***M3 DS Real Guide*** WIP
23. April 2008 @ 16:50 |
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Hi all,
Just wondering if there is a GBA emulator that is compatible with M3DS Real?
The "inbuilt" emulators don't seem to save my games. But i am able to save games using emulators i put on myself
And i do have a GBA expansion pak :P
Thanks all in advance
24. April 2008 @ 04:50 |
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Well there are some GBA emulators that will work, Actually any GBA emulator should work but I dont know any in particular.
Many people have had this problem and they used the RTS and saved in-game... not sure on the details but it works.
24. April 2008 @ 04:58 |
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I've tried the suggested method in this topic but alas, it fails.
My NES games don't get saved either by the inbuilt emulators
I've contacted M3 and tbh...they were no help. Told me to charge my DS along with the the cart all night. I did, (failed again) then they basically told me to return it. :( sad times
So do i basically d/l a GBA emulator and stick it on my SD card? or is it more complicated than that? :P
24. April 2008 @ 08:48 |
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Yes it is that simple, Put the emulator on you M3real sd card and the run it in the DS, the M3 will auto patch it and then the emulator will run and allow you to play any GBA games on your M3R card.
24. April 2008 @ 10:37 |
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Is this for definite? I've just tried Visual boy advance and Boycott advance. No auto patching going on :(
24. April 2008 @ 10:40 |
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They don't appear where my other emulators appear too, forgot to mention that point.
24. April 2008 @ 12:05 |
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Oke can anyone help me out. I have the M3 DS Real, and the cheat option is already available, but I want to use the cheats from Action Replay.
I've put the default_codelist.xlm in my system folder en the cheat option is available, I selected some cheats and than turned Cheats ON (example: Moonstone x999) en start up the game. The only thing is the cheats aint work..
24. April 2008 @ 15:28 |
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msd89: Well leave the emulator on the root of your card and run it though MyCard from the main M3Real menu, If this doesn't work then I'm clueless as to how to do it but make sure its an .nds file
koenville: I'm assuming that firstly you are not english and secondly that you meant .xml well my first idea would be to use the codemaker program that turns .xml files and merges them with the default codelist on the M3Real.
24. April 2008 @ 15:31 |
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Originally posted by unacquain: msd89: Well leave the emulator on the root of your card and run it though MyCard from the main M3Real menu, If this doesn't work then I'm clueless as to how to do it but make sure its an .nds file
Thats what i don't know how to do. How do i make sure its an .nds file?
Or is that a silly question? :)
Thanks for your time btw :)
24. April 2008 @ 15:44 |
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No problem, to see if its an .nds file open you SD card in windows explorer(basically on you desktop double click my computer and then the SD card) now right click anywhere other than a file and go to view/details then the entire view will change to show name|size|type|date modified now under the type column it should say NDS file if it isn't a NDS file it's probably an EXE file.
(and I know for a fact that visualboy is an EXE meant to be run on a PC however I thought you may have found a port)
24. April 2008 @ 15:47 |
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Ohhh, i thought you meant you could change it from an .exe to .nds
Yeah, i know about the exentions, and it is .exe :( i can't find any .nds thats why i asked on this board
oh wells :( thanks for your help
24. April 2008 @ 15:57 |
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No sorry but an EXE has a total different way of working from an NDS but I'm sure there are some somewhere, I'm going to take a look but I suggest you search google for simething like 'NDS EMULATOR HOMEBREW'
24. April 2008 @ 17:15 |
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Originally posted by unacquain: koenville: I'm assuming that firstly you are not english and secondly that you meant .xml well my first idea would be to use the codemaker program that turns .xml files and merges them with the default codelist on the M3Real.
I'm sorry my english is not so good, and i meant .xml
But what is the default codelist on the M3Real?And how can i edit this codelist?
25. April 2008 @ 01:15 |
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koenville: The default cheat file is a .db extension, the cheat code combiner tool basically puts the codes from the .xml into this and the M3Real will let you use the cheats as default.
download the M3 Cheat Code Combiner V1.21Beta (22-10-2007)
I personally have not tried this but I have heard no problems, and if this doesn't work then it is probably because the codes you use are wrong or some other external factor.
Senior Member
29. April 2008 @ 11:36 |
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Version 3.5 was just released. You can download it here.
Here's the change log.
1. Solve the "2230 - wonderful world (Europe)" after a soft reset when the Dead combat the problem of the screen, can now use the soft reset normal game;
2. Solve the "2232 - International Chess (EU)" the use of soft reset after the crashes of the problem, can now use the soft reset normal game;
3. Solve the "2240 - Solitaire DS (EU)" Dead archive error problems, can now file and use the normal soft reset the game;
4. Solve the "2246 - the ultimate challenge CE1-CE2 (law)" after a soft reset Dead problems, can now use the soft reset normal game;
5. Solve the "2247 - the ultimate challenge CM1-CM2 (law)" after a soft reset Dead problems, can now use the soft reset normal game;
6. Solve the "2252 - wonderful world (United States)" after a soft reset when the Dead combat the problem of the screen, can now use the soft reset normal game;
7. Solve the "2255 - the time the new spacecraft DS Putongputong War (Japan)," Dead archive error problems, can now use the normal archiving and soft reset the game;
8. Show that the Chinese name automatically control support to the 2257 Games, DS ROM.
Senior Member
29. April 2008 @ 11:42 |
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I did update the "The latest loader is.." on the guide a couple of days ago, but thanks for the change log.
30. April 2008 @ 00:16 |
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Thank you for this guide,
There is no SYSTEM file in the .ZIP file downloaded from the
M3 site. Did you mean that I should create a folder called system and put all the files from the .zip inside of it?
I guess I will try that next.
30. April 2008 @ 00:22 |
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Oh I see...
that does work much better. Thanks man.
Senior Member
30. April 2008 @ 05:31 |
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Just added a small bit to the guide for instances when there is no SYSTEM folder in the zip file:
Quote: (should there not be a SYSTEM folder, simply create one on your MicroSD and drag all the files from the .zip into it)
Senior Member
30. April 2008 @ 11:13 |
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It didn't take long for version 3.6 to come out.
1. a new cheatcode command 0xDC is added
2. keep 100% game compilibility (games up to 2268 were tested)
Senior Member
30. April 2008 @ 11:16 |
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Originally posted by silk42: It didn't take long for version 3.6 to come out.
1. a new cheatcode command 0xDC is added
2. keep 100% game compilibility (games up to 2268 were tested)
Guide updated.
2. May 2008 @ 16:35 |
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so i just ordered an m3 real
im still kinda confused on how it works
i know the gba thing has roms pre loaded, i think
but does the ds slot have pre loaded roms
or do i have to download them my self
and how do you get DPG /DSM / GBM movie files
2. May 2008 @ 17:03 |
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Hi folks, I'm theADDict removed
To put it as simply as possible, this is how to get going with your M3 REAL and GBA slot 2 pack.
-format your micro sd to FAT.
-unzip the latest firmware ( SYSTEM folder) onto the micro sd
-create folder alongside called NDS, and unzip NDS 'software' in there.
-create a third folder named GBA and unzip/drop your gba files in there.
-safely eject the micro sd from ya pc and away you go !!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. May 2008 @ 17:40
2. May 2008 @ 17:31 |
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but my only other question is how to get movies on there
and what about other roms
like snes
do i have to have the gba expansion to play those
or do i just put the emulator im using on the sd card along with rom files and just play them from there
2. May 2008 @ 17:42 |
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