I had to reinstall windows recently, and I also needed to reinstall DVDXCopy. Since they can not support it anymore, I can't register on their server. There is a way to actvate it from another computer, which make a reg file. You can copy the reg file to your original computer, execute it, and it will make the appropriate registry entries, and the program will think it is registered. Can anyone send me a reg file? Can someone just tell me what registry entries I need to make? Does anyone know how I can go about makeing the program work again?
Have you tried to activate it?
You must disable your firewall in order to do so.
They will activate it, with no problem. They just wont assist you if say you have problems ripping
I just activate my version of Platinum a couple of days ago.
You may have the program, but your still asking for someone else's registration/activation info. If you've got a legal copy ... do what 321sucker suggested. You can call them Mon-Sat 9am-6pm Central Time. Best time to call is when the call center first opens. Also you can e-mail them at suppport@321studios.com
I do have a legal copy. I bought it from CompUSA. I have tried to re-register it, but their server won't acknowledge my attempt.
In regards to Rule #5, I did not break it, nor did I come close. It is not piracy to try to get your own legal version to work properly. Read more about piracy and why it's illegal. http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid14_gci213592,00.html When you get right down to it, it's all about the benjemins. 321 was paid for my copy. I didn't give it to anyone else. No matter how I get a reg file, or otherwise get my program registered, It's not piracy because nobody's getting ripped off.
ten10ten, I dont think that flip wa accusing you of piracy, i think he meant to word your questions correctly. You must state that you have a legal copy of the software. The way you worded your question very well could've been an attempt to illegally obtain something to activate the software, thats all. Just be carefull. THis is a great forum and we dont want it shut down due to illegal activity. I'm sure it was an honest mistake.
OK,now back to the issue..
They may not support it but , registration is no problem, You'de better activate it quickly, as they are filing banckruptcy soon.
If you are out of activations, call 321 and have them reset.
Quote:I do have a legal copy. I bought it from CompUSA. I have tried to re-register it, but their server won't acknowledge my attempt.
You can call them Mon-Sat 9am-6pm Central Time. Best time to call is when the call center first opens. Also you can e-mail them at suppport@321studios.com
Quote:In regards to Rule #5, I did not break it, nor did I come close.
Did you even read your original post? You were asking "Can anyone send me a reg file?". You are asking for someone else's information.
Quote:It is not piracy to try to get your own legal version to work properly.
It won't be piracy if you activate it how your suppose to ... which is by going through 321studios. ten10ten, I have no doubt you do have a legal bought copy. You just need to activate it through 321, thats all :)