Hey I need some help if possible. I have looked about but found nothing that helps my situation. I had YLOD about a month ago, fixed it no problem. Then the other day my ps3 shut down with a flashing red light. I believe its a hardware problem, more so now that today I noticed, my eject button doesn't work and the game thats in the drive does not show up on the menu. Is my drive totally dead? How do I find out which drive I need for my ps3, I know you need different drives for certainn ps3's, or is there something I can do myself. I'm not afraid to take it apart and try a repair myself if its something that can be fixed without having to get a new one.
I think your drive is dead but i can't say for sure since you say that the eject button does not work.When you press it, do you hear anything? Any attempt of the drive trying to eject the disc?
If you have warranty contact Sony right away to send you a replacement.If not...
and if you think the drive is dead...
You can open the case and then the drive and see the exact model of the Deck for example mine is KEM-400AAA and the laser is KES-400A. If it cannot read discs anymore that means either the laser is dead, either the motor that spinns the disc is dead either the drive card is dead. If you cant know what's defect, take it to a local shop that repairs such stuff, and ask them to tell you what's broken. If it's the laser, you can buy from ebay a laser with the name that you will find on it, or you can buy a whole BD-Rom for your ps3 and not worry anymore :)
No sounds when I press eject. No warranty on Ps3 anymore, had it years. Plus it already YLOD on me, which I have taken it apart and fixed. I'll take the drive out and check what model it is, and maybe take it apart to see if I can see anything. I need to determine what part of it is faulty.
Sorry for the delay in an update but been really busy in work.
I took the ps3 apart again and found a loose connection to the blueray drive. Prior to that when it shut down with a flashing red light I did another reflow and all seems well again.