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Battery blow up help?
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4. January 2008 @ 21:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok so i got tired of waiting for someone to come with a psp with cfw and searching really dint do nething so i went and decided... IM GONNA DO IT IM GONA OPEN MY BATTERY
i watched some thing on youtube and read some on this site and learned what to do
i started working my way to the smaller long side of the battery(right side of the words) and well i was using weak/moderate power
i was using an exactoknife and i got a crack in a part of it but as soon as i took my exactoknife out while it was in (not sure cuz it happened so fast) i saw fire... like a spark fire
it was fire but very small maybe size of ur index finger
so i stopped i was freaked out cuz noone sed nething bout fire when u open it... so i put down the exactoknife and tried opening with hands cuz thats wat video sed to do after u get a crack in it. Boom another fire same size so now im really scared. I can sort of smell the lithium or w/e that comes out of the battery
now the battery isnt hot or anything and when i put it in my psp 2 things happen. 1 the psp turns on by itself and 2 it duznt turn off. I took out thre battery and put back in and its on. I have the same bricked psp but with a bttery that wont turn off
so i realised its not safe to leave it in there maybe
so now i wana know few things. One, have i created the jigkick battery? is it safe to put my battery back in my psp (it still charges and all just duznt turn off and has a small crack in it Lastly if theres nething else i should know or u want to know ask

>Onwayto3.71m33when BRICK
AfterDawn Addict
4. January 2008 @ 21:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if it turns on when you put it in, then it's in service mode. but i wouldn't use that battery anymore; the battery is probably damaged, and may cause damage to the psp.

ps2: v7 scph-39001 - independence exploit - hdloader 0.8c - maxtor 300gb hdd
(+[__]%) psp slim ta-085v1: 6.60 PRO B10
wii (powered by bootmii/priiloader): 4.1u - d2x v10beta53-alt (base 56) - configurable usb loader v70r51/devolution r188 - wd scorpio black 7200rpm 320gig w/ ams venus ds2 enclosure

got a whole lot more to list . . .
4. January 2008 @ 22:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
YES! ITS IN SERVICE MODE?! srry for caps
so now all i need to do is get the files on ms? shud i use the files for making pandora without cfw or with cfw? im guessing without cfw cuz apparently i did it with cutting so shud i get ms files for hardmodded pandora or cfw pandora?

>Onwayto3.71m33when BRICK
AfterDawn Addict
4. January 2008 @ 22:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
there are no hardmodded or cfw memory stick files. they're all the same.

google for totalnewbi installer. that'll install the necessary files to your memory stick.

ps2: v7 scph-39001 - independence exploit - hdloader 0.8c - maxtor 300gb hdd
(+[__]%) psp slim ta-085v1: 6.60 PRO B10
wii (powered by bootmii/priiloader): 4.1u - d2x v10beta53-alt (base 56) - configurable usb loader v70r51/devolution r188 - wd scorpio black 7200rpm 320gig w/ ams venus ds2 enclosure

got a whole lot more to list . . .
5. January 2008 @ 09:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok im kinda ticked rite now... last nite i had service mode battery
this morning i woke up and bam no energy left in it. plus its like it was b4
when i put it in it duznt do nething till i turn it on
the other thing when i charge the battery the orange light blinks.... not stay it blinks so what shud i do

>Onwayto3.71m33when BRICK
5. January 2008 @ 09:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
and also it duznt turn on unless i leave it in the charger
so mainly it duznt turn on without being in charger and it isnt in service mode nemore

>Onwayto3.71m33when BRICK
5. January 2008 @ 10:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I hardmodded my battery and some sparks came out but I still did it (I made pandoras battery). Then I found out it wouldnt charge so then I tried to downgrade with the charger on and I downgraded successfully! So here is what I did:
(make sure you have the battery and Memory stick ready)

1. I took out the battery and memory stick out. So now your psp should be completely turned off.

2. Insert the Magic memory stick.

3. Plug in the charger.

4. Then put your hardmodded battery in.
(It should turn on by itself)

5. Press X to install the 3.71 M33-2 CFW.

You should see that its installing the files. When its done just go to
settings>system setting>system information
If its 3.71 M33-2, then you did it!

5. January 2008 @ 10:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
but will that work for unbricking as well?
btw how long did it take for u to open the battery

>Onwayto3.71m33when BRICK
Suspended permanently
11. January 2008 @ 10:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ur in the wrong forum > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > battery blow up help?

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