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HOW TO: Hotswap with XboxHDM v1.9 (Super Tutorial)
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9. September 2010 @ 16:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You didn't build your cd correctly, either C or E are missing and xboxhdm sees that the files aren't there to build your hard drive from scratch.

If you don't have the correct files you can get modded ones from my sig. First determine your xbox version then pick the right set of files. Use my files for your xboxhdm cd and when you lock the hard drive and throw it back in the xbox it will boot avalaunch with link to a working msdash.

Good luck.

9. September 2010 @ 19:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
reply k figured it out problem was i wasn't unplugging the dvd drive and would get err 21, reread tut did it properly, and worked amazingly now to but xbmc and surreal64 on it, thanks for the reply
30. September 2010 @ 10:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
so the situation is that my original xbox hdd is shot i dunno it won't spin up and computer wont detect it anymore, i don't have a modchip or my eeprom but i do have a 160GB WD drive kicking around wondering if xboxhdm could be used to revive the box or is it finally 6 feet under?
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30. September 2010 @ 11:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Your xbox can be saved as long as it still boots with a green screen.

This tutorial will help you make an eeprom reader. With the eeprom reader you can get your eeprom, make a hard drive from scratch and lock it with your eeprom.

Read the tutorial a few times until you're comfortable with the procedure.

Good luck

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. September 2010 @ 11:53

4. October 2010 @ 18:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey thanks so much for that link. so i dunno if i can post on that other thread but i finished it and got my eemprom made another .iso with it on it. but i completed the hotswap and got err 5 realized had to lock it back up. except when i tried option 3 the linux unlock/lock, lockhd -a it says it doesn't find the eemprom.. should i just make another disk, i know the eemprom was good cause it had my serial# so?? thanks for the help
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4. October 2010 @ 18:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It should be named eeprom.bin and in all undercase. EEPROM.BIN will not work

Make sure it's in the eeprom folder when you build the iso and you should be set.

4. October 2010 @ 19:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
wow that was quick reply lolz ya i might of done the uppercase thing ill give it another go thanks man
15. October 2010 @ 02:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry double posted

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. October 2010 @ 02:38

15. October 2010 @ 02:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm having issues with xboxhdm itself...

No matter what I do... after I boot from the disc... the main screen comes up normal... i hit 1 and enter... it starts loading... spams all it's crap... and STOPS EVERY TIME after finding an 8 port usb hub....

i don't have any hubs connected... even unplugged all of the usb ports in the computer including keyboard... still it says it found a hub and stops there... it never gets to the next screen where you hit xboxhd or xbrowser.... it never gets there...

any ideas?...

i've unplugged everything i can think of internal and external and still have the damn thing pass bios and just keep hitting the same wall...
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15. October 2010 @ 14:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What's the specs of the computer you're using? I use a stoneage p2 that works everytime. Newer computers will have problems running xboxhdm.

If i were you i would try an older computer and see if that helps.

Junior Member
15. October 2010 @ 15:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i agree with C4RN1 everytime i used my newer computer it wouldnt even recognize the drive. but when i use and old p3 computer it worked without any problems. both computers were even the same brand but the newer one wouldnt work
15. October 2010 @ 16:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by C4RN1:
What's the specs of the computer you're using? I use a stoneage p2 that works everytime. Newer computers will have problems running xboxhdm.

If i were you i would try an older computer and see if that helps.
i assume you mean the mobo?... the rest shouldn't really matter... it's an asus... uhh trying to remember model... i've had four in the same case lol they keep dieing through the years and replace with whatever's on sale at the time... pretty sure it's the a8r-mvp...

the problem is that any old parts that still worked have been turned into various "gets internet" computers for elderly family... lol... not sure if i still have any more working mobo's around...

edit: thanks for the tip.... took it to a friend's house and used one of his old ones and managed it without issue... :P

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. October 2010 @ 23:08

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15. October 2010 @ 23:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

awesome, let me know if you need help with anything else.

14. November 2010 @ 16:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by chunkhead:
HOW TO: Hotswap with XboxHDM v1.9

Just clarifying the situation. This is causing a lot of headaches so I'll make it as clear as possible...

This method will allow you to rebuild your Xbox HDD WITHOUT having your eeprom.

It can fix all software issues, including Error 16!

Ok, what do we need

* Xbox
* Torx 20 screwdriver
* CD Burner\Writer
* Xboxhdm v1.9
* Clean 5960 Dash files

All needed files can be found here...

Making the XboxHDM Disc

* Unpack Xboxhdm v1.9 to your HDD. It should look like this...

* Open the 'linux' Folder.
Download and insert the new Dash files (Link is above) into the 'C' folder.
Within the 'E' folder, make two new folders and call them 'TDATA' + 'UDATA'. Both these folders are empty.

Your folders should now look like this...

'linux' Folder

'C' Folder

'E' Folder

* If all is in place, navigate back to the original 'xboxhdm' folder and click on 'make-iso-win.bat'

* A DOS box will appear and make the 'linux.iso' file

* We now need to burn the 'linux.iso' file. We'll use Nero as our example.

*Open Nero and select 'CD' from the top right and then 'Burn Image To Disc'.

* Click the drop down menu for 'File Of Type' and select 'Image Files'. Our file will appear (assuming you are in the correct directory), select it and click 'Open'

* Burn the image as usual to CD.


* Shutdown your PC, unplug the computers HDDs, leaving only the CD-Rom connected. The CD-Rom should be on the 'Secondary cable' (The other cable).

* Power on the computer with the CD we created in the drive. If your BIOS is setup to boot from a CD, you should be greeted with this screen.

**NOTE** Should you have any issues with your HDD not being detected at a later stage, Turn off your PC, turn it back on and press the 'Pause|Break' key prior to the BIOS auto detecting HDDs. Perform the hotswap at this point, then continue the boot.

* Open your Xbox with the Torx Screwdrivers

HOW TO: Open your Xbox

* With the Xbox now open, unplug the Xboxs DVD drive IDE cable

* Power on the console and you should get an Error 12 on your screen

* Do not power the console off, unplug the Xbox HDD IDE cable and insert the one from the PC. Your Xbox HDD and your PC CD\DVD Drive should now be connected to your PC, nothing else.

* Wait a minute to allow the HDD to be recognised. DO NOT TURN OFF THE XBOX!

* Back at this screen...

* Press "1" and then Type 'xboxhd'

* We then want to press "1" again 'Build a new HD from scratch'

* Just keep typing yes...

* When it's finished, unplug the IDE cable from the PC and re-insert both Xbox cables (DVD & HDD)

* Power off Xbox

* That's it, you should now have a fully restored original Xbox.

Feel free to use my other guides to start modding again!!!


Please backup your eeprom, this will avoid further hassle in the future.
So if i do hotswap will i can install xbmc then?
9. February 2011 @ 11:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi there, thank you for your excellent guide !
Sorry for the book I'm writing here, but I want to be as clear as I can.

I've had my xbox(original/1) and only used it as a mediacenter for well, almost the moment it was released.
I had it modchipped by someone who knew how to, don't remember what chip it is though.

So few months back my 80gb hd died, wouldn't be recognized on my pc either.
Swapped in the original xbox hd and modded the c: to launch xbmc from boot.
The xbox hd was making strange sounds lately.
I would get some errors sometimes, sometimes not and sometimes xbmc would freeze/lockup.

So now I'm only getting error 16 and it won't do nothing.
I found your guide and followed it to the letter, I think.
Burned the cd with the clean files and installed it on another old 8gb drive I found.

1. Now that (new 8gb) hd gives me error 5, means it's unlocked right.
I backup the original C: and not the gamesave partition, had no clue the eeprom would be there.

2. Appears the original xbox hd isn't totally dead.
Using this guide, my pc tells me it's locked when I try to reinstall.

3. When I boot the xbox with only the dvd-drive IDE cable disconnected it gives me error 11 and never error 12.

I think I read all posts and links under this guide thread and couldn't find a solution.
Also tried booting it fwith my original SSX game.
So any clue what the problem is here ?
-Maybe my modchip is dead.
-Maybe I can get the eeprom from the locked xbox hd somehow ?

Thank you in advance !
14. February 2011 @ 13:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Had to use pause/break at boot to recognize xbox, but worked like a charm!! thanks so much!

@juweettog I never had error 12, i only got error 11 and it still worked fine!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. February 2011 @ 13:26

20. March 2011 @ 21:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I cannot get xboxhdm 1.9 to boot from the disc. I have followed instructions explicitly, and am not a dummy to begin with, so I cannot figure out what is wrong. Every time I try to boot from the disc, it just goes to a dos screen and says DR. DOS with an A prompt. Can anyone at all help me with this, I would love to get a bigger HD up and running in my X-Box. Thanks in advance!
26. April 2011 @ 21:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok I was looking for some clarification with my situation and I'm sure I have an idea but I need to make sure. My case is different most people are using this in order to resolve the error 16. I wanted to use the hotswap to upgrade the HDD.

I followed the instructions adding chunks clean 5990 to the C and adding the two folders to the E then creating an ISO.

I boot up the CD at this point I swapped the drives connecting the ide of new hdd to the pc. I left the DVD ide on the xbox and the power cable was still intact to the HDD.

I booted up the xboxhdm1.9 from the cd and then turned on the xbox. Instead of getting error 12 I got 7. I assume I received this error because the HDD is an unlocked so no real concern there. I then started running the xboxhd and it did detect the drive so I followed the steps and it looked like it came out successful.

I plugged out the ide from the pc hooked back up the ide from the xbox and started up the xbox and I believe I got error 4 or 5.

So my guess is that this process is only to unlock a locked hdd and not to lock and upgrade to a new hdd. I was hoping it would have worked would have made this process so easier.

Please let me know if this process was in fact really possible or not.

My next option is going to be to do a clone of the original HDD and upgrade that way. Seems simple enough.
8. May 2011 @ 19:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
xbox was stuck in the live update loop. this guide didn't work for me until i tried leaving the dvd ide cable plugged in and just did the hotswap after the live update dialog box comes up. otherwise the hd wouldn't unlock. also for some reason my pc keyboard would stop working after any long pause with the xboxhd bootup cd. was able to just type ahead several yes-RETURNs before it would fail.
25. May 2011 @ 11:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Managed to unlock my xbox hdd easy just booted it up without dvd power or ide connected. Booted up xboxhdm fine pressed option 1 then there would be rolling text down the screen as its loading then it stops saying insert the linux disk. My rig is quite new with only one IDE socket im using a sata dvd drive. Ive tried using and Ide dvd drive as slave on that cable then plug the xbox hdd into the master but it still throws up the same error. any ideas?

Sorry to bring up an old thead by the way.
thanks guys
26. May 2011 @ 08:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
just incase anyone else had issue with explorer 360 not importing file into UDATA like it was with me you have to right click inside UDATA create a folder and name it accordingly then import each file seperatly including any folders they may be in, naming them accordingly.
31. May 2011 @ 03:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can put the iso in a usb stick and then boot from it?
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14. June 2011 @ 10:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
nope.. needs to be cd.. something to do with ide channel allocations

unless you want to waste a year of your life trying to install it to a stick pendrive linux style.. when it still won't see the ide channels because it relies on running through them to identify the hotswapped drive. 8 year old tools work in 8 year old ways.. hdm hasn't been updated since 2003.

ARR! Them pesky Navy! Get out of my sea!
29. June 2011 @ 20:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello, sorry if you all get asked a lot, but will this fix the blinking red and green lights? My xbox flashes the red and green lights and doesn't give me an error code.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. June 2011 @ 02:49

29. June 2011 @ 20:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello, sorry if you all get asked a lot, but will this fix the christmas lights? My xbox flashes the red and green lights and doesn't give me an error code. > forums > archived forums > xbox - hardware boot discussion > how to: hotswap with xboxhdm v1.9 (super tutorial)

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