Originally posted by tom804: Here's what I have working so far using KMEAWS 3.55 and MultiMan 1.16.03. All running from an external WD MyBook 650GB drive. (I actually created 3 separate partitions on the drive. One for WII, Data, PS3)
Marvel Vs. Capcom
Multiman 1.16.16
W Disc in Drive
Disgaea 3
Multiman 1.16.16
W Disc in Drive
I get a black screen, hangs then beeps three times and restarts. Im going to update the game to see if that helps. Ill repost with outcome. Update.... Updated the game using PS3 Game Updater installed pkg files, restarted and works perfectly. Even though the game is kinda weird. hahahh
Originally posted by bigo93: I've not had a game not work on me yet, apart from 3.56+ games of course. So it's probably safe to say almost all games work on cfw.
Theres no workaround for 3.56 games yet? Isn't there eboots that can be modified?
Yes you can modify the eboot for some 3.56 games to get them to work on 3.55, not sure if that is work for all 3.56 game but there are fixes out there for them. But that was kindda the point I was trying to make, almost all games run on cfw, so really this thread should be changed to game that are not compatible with kmeaw 3.55 and if there is a fix you post the fix. Otherwise this thread can become pretty large is ppl posted all teh games that work.
I definately see what your saying. I hope all newer games are a breeze as they have been lately to play. Speaking of which, Mortal Kombat has to be patched, im hoping that one works!
I also would like to add that I no longer have to run the lvl 2 patcher each time. figured I must have missed a step when originally setting up my system. I also wanted to share this link with anyone who cares.
Originally posted by tom804: MK seems to work for me running of my external. Although I loved the game so much went out and bought the $150.00 tournament edition.
Wow, thats dedication my friend! Glad to hear its working well.