Samsung t629 Micro SDcard Problem "unrecognized.format" help pls!
12. February 2007 @ 17:25 |
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Hi all, I've just bought a micro SDcard. It's giving me problems, or it might be the phone I'm not to sure. Here is the problem exactly:
When I put the card in, it recognizes that there is a card inserted. But when I try to view the contents of the memory card it prompts and says:
then asks to pick yes or no. When I hit No, the prompt disappears and nothing happens, I try the option again, it just prompts with the same message. When I hit Yes, the displays an empty card. I tried putting picture I took on the phone's camera into the memory card but the option is not available. I try placing the Mp3s I uploaded into the card into the phone but the option once again is not available. If it's any help I tried a Kingston brand and then SanDisk brand, both have the same result. I'm using a Digital concepts SD reader/writer. I've also tried changing the bitrate of the Mp3 to 192 and below, still no luck.
If anyone can solve this problem or even suggest anything it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
13. February 2007 @ 07:07 |
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I have the very same card and phone. When you hit yes to format are you giving it enough time to finish it takes a little while with a gig card . Also the full length MP3s have to go in the music folder on the card . If you want to use them as ringtones you have to cut them to 30 secs or less and you know about the bitrate .
13. February 2007 @ 17:06 |
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I took your advice and actually waited this time for the phone to reformat the card and it worked. I was finally able to view my pictures and mp3's but the video I was not. There are probably restrictions just like the mp3 with bitrate when uploading or viewing the vids, do you know what they are?
The ringtones I had no idea about so that was good to know :)
You've been such a great help already. Thank you!
13. February 2007 @ 17:25 |
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Glad i could help, you know i haven't played with any video yet, i'm still loading up music. You can fit a lot of songs on a gig card .
17. February 2007 @ 20:42 |
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Yeah, I was going to ask if you had formatted the SD card. Also, what capacity card are you using? My wife has that t629 phone and I want to buy her a Sandisk 1GB micro SD card. Also, how easy is it to insert and remove the SD card? Will it be way in there or is the edge of the card sticking out to grab and remove?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. February 2007 @ 20:44
18. February 2007 @ 07:45 |
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A Kingston 1GB . It's easy to insert you put the contacts face up and push in until it clicks into place using your finger nail . Taking it out is easy also you push it in it clicks and pops out enough to grab it .
18. February 2007 @ 16:13 |
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Thanks Toolnut. I have a Sandisk (1GB). Good to know it goes in then pops out. I hate those little "wing" covers plus no USB connector. $50 for their special USB cable? Yeah, right!
19. February 2007 @ 04:35 |
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I have the cable also i bought the non oem version it works fine ,there are a lot of places to get it cheap .
6. July 2007 @ 21:00 |
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Hi, I just bought the new samsung T629 but I have the same problem I can't copy the picture either from the Cellphone to 1GB SD card or from the SD card to the cellphone. I've tried another sd card but still not working. Can anyone please help me?? I really appreciate it. Thank you
17. July 2007 @ 20:16 |
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17. July 2007 @ 20:31 |
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o ya and i do have that same phone by the way. it looked like the site had a lot of videos on it too
15. December 2007 @ 04:31 |
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hello ppl
i have a Sandisk 1gb micro sd card and same phone and i have the same issue and then when i go to reformat the card in the phone its pops up and says
Unrecognized. Format?
i click yes and it says
Failed Please Reinsert Card
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31. December 2007 @ 12:00 |
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Okay so I just dealt with this problem. What it means by unrecognized format is that the file or bit size is too large. For music, the largest bit rate you can have on any mp3 file (all your music must be mp3 or it wont recognize the file) must be 128kbps to 192 kbps. You can figure out the bit rate on music files by right clicking it and having your music organized by bit rate. This goes the same for photos as well. The phone can only read a certain mega pixel/quality. I haven't tried to put any photos on my phone yet so I'm not certain what the highest quality is that the phone will accept. Also, if your trying to set any music as a ringtone (it has that option under options when you click on the music files) it must be under 2 megabites (2000 kbps). Otherwise, the phone will say that the file is too long and cannot be used as a ringtone.