I've been trying to transfer mp3's I've downloaded from the internet (from legitimate sources e.g. ubuweb) onto my iPod. I can listen to them no problem from my iTunes library (without being connected to the web) but when I attempt to transfer them to my iPod it says the iPod is unable to play them.
I can't burn them onto cd's either. When I try this it says that they are not files and cannot be burned. Only files on my hard drive can be burned.
Can anyone offer advice to get around this please?
I've actually made a mistake. I thought I had downloaded
them when actually I'm just streaming. I made the mistake
because I hadn't signed onto to aol but my modem was on and I was
connected so it streamed automatically without me realising.
Thanks for the response though.
I am still a little bit confused because for example I
heard Jon Ronson on the radio saying his radio shows were
downloadable from his website but when I try they just stream.
Do people say download when they mean 'stream'. As you can tell
by my moniker I'm not the most media savvy person in the world.
That's quite funny about the name.
As you mention streaming and downloading is not the same; often there is
a separate link at the site. If not, you could always right click the link and try
"save as" or similar and see if it gets you the file.
Originally posted by davexnet: That's quite funny about the name.
As you mention streaming and downloading is not the same; often there is
a separate link at the site. If not, you could always right click the link and try
"save as" or similar and see if it gets you the file.
They are and are not. To some they are the same but a stream is not saved on your computer.
custom built gaming pc from early 2010,ps2 with 15 games all original,ps3 500gbs with 5 games all original,yamaha amp and 5.1channel surround sound speakers,46inch sony lcd smart tv.
Dave, you are not missing much. I will say ipods are great for audio books and pod casts. You can bookmark and the time index is easy to manipulate. My ipod is so old and I never updated the itunes version so I don't have to deal with are the security land mines it now has. It still uses a M$ connection so you can never get completely locked out. Even if it 'locks you out', it can be easily hacked. They fixed that! A lock out keeps you from accessing your pod. I normally use Media Monkey to sync my ipod but I also use sharepod if I 'try' to over fill it. The sync process crashes and the itunes database hold tunes not on the ipod. MM will not clean them up but sharepod can.
If you're having probs with ' capturing the streams', play them and use something like Audacity to record and save them as MP3..There are other app/tools that you can use to manage/transfer your mp3 tunes to the iPod..foobar2k for one..And unless you're updating your firmware or restoring the ipod, there's no need to have iTunes installed..I keep iTunes installed simply b/c well I can play around with it when I'm in the mood.....
http://www.foobar2000.org/download http://yuo.be/wiki/dop:start
Originally posted by k00ka: If you're having probs with ' capturing the streams', play them and use something like Audacity to record and save them as MP3..There are other app/tools that you can use to manage/transfer your mp3 tunes to the iPod..foobar2k for one..And unless you're updating your firmware or restoring the ipod, there's no need to have iTunes installed..I keep iTunes installed simply b/c well I can play around with it when I'm in the mood.....
http://www.foobar2000.org/download http://yuo.be/wiki/dop:start
Does Audacity capture from something other than the mic in now. I haven't used it in yrs.