HD DVD discussion
This forum room is meant for discussion related to HD DVD -- devices, movies, etc. No other topics allowed!
Note! This forum has been shut down. You can still read messages, but you can't post to this forum room.
HD Avi Files to DVD
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cheadirl |
04.01.2007 @ 06:20 by cheadirl |
Upconversion DVD Player Question
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03.01.2007 @ 13:16 by Dunker |
Watching a DVD before burning (closed)
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HighCmdr4 |
29.12.2006 @ 17:31 by vurbal |
VGA To Component HD Upscaling
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Slacker23 |
29.12.2006 @ 04:21 by ChiknLitl |
360 HDDVD to my PC, which is connected to an HDTV?
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Mario54 |
28.12.2006 @ 11:53 by eatsushi |
movies (closed)
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asif999 |
21.12.2006 @ 07:41 by ddp |
HD-DVD Firmware 2
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zapper |
16.12.2006 @ 19:50 by dblbogey7 |
Xbox 360 HD-DVD player and Upconverting players
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rafrocha |
12.12.2006 @ 11:13 by ChiknLitl |
Hello all.... (please help) HVD ===== best
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tatoos |
12.12.2006 @ 07:57 by eatsushi |
Need Advice..
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3mrhythm |
08.12.2006 @ 11:31 by Bigperm88 |
VGA V DVI connections - How much better
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P2P2P |
08.12.2006 @ 03:44 by P2P2P |
HDD Burning Software
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sharmar |
07.12.2006 @ 02:19 by sharmar |
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thejaff |
06.12.2006 @ 05:04 by thejaff |
there is no BD/HD war
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dvdS.L.S |
05.12.2006 @ 03:29 by haynese |
anamorphic on 1080i
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redmarker |
03.12.2006 @ 04:23 by redmarker |
Best HD Dvd Player?
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ofield |
02.12.2006 @ 14:09 by dblbogey7 |
x-box 360 hd-dvd drive
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swarmpack |
02.12.2006 @ 07:20 by swarmpack |
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jerry01 |
02.12.2006 @ 03:25 by creaky |
Highest Capacity possible w/HD DVD?
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ivymike |
02.12.2006 @ 03:02 by dblbogey7 |
20GB iPod 20GB iPod .............45USD (closed)
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larrys1 |
01.12.2006 @ 04:20 by creaky |
HDTV to PC ,is it possible ?
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kapo13 |
29.11.2006 @ 04:01 by Spenman91 |
Superman Returns Audio Question..
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jlg895 |
29.11.2006 @ 02:45 by jlg895 |
HD DVD player
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moskito23 |
27.11.2006 @ 18:58 by Dunker |
For sell: nextel i880,i870 i930, Nokia n93 $230 , 80Gb ipod Nano $200 (closed)
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kkeep |
25.11.2006 @ 08:01 by creaky |
x box 360 hd dvd
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ammo1984 |
24.11.2006 @ 20:33 by buliwyf76 |
HDMI Cables Cheap or Expensive?
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Rob423 |
24.11.2006 @ 18:41 by aabbccdd |
Is the new HDMI V1.3 needed for video or audio
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cp1966 |
21.11.2006 @ 13:26 by cp1966 |
limit of 9GB
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shokknok |
18.11.2006 @ 02:00 by dblbogey7 |
Firmware Information required please
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bryce66 |
17.11.2006 @ 00:43 by bryce66 |
How to set up DVD Recoder connected to my cable box?
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jlienard |
15.11.2006 @ 23:11 by DelManel |
What movies have Dolby TrueHD??
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elusiv1 |
15.11.2006 @ 11:12 by eatsushi |
is HDMI/DVI necessary for upconversion?
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daufoi |
14.11.2006 @ 17:12 by dblbogey7 |
what does it take to get a good pic?
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king54 |
14.11.2006 @ 12:49 by HD_nut |
have the sony kv30hs420 tube hdtv
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goducks |
14.11.2006 @ 06:16 by goducks |
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mart2oo6 |
14.11.2006 @ 05:49 by P2P2P |
Anyone want a cheap HD-DVD player for their PC
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P2P2P |
14.11.2006 @ 03:49 by P2P2P |
Are regular DVD's recorded in 480i ?
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eric_0012 |
13.11.2006 @ 14:00 by JaguarGod |
hd dvd ruined my regular dvds!
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jeray |
13.11.2006 @ 05:25 by eatsushi |
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maniauk |
09.11.2006 @ 13:35 by dblbogey7 |
best looking hd dvds?that are worth watching in high def
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korso55 |
07.11.2006 @ 15:18 by dblbogey7 |