Since I've helped a couple people via PM and seen at least one other question in this forum about using a trial version of CCE to evaluate the results from DVD Rebuilder, I decided to post a single explanation of what you need to do. I should, and probably will, add this to the guide the next time I update it, but until then you can just point people here if they ask.
The problem you will, or maybe already have, run into is that the trial version of CCE Basic is limited to encoding 3 minutes of video per input file. If you use the trial you'll actually get more than 3 minutes of video, since Rebuilder splits the video into smaller pieces based on the original DVD structure, but it's doubtful you'll get enough video to accurately judge the quality. In other words the trial version of Basic probably won't help much.
Fortunately there's another option. If you've considered buying CCE you're probably aware of the much more expensive version called CCE SP. Yes I know you're not going to spend $2000 to get it, but the trial version of SP isn't limited in the amount of video you can encode. Since both versions use the same encoding engine and the settings for SP aren't significantly different between SP and Basic with regard to Rebuilder, I'd suggest trying the CCE SP 30 day trial. In fact the only difference you should notice is the watermark the SP trial adds to make sure people don't crack it and keep using it.
If you decide to go this route you'll need to have a third party program called EclCCE so the trial software can read the ECL (encoder settings) files created by DVD Rebuilder. You can find EclCCE with instructions on this thread from Doom9:
You'll also need to change the CCE version in the Options menu to CCE SP 2.67+ and go into Setup (where you set the path to CCE Basic in my guide), and set the path for CCE SP (New) to the location of EclCCE.exe. Make sure you don't set it to the actual CCE executable because that won't work for the trial version.
Also, if you have any questions about Rebuilder or my guide, please post them to the forums instead of PMing me. I check the forums at least as often as I check my PMs and am more than happy to help out, but it's counter productive to answer the same questions over and over by PM that might be avoided by posting them publicly. If you send me a PM that I think should be posted here I'll probably just tell you so and wait to answer until you post it on the appropriate forum.