dumpster diving !
Senior Member
8. October 2005 @ 12:17 |
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Way to go, nailedny! I wish I could find good stuff like that. Keep it up!
Check out the Epson R200. Very nice printer. Have seen them on sale for around $59. Generic ink is very cheap for it too, and works as good as original Epson ink. It prints excellent covers and prints directly on printable cds and dvds. I like mine.............. A LOT! :o)
Good luck with whatever you get.
Senior Member
8. October 2005 @ 17:21 |
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How do you guys know when they got new cases? Because it can't be on a daily basis. Is it on shecdule? And would you guys say it's a weekly thing? I mean I'll do it but I can't go on a daily basis so I need to know they throw it out. Ty in advance.
8. October 2005 @ 17:39 |
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GlueEater it is a shot in the dark. They throw cases out every day. No luck on a Tuesday try Saturday. It takes persistence and a little luck. I have a real good feel for the ones around my house. I know when they get emptied and usually the best times to hit them. It is NOT the same for each store. Good luck. Blockbuster has given me over 2100 cases in around 6 or 8 weeks.
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9. October 2005 @ 04:50 |
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3 BB's last night. 1 was a new stop for me, but again I could not find the dumpster. I thought I found it but my friend saw a sign that said we would be prosecuted for going through it. My friend reminded me that I was in my husbands company car so we got out of there. We did go back to the dumpster from the night before and I got 75 there with the movies in them. Taking Lives and Stuck on You, they wrok. I grabed the pile of loose dvd's and they did not work. Probably promos.
Headed out this am for the BB that I got 341 in. I'll let you know. Free is Free you know..............
Senior Member
9. October 2005 @ 06:25 |
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nailedny- & Frequent Dumpster divers ! went yesterday checked two BB's one was freshly dumped only one bag just trash ! the other was one that I've never found a dvd case in yet and the record still holds at zero! would have checked a third but too much traffic will try sgain mon. or tuesday although Tuesday not normally a lucky day for me case wise! anyway Just so you guy's and nailedny know I am Insanely jealous of your recent retrevals ! Naw But I am envious! Keep up the good diving ! Dive safe , Dive Often ! Peace & happy Burning! Ps# 1 Hail to the queen !
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9. October 2005 @ 10:28 |
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BIG, Most importantly, FREE IS FREE. ok, so not 341 but 78. A.ll brand new cases, in a bag tied up for me....lol. Went back to the one I found the vhs tapes and dvd's in and picked up another 10 vhs movies. So I hit that BB 3 days in a row. Got something every time. Also tried another BB for the 4th time and for the 4th time a big fat 0. I won't be diving this week at all because I leave for FL on Thurs and dI am working alot to catch up. My son did check out the dumpster at the BB in Key West but it has a Big lock on it. I will check it out myself.
Have a good couple of weeks all and I will be checking in from FL.
Senior Member
9. October 2005 @ 11:07 |
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Ok I think I got a feel for it. And wut times do you reccommend? Early morning or late at night? Or do you just go out in broad daylight?
9. October 2005 @ 12:40 |
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I prefer before 9 AM. It depends on the dumpster but I usually go early. It avoids any confrontation with an over zealous BB employee. Some are so out of sight I can go at noon. I had been paying on average 30 cents a piece for my cases. Based on that I feel like I've saved over $600 lately. Plus I think the BB lockable cases are better quality then most any you can buy. The ones I bought from Rima were pretty good but alot of the local stores were selling junk with flimsy plastic film covers. Make sure you carry a couple decent trash bags with you to haul off your bounty. Nothing worse than a dumpster full of 200 loose cases and nothing to carry them in. Good luck and happy hunting(unless you're in the midwest).
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9. October 2005 @ 13:27 |
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I go all different times. I do like early morning but can't always go. Late night is fun with a friend. I never carry anything to put them in so it is always several trips to the car. (that's why a friend comes in handy) When the dumpster has a box in it, it is very convient. So carring plastic bags is a good idea. Thanks neodave. Also something to stand on helps. I never have anything, I just kind of wing it. Good luck and don't forget to come back and tell us how you make out.
Senior Member
9. October 2005 @ 13:36 |
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GlueEater- I don't have a specific time but normally go in the daytime during bussiness hours Risky Bussiness Huh?! But I think that neodave & nailedny do have a point going early in the a.m. (Before 9 am) you avoid possible unpleasantry with as they said - overzealous BB employee's and as a bonus it gives you a little more time to look for cases . nailedny &neodave have also been very successfull in their recent excursions so perhaps they have something there? and besides it gets you out the house ! Good tips that neodave mentioned keep a supply of garbage bags with you (Unused preferably LOL!) so if you do hit a jackpot of dvd cases and they just dumped them loose in the dumpster you have something to carry them away in ! JVC our Prophetic Potentate Of Plastic has found scads of dvd cases already bagged in those clear plastic trash bags ! kinda like they were expecting him? this makes the adventure less of a job ! I have only encountered this phenomenon once and the bag was behind not inside the dumpster ! So it pays to also look around and behind not just in the dumpster . Also if you are'nt actually going into the dumpster bring something to reach around in it with . For loose cases in the dumpster one of those Claw type reacher grabber things (Like old people use or maybe handicapped people use ) are good but they don't hold much weight so they are not good for full bags of cases or trash. nailedny our resident Queen bee and Duchess of DumpsterDom ! recommends a boathook and she's fast and lethal with it too! OUCH!!!!!!!!!! LOL! You'll kinda get a feel for it after awhile and find out what works for you and all that depending on dumpster size you height ect. and moist oops! I mean most importantly welcome aboard ! feel free to add you voice to the cacophony that is our Dumpster ! I mean thread ! Ask any question that you have and I'm sure that one of us or even some of the more senior memebers here at afterdawn.com will answer you ! and besides that we have fun too! And never forget The Mantra ( FREE IS FREE ) Well GlueEater & all our little Dumpsterteers! See ya! real soon & why Because "FREE IS FREE " at the BB - happy hunting , Safe diving, No beez ! , Peace & happy Burning Ciao~!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. October 2005 @ 13:40
9. October 2005 @ 13:42 |
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We should probably close this thread and open a new one call BlockBuster Dumpster Diving because this whole thread is about that and not really any other ways of getting good quality dvd cases.
Senior Member
9. October 2005 @ 14:05 |
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Jasper44- We are open to suggestions also if you have any new ideas feel free to expound on them ! We want your input my friend but if you are'nt happy with the thread you can always unsubscribe! It's like the radio or TV if you don't like whats playing you can change channels or turn it off altogether ! Perhaps you could start a Social engineering thread ? About how to SCMOOZ & BS your way to free dvd cases ! Sorry you are'nt happy with the current thread but you can't please all of the people all the time ! Good luck, Peace & happy Burning !
9. October 2005 @ 16:35 |
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I wasn't complaining I was just suggesting. I can't dumpster dive my BB because it is in a shopping center with a bunch of other shops and the area is too cool to have dumpsters showing so all the dumpsters are in one place where the cant be seen and they are shared, so finding cases would be impossible and they would probably have food all over them.
Senior Member
9. October 2005 @ 17:42 |
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Any wut do I say if/when I'm caught? Do the employees care and will they come out and tell you off? Because they don't seem too enthusiastic about there jobs. Wut have you guys done when you were caught?
9. October 2005 @ 18:06 |
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Go before 9:00 and avoid the issue. I think 99.9% of the employees couldn't care less about the dumpster. It has been said here that BB will prosecute for theft. That may be policy but it sounds like some corporate crapola. Most people are afraid to say anything and the ones that would are probably just curious. Heck just tell'em you had to choose between gas or food and you're just looking for lunch.
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Senior Member
10. October 2005 @ 05:37 |
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I was'nt trying to rag on you either Jasper44 just offering some options ! No offense meant ,intended , or taken ! But here's a thought try another blockbuster ! There has to be a couple in any decent size town! or Try the direct approach at the one in the mall ,maybe they'll give them to you no diving needed ? Maybe not in either case good luck ! & keep on posting! Peace!
AfterDawn Addict
10. October 2005 @ 13:27 |
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Haven't read the whole thread so don't know if this has been already posted. Tiger Direct.ca has good DVD cases made by Ultra for about $.60 Cdn so they should be much cheaper from Tiger Direct in U.S.A.
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10. October 2005 @ 15:36 |
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Does anyone kow what happened to Covers.to,I always get a mysql error?
I get cases from the local flea market,.10 cents a case,no Dumpster diving unless in a bind...
Senior Member
11. October 2005 @ 11:04 |
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xxxmen-My friend and where are they getting them from Ahem ! Hey at that price I would buy them too! Update , NailedNY ,Jvc, & everyone else! made a BB run today ! Real cowboy ! Slim Pickens! found 4 regular and about 10 Double Cardboard type ones ! ironically I found those at the 2cnd BB I hit today ( That one never has cases in it. May use some as is if I have access to that title the others I might spray paint and label sharpie style! Not one of my better runs but hey it's teusday ! Tues. is not a good case hunting say for me ! but 4 is better than nothing! anyway will try another day ! & maybe do better or expand my BB territory ? Good hunting.Safe Diving, Happy Burning ! & " FREE IS FREE" CiAO!
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11. October 2005 @ 14:40 |
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I got a big zero Monday and Tuesday. Not a good thing. That is the first time that has happened. Hopefully it is just bad luck and not the forecast. Hate to think this could be coming to an end.
Senior Member
12. October 2005 @ 04:10 |
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neodave- Naw I don't think it's coming to an end ! They are probably just running in cycles . I'll find 20- 30 cases which is a good day here! Then I'll find none or 1 or 2 . It just seems to go that way ! But hey! I finally found some cases at the BB I never find any at ! they were the double paper/cardboard outside plastic inside kind but maybe that's a good sign ? Atleast fifnding something there! Maybe you could expand your BB dumpster territory? or try @ different times and days? Anyhow neodave Good Luck , Happy Hunting, Safe diving, Peace & happpy Burning! "FREE IS FREE" Ciao!
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Senior Member
12. October 2005 @ 15:55 |
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I don't get how some one would only get one. None I could understand but 1? Do BB employees just go out every once in a while and toss a single case oout? It just doesn't seem very convenient.
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12. October 2005 @ 16:06 |
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GlueEater, They don't just walk out in the dumpster and toss one in. The cases are found in a clear plastic bag with a lot of other trash. You have to root thru the trash by tearing open the plastic bag. When you get a lot of them they too are in the plastic bag with trash or if you are lucky in a bag with just cases. If you do find one at the bottom of the dumpster, it most likely fell out of the untied bags. That is all the fun of it too, digging around. Good luck and happy diving. Remember.....free is free. right guys???
Senior Member
12. October 2005 @ 19:53 |
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But why would there be one in a single bag? Wouldn't it make more sense to do it like once a week in one giant bag of cases.
12. October 2005 @ 20:30 |
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It's just trash to them. They don't have a case bag per say. Sometimes they throw out 1 or 2 and sometimes 30+. They go in the same bag as the rest of their shredded trash. With the new movies coming in the lockable cases there should be gradually fewer thrown away. If it was easy/predictable more people would probably be diving.