So Halo 3 Will Be Out On Xbox 360!
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14. May 2005 @ 17:40 |
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I went to and saw that Halo 3 would infact be on Xbox 360! But what surprised me that on the Top 10 list Halo 3 ranked 5??? Tell me what you think about it being on X360 not XB? And do you agree with it being ranked 5?
Junior Member
14. May 2005 @ 18:39 |
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man. Kidding me? Its ranked number 5? Hm. Interesting. Anyways, I doubt that it will be number 5 when the actual game comes out.
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15. May 2005 @ 09:59 |
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They are talking about releasing a Halo 2.5 at the launch because how could you launch a new Xbox without Halo. And there is no way they could have Halo 3 done by launch.
Junior Member
15. May 2005 @ 10:37 |
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cough cough (Perfect dark zero= halo type game) cough cough
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2 product reviews
17. May 2005 @ 10:15 |
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lol@perfect dark zero. we don't want a "Halo type game" we wants to be able to finish the story.
Senior Member
18. May 2005 @ 05:34 |
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I dont see what the obsesion with Halo is. im not putting it down or anything but i wasnt impressed. i beat the game the second day of playing and the online play is boring. I just dont see the obsesion.
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2 product reviews
18. May 2005 @ 15:50 |
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Yeah, I have to admit that I was disappointed with halo 2. But halo 1 kicked ass. Alls i wanna do is finish the story.
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18. May 2005 @ 16:00 |
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I too must admit i look forward to finishing the story as well.
18. May 2005 @ 21:17 |
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When halo 3 is finished there going to hold out on release date untill ps3 comes out. unless ps3 is rushed to early 2006 like some rumors have said that are flowing aroudn the internet I heard ps3 might settle for 3 cell processors instead of 4 because it's taking forever to get 3 to work together and 4 might have been a mistake to shoot for if they want to be quick w/ release... remember ps2 came out much much before xbox people bought ps2 and didnt want to wait for xbox and then some went and bought xbox after they bought ps2... But if ps3 is way way behind this time people are giong to want to shell out the EXPENSIVE doe for it after they spent the 3-4 hundred for the xbox we'll see soon
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19. May 2005 @ 12:59 |
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yer i got a little board, i know its a shooting game but it lacks interaction any one agree:) 'tntnitro'
19. May 2005 @ 15:34 |
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Hopefully Halo 3 will be better than Halo 2.
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21. May 2005 @ 07:43 |
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I hope so to...But I just can't believe how it ranked in 5th place???
Senior Member
23. May 2005 @ 09:25 |
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Im finally glad people are starting to realize that halo is nothing but a simple game with ok graphics.. When i first played Halo for the xbox i was like,,,, umm ok,, and this is really great why? But if you think about it,, halo is the only good game for xbox next to ninja gaiedon,,, and those are the only good games forthe xbox,, and so i would ask you would you buy an Xbox 360 for halo 3 (halo + a couple new maps + a couple new guns + the ending story + full price of all the other halos = Halo 3) umm sounds good to me guys,, doesnt it,,, or you could just do drugs and play halo 2 and have more fun then you would on halo3
"Rarely is the question asked; is our childern learning?" - G.W.Bush
23. May 2005 @ 10:42 |
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What are you talking about Halo 2 is the best game out for any system and halo 3 will only be better I dont think 3.4 million people jumping on everyday for online team slayer and big team clan games the online games or much better then the game its self but I guess its all about what you look for in a game for me there is nothing better then halo 2
peace out going to the weed house
23. May 2005 @ 14:43 |
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Yeah I love Halo but I got to admit halo has its critics and I cant wait for Halo 3.
Peace out!
"Ill Be Back"
Senior Member
23. May 2005 @ 16:21 |
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so then, what makes halo so good?????
"Rarely is the question asked; is our childern learning?" - G.W.Bush
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23. May 2005 @ 20:08 |
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Halo 2 is so good because it has great balance and its just flat out FUN...FUN is what so many people are forgetting about...Its fun people...Its way more fun than socom..its way more fun than any other similar fps game...Halo 2 doesnt have to be as innovative as halo 1 was because its a just needs to take the things from halo 1 that made it so great and give them a good amount of tweaking..add some more depth..take the story a bit further.. They did all of that... I really dont know what people expect. Look at the numbers (unlike all the other numbers floating around in these forums) they dont lie!!
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24. May 2005 @ 13:45 |
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Well what changes does anybody think that Halo 3 should have???
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24. May 2005 @ 16:28 |
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gameplay wise i think they should up the multiplayer to about 32-48 players and how about some multiplayer BOTS(really good ones)more playable character types like brutes, buggers, vehicles of course... I would like to see the COOP single player actually work in a storyline where more than 1 spartan exists rather than both players being the same person as far as the cutscenes and story goes.It would be cool to see MC's face...
Junior Member
24. May 2005 @ 19:32 |
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im gonna have to agree with you... 16 players is getting offly boring when you play the game everyday... cough cough... 48 players would definetly spice things up a bit and yea multiplayer bots would be awesome.. and again campaign mode... they need to drag it out or somethin.. i dont care just aslong as i can beat it in over 8 hours ....anything less is not worthy... Halo 2...
25. May 2005 @ 05:53 |
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Just had to add my two cents, but halo/2 is the poor man's version of half life 2... lol.
Seriously. Halo 2 is the essence of Boron, the element of boringness, mined from the planet Borak. Owned it for a week, glad i did nay pay for it. :)
25. May 2005 @ 11:23 |
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HALO2 rocks man i play it online loads but just me but i think halo 1 was better the online dose get a bit boring but the new maps keep it live xbox rule and will cruse ps2
yeah boy
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25. May 2005 @ 13:12 |
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For the thing about 48 players that would be AMAZING...Just imagine 1 huge, gigantic map with 48 people...that would be amazing!!! Just like a small army...but even cooler maybe 96 players!!!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! never possible!
Junior Member
25. May 2005 @ 18:18 |
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96 players would be absolutely and totally insane... i would definetly pay for xbox live instead of this xbox connect prog. im using if u could play 96 people... hands down... and to add.. you are also rite.. the new maps are the BOMB those keep my interest just since i havent over played them like others
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25. May 2005 @ 18:23 |
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Haha half-life 2...riiight crowbars suck..i dont wanna be a nerd ass scientist..i wanna be an 8-foot super soldier