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(Apple noob) Can you apple veterens answer a few questions?
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13. July 2008 @ 18:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Lap Top Specs : Apple ibook g4
1.2 GHz of speed
512 MB of ram
30 gig HD

Hey I have been a microsoft user all my life and resently have been wanting to cross over to Mac(Lets be honest Macs look damn good kick majore A*s). I have an old machine(ibook g4) and was woundering what apps could I run or if there where some alternative apps to the ones I want to use. Here is a list a few apps, please let me know of any must have apps ;-).

1. Opera
2. Firefox

1. Nero burner
2. Dvd Fab
3. Dvd Shrink
4. clone Dvd

1. Winavi Converter

1. Utorrent
2. Bitcomet

1. Vlc
2. Winamp
3. div x
4. k lite codec pack

1. Winzip
2. 7 Zip
3. Lime wire
4. magic iso
5. Magic disk
6. Veoh Tv
7. A squard
8. Ivira antiviruse
9. Aim

A long list I know but the help will be much appreciated. One more note to add I need to reformat this laptop but I am not sure which OS I need to get if any one knows please tell which OS I need and how to reformat. Thank you in advance
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24. July 2008 @ 05:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok for this laptop i would recommend tiger you could go leopard but it will cost you no only in memory but in upgrading the hard drive now lets get to your list

Dvd applications

Handbrake: converts dvd's into mpeg 4 no need for a avi converter

Mac the ripper : look for it on google this will take care of dvd shrink and everything else.

Media players

Vlc (works fine)

divx (works better)

perian (works excellent for any video except xvid and xvid with avi encoding)


Vuze (great app supports all torrents)

tomato torrent (nice app but doesn't support all torrents)

Web browsers:

opera and firefox work under mac os x tiger and leopard

Burning programs

look on amazon for a copy of toast titanium 7 it is the only version that allows fully functional backup support and do no update it when you get it.

Expanders and others



Frostwire (much better for mac users)

limewire (lots of viruses and malware not very good p2p)

No need for a anti virus there are hardly any viruses that attack macintosh

How ever if you use a lot of word documents i would recommend one because of microsoft backdoors in office can play heck with your machine

Anything else. > forums > software, operating systems and more > mac - general discussion > (apple noob) can you apple veterens answer a few questions?

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