypter set the mode to file select all the files with ctrl+a and rip all the files to your hard drive
once thats finished open instant video it should start with a wizzard select dvd project give it a name and stuff it will then ask you what files to write select the VIDEO_TS.IFO file click next and it will convert the video to fit on one 4.7gb dvd-r that should work in most dvd player's
be warned it does take a very long time to convert the files so start the process off and go to bed or somthing it has a feture that will shut down the pc when finished (how cool is that) well i hope this helps let me know if you have any sucsess with it
9. October 2002 @ 04:21 |
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Ok, sounds interesting....
So like, it makes the whole movie, right? Regardless of the movie's actual length, it will readjust the bit-rate according to movie length, and then re-encode the mpeg2 with original authoring so as to be compatible with a standalone dvd player?
Yes, sounds interesting. On really really really long movies, can you see a deterioration in picture quality? Can it be I can really get *any* movie to fit on a single 4.7 gig disc, and not have to muck about with pesky menus?
-- Mike --
Senior Member
9. October 2002 @ 18:00 |
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I'm going to download it right now. Thanks for the info.
10. October 2002 @ 06:43 |
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Has it worked for you menmaddi???
Senior Member
10. October 2002 @ 07:59 |
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I've tried to download "instant cd\dvd6.5" 3 times. When I try to open it, it keeps telling me the file is corrupted. There is no download called Instant Video as Stube2k said???
Senior Member
10. October 2002 @ 11:03 |
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No good. I can't download anything from that site. I emailed the webmaster. Hiho Hiho, It's off to Ifoedit hell I go-
10. October 2002 @ 13:12 |
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Anything thats TOO easy, is ALWAYS too good to be true. *laff*
Senior Member
10. October 2002 @ 13:28 |
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Well, I will still give the BETA from 321Studios a try.
10. October 2002 @ 14:23 |
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Yep, I'm keeping a very close eye on that one myself.
-- Mike --
10. October 2002 @ 19:21 |
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i am trying to make a dvd-r backup copy of a dvd. i have used dvd decrytper to rip the contents to my hard drive. when I try to burn the files onto a dvd-r using Nero, i get the message "dvd-video compliance test failed." did i rip it wrong? do i need to do something after the rip? thank you 4 your help
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11. October 2002 @ 02:29 |
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sory i didnt test the download link as is i got the software free with my dvd-r
Senior Member
11. October 2002 @ 05:17 |
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That error message usually means that either you don't have all the files you need to, or your media(DVD-R or RW) is no good. I found that with Nero if you use an RW disc, eject it and reinsert it after that message and then it goes fine. Good Luck-
11. October 2002 @ 05:26 |
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thanks menmaddi
11. October 2002 @ 05:28 |
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Did you strip your xtras and the vob stuff too?
20. October 2002 @ 07:08 |
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I have also a Pioneer DVR-A04, with the Instant CD/DVD software that you've mentioned, but I can't burn a DVD as you said you can. Can you give me all the steps to do it? Thanks.
20. October 2002 @ 07:23 |
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I have the same burner and software, and i can see no way to do this either.
20. October 2002 @ 08:09 |
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What do you use to burn your DVD's. If you use IfoEdit, I'd like some explanations on how to work with it.
20. October 2002 @ 11:43 |
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Ok, i found what he was talking about. I have instant cd/dvd v6.4, but i went and upgraded it and now i have the option to make a dvd in the instant video section. First off i had to strip the dvd down using IFOedit to just the main movie with no subtitles or anything on there. Then i went into instant cd/dvd clicked on video, instant video then dvd and it takes you through it from there. The only thing is that i'm running an amd xp 1800+ and it says that the processing of the movie will take 19 hours (not so instant huh?), but i'll let you know what the quality is like when it's done.
20. October 2002 @ 15:21 |
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If you use SmartRipper you don't have to use ifo edit. you can choose what you want to rip,...if you want just the movie it is usually under title and easy
20. October 2002 @ 23:23 |
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But if I rip only the movie with Smartripper and the movie doesn't fit on a DVD-R, I have to use IfoEdit to cut menu and subtitles and linguages, right? And how do I do that?
21. October 2002 @ 01:35 |
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It's very easy, you will be able to find guides on how to do this all over the net, but here's a brief explanation anyway. First off i use DVD decryptor to decrypt the movie as i think it works a lot better than smartripper. I rip all of the files into a folder with name of the movie on it on my desktop. Then with IFOedit i open up the correct VTS_xx_0.IFO file. You will see it load up information on the movie like the different audio tracks and whatnot. Then on the top of the screen i click on VOB extras, click on create now vob files and ifo's then check where it says split streams. Then click OK. Then it will open up a screen that already has the primary audio and subpicture streams checked. Then all you do is create another folder call VIDEO_TS and specify it as your destination folder and click on strip it. Once that is done, close IFOedit, reopen it, and select any one of your new IFO files (anyone will do) and click on Get VTS sectors. Once this is done the movie may already fit onto a dvd, iff not open instant cd/dvd, go to video, instant video, select DVD and the wizard will take you through. Thats it, but like i said takes 17 hours on my pc for it to proccess the movie in order to make it fit on a dvd-r. 2 hours into the process i cancelled it and opened the file it had created with IFOedit and it looked just like it did when i played the source file except that the audio was out of sync, but i re opened it with power dvd and it was ok, so it does just takes a helluva long time.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. October 2002 @ 01:41
21. October 2002 @ 04:34 |
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17 hours?? I'll buy you the movie!!!
Has anyone had an issue with ripper or decrypt giving you an error about 1/2 way thru ripping and then asking would u like to retry-abort-ignore? I'm trying to backup 'two can play that game' and decrypt 'freezes' at vts4 and smartrip spits out that error around vts 6. The main movie is vts1 but I can't ever get my files working when I just rip the main movie.
I can't rmber what exactly the error says. :) I just rip the main movie files to VIDEO_TS and then burn, in theory it should work?? My ifo always says it can't play the dvd. From learning on here ppl always tell u to select alll and then rip and then use IFO edit to blah blah...but I'm not trying to use 2 dvd's for every movie I rip.
21. October 2002 @ 05:04 |
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Ok then, send me a copy of Black hawk down in the post ;) Thanks in advance.
Seriously though, if you use IFOedit to split the streams i think that you can sometimes get the movie to fit on 1 dvd without resizing it. With the price of dvd-r's being as high as they are, i can't see how it would be worth copying the movie onto 2 dvd's.
1 video rental = 4 euros
2 dvd-rs 10 euros
I could buy any movie second hand for that at a shop down the street from me with a cover for 1 euro thanks, 1 disc for me.
21. October 2002 @ 12:06 |
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When I open the VIDEO_TS.IFO file with instant video it doesn't show any files. What am I doing wrong?
21. October 2002 @ 13:27 |
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I've upgraded my Instant CD/DVD to v. 6.5 also in, and now I'd like to know what you have done to start encoding.
I've done all the steps until I came to a file selection window. The only file that appears on VIDEO_TS folder is VIDEO_TS.IFO. I add the file to the project, and the next window show three options: write, create project and prepare files and create project. Which to choose? If I press write, it gives a message saying List index out of bounds. I click OK a few times, then gives me the properties of the file, click OK and it goes to the conversion page. If I start converting, where does it save the new file, and how to burn it then?
If I choose create project and prepare files, it gives me the same list index out of bounds. Is this normal?