HD DVD discussion
This forum room is meant for discussion related to HD DVD -- devices, movies, etc. No other topics allowed!
Note! This forum has been shut down. You can still read messages, but you can't post to this forum room.
720p or 1080i for HD DVD
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kevroman |
03.03.2007 @ 06:22 by error5 |
PS DVD vs Cable HD movies
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moviefan2 |
01.03.2007 @ 06:44 by eatsushi |
How well does an HD DVD Player work on a NON hd dvd?
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Tray1967 |
26.02.2007 @ 22:54 by partyer |
how to burn a hd dvd for a presentation on LCD 32 (closed)
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sara13600 |
23.02.2007 @ 16:08 by ddp |
BLURAY VS HD-DVD quality wise. (closed)
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Rob423 |
23.02.2007 @ 16:08 by Nephilim |
Stuttering Playback in PowerDVD...help!
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kevroman |
21.02.2007 @ 03:27 by geestar20 |
HD-DVD Upload
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zapper |
21.02.2007 @ 03:25 by geestar20 |
HD-Dvd 'N' Blu-Ray
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helpme911 |
20.02.2007 @ 18:31 by SuperXP |
Question about .EVO files
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oSyl2uS |
19.02.2007 @ 05:38 by chicago |
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Specops70 |
16.02.2007 @ 08:20 by eatsushi |
how to burn a hd dvd for a presentation on LCD 32
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sara13600 |
13.02.2007 @ 07:52 by eatsushi |
5 Meter hdmi to hdmi cable....whays best value ?
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isobelj |
10.02.2007 @ 10:29 by isobelj |
Burning an HD DVD
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kevroman |
05.02.2007 @ 14:29 by AlBundy |
hd dvd vs upconversion
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kingdoug |
05.02.2007 @ 13:22 by dvdS.L.S |
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purplkush |
05.02.2007 @ 07:42 by tailschao |
open season/ need help with slyfox
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ralph |
01.02.2007 @ 13:19 by garmoon |
Questions about DVD w/upconversion
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eric_0012 |
31.01.2007 @ 14:46 by diabolos |
YES...THE DAY HAS COME!!! (closed)
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HD_nut |
30.01.2007 @ 18:52 by ddp |
problem with clerks 2 on xbox360 hd
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jeray |
30.01.2007 @ 15:24 by jeray |
Any RESTRICTIONS for HD DVD players ?
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dvdS.L.S |
30.01.2007 @ 07:59 by dvdS.L.S |
how to use backup HD DVD
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andy409 |
27.01.2007 @ 19:21 by andy409 |
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Wolfy182 |
25.01.2007 @ 16:03 by wdclean |
Looking for HDMI cable swap
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loxley32 |
25.01.2007 @ 15:56 by loxley32 |
HDDVD and HDCP protection
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albino77 |
24.01.2007 @ 12:31 by albino77 |
High Def DVD Viewing - LGBH100 vs. XboX 360 & Playstation 3 ?
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brian_wbr |
24.01.2007 @ 10:17 by Mather |
Physical differences between HD DVD and DVD media
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schoenike |
21.01.2007 @ 09:50 by error5 |
Burning HD-DVD to DVD?
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itzjonny |
21.01.2007 @ 03:51 by AlBundy |
LG Blu-Ray/HD DVD player is bias.
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diabolos |
19.01.2007 @ 08:28 by eatsushi |
AACS crack?
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2tough4u |
18.01.2007 @ 11:06 by Bigperm88 |
Are one of these even worth buying or should I wait?
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Thoatih12 |
14.01.2007 @ 18:52 by Thoatih12 |
Is it worth getting hd-dvd or blu ray if the best my tv can do is 1080i?
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Magdylite |
14.01.2007 @ 06:21 by kingdoug |
Help required
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Gsx1000ch |
11.01.2007 @ 09:39 by Gsx1000ch |
Question about Upconverting DVDs using a VGA to Component adapter...
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Heatmi5er |
10.01.2007 @ 07:26 by diabolos |
audio problems
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brumbie |
08.01.2007 @ 19:07 by brumbie |
LG-RH7800 front panel S-viedo??????
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ttiihone |
08.01.2007 @ 16:07 by ttiihone |
S-video already in LG-T RH7800
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ttiihone |
08.01.2007 @ 15:35 by ttiihone |
Can you copy a HD-DVD
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STeel3470 |
07.01.2007 @ 10:45 by ddp |
Intermittent audio during HD playback
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GerryMcG |
05.01.2007 @ 04:18 by GerryMcG |
Looking for X-Mas Help?
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hymeballs |
04.01.2007 @ 22:45 by MichaelP1 |
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menaceuk |
04.01.2007 @ 22:41 by MichaelP1 |