Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.
29. September 2005 @ 17:34 |
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29. September 2005 @ 23:39 |
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I have used DVD-RB and HC Encoder to process a DVD:-
Ripped DVD with DVD Decrypter to HDD.
Then I set up DVD-RB and HC Encoder as per the Rockas installer and instructions and DVD Rebuilder guide from AD.
All in all, the total process of preparation, encoding and rebuild of the 6.9GB DVD took a total of 246 minutes, or 4 hours and six minutes of PC time.
I played the end result using PowerDVD 6 Deluxe, and have seen that the movie is still blocky and pixelates in parts.
Can you please suggest any further improvements, changes or tweaks to the settings in/of DVD-RB, does it usually take this amount of time and can I change any settings of HC Encoder?
Thanks for all your help.
Senior Member
30. September 2005 @ 01:05 |
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The time depends on your processor, memory, and hard drive speeds, so there isn't really a "right" time. That does seem long though.
What is the name of the disc you are attempting to back up? Also, what settings are you using? My suspicion is that you are doing a series disc and have "steal space from extras" on.
30. September 2005 @ 01:23 |
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Many thanks for the prompt response:-
My processor is a P4 3.2Ghz with 1GB of RAM - I also have 2 x 7200RPM Western Digital HDD's in this new PC at the moment.
It is not a series' disc - the disc is an Indian film/Bollywood movie, and if you know/don't know, these films are long as they range from 2 to 3 upto 4 hours in length at most.
Can these still be backed up successfully using DVD-RB and HC Encoder?
I do not know what settings I should be using as it is my first time using DVD-RB and HC.
Could you please advise about settings and also - what does "steal space from extras" do and what setting should I have this on?
Any other settings that I should use with DVD-RB?
Thanks again for all your help.
AfterDawn Addict
30. September 2005 @ 05:05 |
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I had some problems with HC when I first started using it, but that was because I had the AviSynth beta ver installed. I went back to the previous ver of 2.55 or 2.54 and the bad output disappeared. Do not know if this is your problem, but thought I would give my two cents.
Senior Member
30. September 2005 @ 05:15 |
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What reduction level (percentage) and bitrates are DVD-RB reporting as necessary to fit on the output?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. September 2005 @ 05:15
30. September 2005 @ 05:34 |
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I've downloaded AviSynth 2.55.exe - how do I go about using this with DVD-RB and HC Encoder?
Please let me know.
The reduction percentage reported by DVD-RB was 61%, and the bitrate was reported as 2,600kb, and the maximum was reported as being 7,700kb.
Hope this helps.
Thanks and regards once again.
Senior Member
30. September 2005 @ 05:41 |
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Yes. Normally that would be plenty to provide reasonably clear encoding...
30. September 2005 @ 05:45 |
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Thanks again for the reply - please let me know about any settings that I need to use and or change for DVD-RB and HC Encoder to work to achieve clear encoding without pixelisation.
Thanks again
Suspended permanently
30. September 2005 @ 09:36 |
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For the best output for any project, the best you can do is edit out all but the movie itself. That way you're wasting no space at all on extras or menus. You can even clip the titles. DVDRemake or something similar will do the task. If you have RB Pro you can select Movie Only or Movie with Menus. I'm not sure of the options on the regular beta nowadays. Also, if you want more speed, I'd suggest moving to the CCE encoder.
I'm just curious as to the quality of the original as you're not really pushing the envelope with the size you're trying to compress. I've done the big blockbuster movies without problem on several occasions. Pixelation has yet to be a problem and I view movies on a 60 inch screen. BigO recently put in a projector system and he says that RB with CCE is the only encoder that won't leave background problems with the big movies. HC is supposed to be as good as CCE with the exception of speed. So HC should be a viable option as long as speed isn't of the essence. I commented on that before. If you do a lot of encodes, the time saved may be worth the $59 cost of CCE Basic.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
30. September 2005 @ 12:53 |
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Adding to what borbear just said, you can also edit out all but a single surround sound audio track as well.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
30. September 2005 @ 14:14 |
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using OPV with hc could cut the processing time to nearly half of what it was before but on the other hand some slight smoothing (e.g. undot + fluxsmooth) might come handy in order to improve compressing and thus maybe reduce artefacts
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
30. September 2005 @ 14:38 |
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Thanks for the info I'll give it a try. I'm still in my HC encoder test phase but if jdobbs says it good and you say it's good then that's good enough for me.
Hmm! Note to self, used the word good too many times. LOL
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
3. October 2005 @ 21:04 |
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Jdobbs, I am curious to know if DVD-RB re-encodes the menus when backing up DVD9-DVD5?
Also I'm using DVD-RB PRO, latest version and well I can't output to ISO. Is there a file that I should have in my DVD-RB folder, I'm just using DVD-RB upgrade not the Installer package.;-)
Suspended permanently
3. October 2005 @ 22:45 |
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Do you have the option checked under Mode?
4. October 2005 @ 00:14 |
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Quote: I am curious to know if DVD-RB re-encodes the menus when backing up
NO, it doesnt
give menushrink a try
Senior Member
4. October 2005 @ 02:21 |
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Quote: Jdobbs, I am curious to know if DVD-RB re-encodes the menus when backing up DVD9-DVD5?
Also I'm using DVD-RB PRO, latest version and well I can't output to ISO. Is there a file that I should have in my DVD-RB folder, I'm just using DVD-RB upgrade not the Installer package.;-)
You need mkiofs.exe and cygwin1.dll installed in the APPS folder. You really need to run the installer -- there's no reason not to.
4. October 2005 @ 13:48 |
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Okay Jdobbs got that part taken care of, also how goes the progress with DVD-RB V1.00. Also like many here I'm wondering when we can expect menu compression using DVD-RB. NuMenu4U has me quite busy at the moment but Scenarist & Muxman is alot to ask in terms of $$$.;-)
4. October 2005 @ 23:21 |
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Hi all
I'm still reading round the subject of DVD-RB and CCE, yet here's a copy of my rebuilder.log and Rebuilder.ini files so that you can see if there are any settings that I might need to change for better quality and performance:-
[17:22:34] One Click encoding activated...
[17:22:34] Phase I, PREPARATION started.
- VTS_01: 3,603,104 sectors.
-- Scanning and writing .D2V file
-- Processed 310,045 frames.
-- Building .AVS and .ECL files
- VTS_02: 107,989 sectors.
-- Scanning and writing .D2V file
-- Processed 8,757 frames.
-- Building .AVS and .ECL files
- VTS_03: 217,413 sectors.
-- Scanning and writing .D2V file
-- Processed 20,309 frames.
-- Building .AVS and .ECL files
- Reduction Level for DVD-5: 52.7%
- Overall bitrate : 2,198Kbs
- Space for Video : 3,795,402KB
- HIGH/LOW/AVERAGE Cell Bitrates: 2,788/893/2,198 Kbs
[17:26:50] Phase I, PREPARATION completed in 4 minutes.
[17:26:50] Phase II ENCODING started
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 0
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 1
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 2
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 3
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 4
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 5
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 6
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 7
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 8
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 9
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 10
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 11
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 12
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 13
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 14
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 15
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 16
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 17
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 18
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 19
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 20
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 21
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 22
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 23
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 24
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 25
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 26
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 27
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 28
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 29
- Creating M2V for VTS_02 segment 0
- Creating M2V for VTS_03 segment 0
[20:00:47] Phase II ENCODING completed in 154 minutes.
[20:00:47] Phase III, REBUILD started.
- Copying IFO, BUP, and unaltered files...
- Processing VTS_01
- Reading/processing TMAP table...
- Rebuilding segment 0 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding segment 1 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding segment 2 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 3
- Rebuilding segment 3 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 4
- Rebuilding segment 4 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 5
- Rebuilding segment 5 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 6
- Rebuilding segment 6 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 7
- Rebuilding segment 7 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 8
- Rebuilding segment 8 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 9
- Rebuilding segment 9 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 10
- Rebuilding segment 10 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 11
- Rebuilding segment 11 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 12
- Rebuilding segment 12 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 13
- Rebuilding segment 13 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 14
- Rebuilding segment 14 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 15
- Rebuilding segment 15 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 16
- Rebuilding segment 16 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 17
- Rebuilding segment 17 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 18
- Rebuilding segment 18 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 19
- Rebuilding segment 19 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 20
- Rebuilding segment 20 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 21
- Rebuilding segment 21 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 22
- Rebuilding segment 22 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 23
- Rebuilding segment 23 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 24
- Rebuilding segment 24 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 24
- Rebuilding segment 25 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 25
- Rebuilding segment 26 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 26
- Rebuilding segment 27 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 27
- Rebuilding segment 28 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 28
- Rebuilding segment 29 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 29
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
- Updated VTS_C_ADT.
- Updated IFO: VTS_01_0.IFO
- Updating TMAP table...
- Processing VTS_02
- Reading/processing TMAP table...
- Rebuilding segment 0 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
- Updated VTS_C_ADT.
- Updated IFO: VTS_02_0.IFO
- Updating TMAP table...
- Processing VTS_03
- Reading/processing TMAP table...
- Rebuilding segment 0 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
- Updated VTS_C_ADT.
- Updated IFO: VTS_03_0.IFO
- Updating TMAP table...
Correcting VTS Sectors...
[20:12:09] Phase III, REBUILD completed in 12 minutes.
[20:12:09] PREPARE/ENCODE/REBUILD completed in 170 min.
Skin=Windows Standard
QuEnc=C:\Program Files\DVD-RB\Encoders\QuEnc\QuEnc.exe
ReJig=C:\Program Files\DVD-RB\Encoders\ReJig\ReJig.exe
HC=C:\Program Files\DVD-RB\Encoders\HC Encoder\HCbatch.EXE
ProCoder=C:\Program Files\DVD-RB\Encoders\EclPro\EclPro.exe
DECOMB=C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\Decomb521.dll
MPEG2DEC=C:\Program Files\DVD-RB\DGDecode.dll
Working=E:\DVD-RB - work\
Output=E:\DVD-RB - output\
CCENEW=E:\Cinema.Craft.Encoder.SP.v2.67.00.27.&.CCE.Patcher.v0.5.7.&.EclCCE.v1.81\EdCCE 1.81\EclCCE.exe
Is there anything else that I can do or change to get a better bitrate on the main movie?
As I said, I'm still learning and I've since read about "steal space from extras" and how to use that feature in DVD-RB.
Any other ideas?
As always, any help and suggestions are gratefully appreciated.
Thanks once again and regards
4. October 2005 @ 23:26 |
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Hi all
Forgot to ask in my previous post, and apologies for the double post if it is one, yet:-
"PREPARE/ENCODE/REBUILD completed in 170 min."
How can I improve the time - this was a 3 hour film - do you think the time is about right, or can this be made better?
Thanks again
Senior Member
5. October 2005 @ 04:08 |
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What is your system specs. It looks reasonable for a P4 or an OCed XP.
5. October 2005 @ 04:18 |
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Thanks for the reply, here are my system specs:-
Pentium4 PC, 3.2Ghz, Hyper-Threading, 1GB RAM, 80gb and 200gb hard drives and a 256MB Radeon 9600 Advantage PRO DDR TV Out DVI-I graphics card.
I'm running Windows XP SP2 with all patches and updates applied.
I also close down everything that I don't need to have running in the background before using DVD Decrypter for ripping and then DVD-RB and CCE for encoding.
Any other ideas, Donald?
As always, any help and suggestions are gratefully appreciated.
Thanks once again and regards
Senior Member
5. October 2005 @ 04:26 |
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Gear everthing towards quality. You have a fast P4 system. No need for additional adjustments with the time given.
The common thing is to do multiple movies in batch mode so it can run unattended at night.
There are of course Dual core Pentiums and Athlons and Venice core Athlon 64s available but I think your plenty fast as it is.
5. October 2005 @ 04:35 |
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Thanks for the reply - it's much appreciated.
"Gear everthing towards quality"...
I've since read about using the the "steal space from extras" feature - how do I use that feature in DVD-RB?
What will that do, and are there any other adjustments I can make to get more quality for the main movie?
Thanks again
5. October 2005 @ 04:55 |
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Quote: I've since read about using the the "steal space from extras" feature - how do I use that feature in DVD-RB?
take a look here:
because i dont want to copy others peoples replies and because copying only my own statements from that thread here doesnt make much sense better take a look at the entire thread