Today, PS3 true blue released a new package for their ture blue dongle, in the new package, they added the security sticker, they added a new blister pack with a label over the blister, looks like PS3 clone dongles will have a problem again.
Here is the news from PS3 ture blue official site. Here is one of the trustworthy site to buy PS3 true blue, no clone.
30 - 5 ? 2012
New packaging for True Blue incorporating security measures and an updated picture identification reference for clones
Due to the recent emergence of clones we are introducing a new packaging system and a security sticker on the dongle itself to help ensure customers receive original True Blue dongles.
Firstly, a new blister pack with a label over the blister will be introduced, as shown below. This provides several measures for the user to identify if the True Blue device received is likely to be original. Note the unique security patterns in silver which are difficult to counterfeit, due to the colour variations on the background colours, materials used and complexity of the pattern itself. If the label appears to be stretched or appears to have been used before, then careful attention should be paid to the security sticker on the dongle itself.
The security sticker adhered to the dongle itself (shown below), partially covering the cap will provide the user with an indication of whether or not the dongle has been tampered with before delivery. Therefore, if the portion of the sticker covering the dongle cap has been broken, then it is possible that the dongle may have been tampered with. If this is the case, please use the TrueBlue 2.7 firmware as a means to check the authenticity of the dongle. If the word clone appears in the PS3 XMB where the TrueBlue 2.7 version number is stated, then you should contact your reseller for assistance. Security stickers are designed with a number of security considerations in mind and are very difficult to reproduce exactly. This will aid retailers and end users in determining whether the product received is an original.
Some original True Blue dongles are in the supply chain yet to be sold, which do not have the new packaging. If you receive a True Blue dongle without the new packaging, then simply use the True Blue 2.7 firmware to identify whether or not it is an original. Details can be found on the information page and inside the 2.7 firmware download package on the downloads page.
Finally, we are updating the picture references for users to identify whether their PCB is an original True Blue or a CLONE. We have released several revisions of the True Blue PCB?s which are shown below. The recent CLONE posing as True Blue in a similar casing is also shown below and referenced as CLONE. If you have received one of these clones instead of the original True Blue you ordered, then you should contact the retailer who you purchased it from for a refund.
Xbox 360: Slim untouched with a faked 320 GB harddrive for XBL, phat with LT 3.0, played Halo early, so going on live would be an instand ban, also with a faked 320 GB harddrive
PS3: Untouched 160 GB Slim, 60 GB Fat with latest Rogero and 160 GB internal harddrive.
PSVita: hardly ever play it
GameCube: Black with a Viper chip installed. With gameboy player. Trying to get a Wavebird controller.