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SlySoft introduces 'Speedmenus' for AnyDVD
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SlySoft introduces 'Speedmenus' for AnyDVD

article published on 22 February, 2012

New feature skips around time wasting content on Blu-ray. The latest release of SlySoft's AnyDVD software ( has added a feature called "Speedmenus." Essentially, the speedmenu, when active, will replace the original Blu-ray menu on a disc you insert, or if you rip the contents of a disc to a hard drive. It does this on the fly when you insert a disc, and it will also be included ... [ read the full article ]

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22. February 2012 @ 12:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Very good to see Slysoft coming back with new features. It has been a while since they did something completely new/revised.
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24. February 2012 @ 01:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Finally I am ready to backup my first Blu-ray disc :)))

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24. February 2012 @ 10:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I wouldn't say Slysoft was fast at adding new features, in fact the opposite is true. Also what ever happened to Clone-BD which was coming soon? I guess soon means in ten years?
AfterDawn Addict

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24. February 2012 @ 12:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just hope that this doesn't anger certain corporations. I'd hate to see Slysoft incur lawsuits. Yes, they've probably done that already, but altering the Bluray discs in such a way, could anger them even more. :S I think the speedmenus are pretty cool. But myself, I like a 1:1 backup, or really close to it.

With discs like Source code, or Twlight, that have "Sony Structural BD-J AND/OR JAVA BD PROTECTION", one HAS to go with a movie only backup. Otherwise the backup won't play properly. Unless this has been fixed. Which probably renders the speedmenu useless.

LOL, you guys are bold stamping your name on the menu :p

Ohhh... You guys are close to clone BD aren't you! I can't friggin wait!

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25. February 2012 @ 02:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nice to see some new features added, but please bring us Clone BD
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25. February 2012 @ 12:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ispy:
Nice to see some new features added, but please bring us Clone BD
Just use BD Rebuilder or DVDFab They seem to work well, I prefer BD-RB though myself. Also I haven't used it in some time but ClownBD was a preference of some on the Slysoft forum.
AfterDawn Addict

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25. February 2012 @ 12:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Actually, it's called dvdcrap! :p BD Rebuilder is awesome!
Clonebd will definitely get my attention when it's released into the wild though :)

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25. February 2012 @ 12:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
When? We may both be dead before that happens.... LOL
AfterDawn Addict

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25. February 2012 @ 13:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Their statement about keeping an eye on their site brings a big smile to my face. Yes, it could still be months, even a year or more from release. But I'm hopeful ;)

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25. February 2012 @ 13:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You snub Fab and like you I prefer Slysoft for their quality but I must say that I've been able to use Fab where Slysoft has dropped the ball through their own arrogance, the PERFECT COPY, like that ever exists... There have been at least 3 different movies/series/workout discs that I could play fine in my player without degradation that AnyDVD could not handle and Fab would. The reason for this is Slysoft's lack of addressing problems on a given disc whether it is a layer issue or a poor surface. They are very thin skinned at Slysoft and and will not address these simple issues, at least DVDFab does! Cudos to Fab for that!!

For four plus years now Slystoft has been saying they are going to produce CloneBD soon, like I said what is their definition of soon? LOL
AfterDawn Addict

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25. February 2012 @ 13:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If it works for you, cool. I've had bugs with fab, where I rarely do with anydvd.
What kind of degradation are you talking about? Decrypting is decrypting. That has nothing to do with the video quality. Unless it's embedded within the video stream :S

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25. February 2012 @ 14:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by omegaman7:
If it works for you, cool. I've had bugs with fab, where I rarely do with anydvd.
What kind of degradation are you talking about? Decrypting is decrypting. That has nothing to do with the video quality. Unless it's embedded within the video stream :S
When you have flaws in a movie disc whether it be do to poor manufacturing or poor handling you loose frames of information which can degrade the video/audio quality. Of course in the video standards there is a certain amount of allowed drop outs and so on but when you go beyond that spec in flaws you will see degradation in your signal quality.

I shouldn't have to explain this to you as I know you are knowledgeable in this area. :)

No product is flawless I too have had some issues with Fab but still they are at least willing to go the extra yard to make sure you can backup your property whether it is slightly damaged or not, Slysoft is too lazy to do this and hides behind the perfect copy concept which really doesn't exist. And like I said they are very thin skinned, I'm not at all impressed with there technical support either by forum or phone again do to their arrogant stance.

I think if you tried them as of late you might like Fab better as they have improved their product, however I think their UI can be confusing for a novice user, at least until they use it once or twice.

Don't take that too far as they do a great job most of the time and again like you I prefer their products.
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1. March 2012 @ 20:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I like that this SpeedMenu thing is helping me skip all the Commersial crap that are infested on blu ray discs.

To the last poster, Fengtao's DVDFAB/Passkey is good at alot of things, true. But, DVDFab also put out a so called 'fix' for Cinavia for the PS3 that Sony just recently made useless, so that anyone that paid for DVDFab for that reason is out of their hard earned $$.

My money's on Slysoft coming up with a way to get rid of it because after all, they were the first to allow backups of blu ray discs, and fixing the problem about bus encryption, and so on.

So, if someone likes Fengtao, more power to them. But, I'd rather wait and see what the people from St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda will come up with first.
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1. March 2012 @ 22:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I use whatever works and don't really care who it's from. My bet would be on Fab though for coming up with a new fix for Cinavia as they were the first to have a fix that works, I don't recall Slysoft ever having a solution but I could be wrong.

Like you I like the speed menus feature and use it as I don't want advertisements.

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AfterDawn Addict

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1. March 2012 @ 22:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if dvdfab can read a disc where anydvd throws up "can't read disc error" then that rip will have those errors copied & will show up as stuttered audio or skipping video or both,or just plain skip that block & move to the next,won't matter a dam how late the dvd drive is that you ripped with,up until version 8 of dvd fab it has been my primary ripping program & i only started up anydvd when fab hadn't released an updated version for the most recent protection,that has been the case since version 4 of dvdfab for my rented dvd rips...teehee.However v8 of fab has been a nightmare since it came out tho the latest release appears to have dealt to a few issues especially its crashing issue i've been having from it for the last year or so,since that time anydvd has taken up the mantle of preferred program along with clonedvd,the coming weeks will tell whether i switch back or not.

Lastly & although i was a bit on the flippant side regarding comment about latest dvd drive,it is important to have the most recent as i have come across numerous times where my dvd drive was not able to read the disc, at the time i thought it was a too badly damaged disc then i decided it was time to get a new drive (previous drive only a year old) & sure enough it read perfectly,keep in mind that i buy drives in pairs so the secondary dvd drive pretty much gets no use & is only there so i can be sure it is or isn't the primary drive at fault,so yes when ripping you do need a good dvd drive to be able to read through what would appear to be a poor quality dye

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1. March 2012 @ 23:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by scorpNZ:
if dvdfab can read a disc where anydvd throws up "can't read disc error" then that rip will have those errors copied & will show up as stuttered audio or skipping video or both
AfterDawn Addict

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1. March 2012 @ 23:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've never had a problem with anydvd like that. The discs I have had trouble with (Due to scratches), didn't work in any of my 8 drives! Some borderline discs would not work in most my drives, but my faithful drive saw the scratches, slowed down, and ripped them perfectly. I've had lite-on drives that ignore read errors, and introduce problems in the video playback. I look at lite-on drives a lot differently now...

Point being, if you have screwed up rips(read errors), look at the drive first. Or maybe your handling the discs wrong. Lasers don't like oily fingerprints and or dust. :p I keep a can of air by my computer, and a very soft cloth.

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2. March 2012 @ 00:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've had at least three that I can remember but P90X is the most remembered. There was two discs in the set that had a flaw in the sublayer, the discs played just fine but AnyDVD couldn't handle them I finally used Fab and they ripped fine and played just like the original, no visible/audible flaws what so ever! So if it were not for Fab I would not have been able to protect my investment. Slysoft's customer support wrote me off taking once again their perfectionist imperial approach nonsense as an argument (which allows them to be lazy and not address the issue) in which they were just flat out wrong but would never admit it, that is for sure.

By the way it had nothing to do with handling and I didn't have my ceiling fan on either! LOL :)

You know what works very well for keeping your disc clean and static free is a flat panel cloth that you have used to clean TV's and Monitors with. It has residual of the anti-static cleaning fluid and does a real good job of cleaning off smudges form your discs plus helps repel dust. I use that method on my flat bed too after using 99% alcohol to degrease the glass it cleans up the slight residual left from the alcohol and again helps keep dust from attracting.

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AfterDawn Addict

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2. March 2012 @ 01:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That's very interesting. On both counts. Micro fiber seems to be recommended for scratch free rubbing. I just use a handkerchief that seems to be incredibly soft. Only if the cloth has hard particles in it, does it scratch a disc.

Well, I guess I'll always wonder if I'll have the problem with anydvd down the road. When I have a reading problem, using a different drive seems correct the problem. Long live my Optiarc 7200S! LOL!

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AfterDawn Addict

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2. March 2012 @ 01:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
bar of normal hand soap under running water to clean discs,not directly on the disc lather your hand & begin circular motion or back & forth works real well,however to dry never wipe use whatever cloth you use & dab,wiping pretty much adds scratches fine as they maybe,oh! & don't rub hard on the disc with the soapy hand..beware the soapy hand *que spooky music* not as bad as a surgical gloved hand,if one appears be afraid..very cough

AfterDawn Addict

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2. March 2012 @ 01:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
LOL!, I've used dish soap before too. It helped when I had a nasty disc in 2005. I believe that was an NEC ND-3550A. I did have rip errors with that one too. But since I'm a smoker, I believe I gave it cancer :S I no longer smoke around my computer...

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AfterDawn Addict

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2. March 2012 @ 01:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

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2. March 2012 @ 01:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I use hand soap too on occasion with warm water and it too works pretty well. I rub the hand soap on with my fingers first with a little water, very little, and polish the surface slightly before rinsing with warm water.

Like you I also use more than one burner or rom drive for that matter as sometimes a BD/CDROM will read a disc better than a burner for obvious reasons. I learned that way back in the old DVD days and do that for BD's as well, although I do need to get another LG BD burner as I got rid of the old one when I bought the Pioneer 206. That would give me a Panasonic, LG and Pioneer to use for those problematic discs.

Good minds think alike! :)
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