So Halo 3 Will Be Out On Xbox 360!
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25. May 2005 @ 23:22 |
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the reason i think that halo 1 was so successful was coz it was so simple. too many games put in a hundred diferent weapons (most just slightly modified versions of a pistol, sniper rifle, smg an asult rifle. halo only had like ten (all different) weapons.
26. May 2005 @ 11:28 |
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i agree with you Strazza and 96 would be cool but the new perfect dark supports 90 i think
yeah boy
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26. May 2005 @ 14:54 |
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Its like your little army yay!!! Ha maybe red vs blue
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26. May 2005 @ 15:21 |
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Yeah I like the Halo games...but PS3 impressed me so much more than Halo or Xbox 360, I'm just wondering how it can stand up to the #1 system (being PS3) for this generation, I for one am definately waiting for the superior PS3 over Xbox360 or Halo 3...
26. May 2005 @ 16:44 |
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Anybody have any links to screenshots or are there not any screenshots of Halo 3 available yet?
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26. May 2005 @ 20:57 |
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Ok you cant say #1 anything just yet(let the games and sales numbers do that)...All you can go on is what they have said..if you just base it on that then the ps2 was more powerful than the fuck..Nothing has been proven just say that your gettin a ps3 because your a white trash mother fucker who had a ps2...
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26. May 2005 @ 20:58 |
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27. May 2005 @ 06:20 |
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Do some research, the Xbox was more powerful than the PS2, yes, but, anyone with the slightest knowledge of ANYTHING technical can see that the PS3 is almost twice as powerful as Xbox 360. Not saying that it will necessarily sell better, but Xbox didn't come close in sales. Halo 3 will definately give Microsoft the boost it needs to try and keep Xbox360 in the same league as PS3 because technilogically, it's left in the dust. Read about it somewhere other than a forum and you'll gain some knowledge.
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27. May 2005 @ 06:23 |
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By the way, Microsoft only partially has the American market for gaming, so obviously sales will go in Sony's corner because they have America, Europe, and like all of uh yeah...sales have been and probably always will be (for at least say 10-20 years) with them without comparison.
27. May 2005 @ 10:48 |
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A long time ago when all i knew was a slight rumor of a new XBOX and new ps2, i was thinkin that since the XBOX was already more powerful than the ps2 that the new XBOX would definitely be better than the new Sony system... i guess i was wrong! LOL
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29. May 2005 @ 06:42 |
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Well we won't really no until it comes out! I know the specs have a say on this but so do we! ITS THE GAMERS SAY!!!
1. June 2005 @ 21:33 |
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ya, halo kills halflife, or any other game for that matter. and with the online play, why stop at 96? why not just go to a thousand or somthing and have it just be like a giant war or somthing you can enlist in.
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2. June 2005 @ 09:37 |
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riot mane agree 100%!!! God amagine the whole entire Covenant army!!!
2. June 2005 @ 11:07 |
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who cares about technical crap if the graphics are almost the same. all that matters is the games and online play, bottom line, halo kills all other games no matter what and playstation's online play is gay. in conc. xbox and xbox 360 are better and halo 1, 2, and eventually 3 are the greatest games ever thought up in the whole of the gaming industry..
3. June 2005 @ 05:50 |
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Xdegen84, you can't really compare sales, the environment in which both consoles came in to their prime were at completely different times, and if you looked at the whole picture, you'd see that sales b'tween the 2 can hardly be compared, sure the ps2 skooled the xbox for a good while, but now the xbox is outselling the ps2 in most corners of the world, and why shouldn't it, it;s definately the better console, especially when you mod it and stick a 200+ GB hdd in it. Too much like a pc? Not when the price is $200 and the games at the mo look better than anything else out, okay, 'cept for dx9 pc games, lol.
That and the ps2 set the current console "environment."
There's really nothing sadder than watching console brand name whores sticking up for outdated technology, and then going and calling pc users "nerds". Ah, the irony! ;)
3. June 2005 @ 05:58 |
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Oh yeah, and wasn't it proven that the ps3 games being shown around at the mo were just cg rendered concepts of what the target hardware would be like? Come on, seriously, if the ps3 games aren't anything like the amazing e3 vids they were flaunting about.
I mean, if they're not like the clips, how could they have any credibilty left, surely peeps would see it as an attempt to upset the xbox apple cart.
That all said, i don't know for sure if the they were pre-rendered, tho obviously they were, if it wasn't running on "ps3" hardware.
Not that i don't doubt they could pull it off, 2 t/flops is not to be sneezed at.... all very interesting.
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3. June 2005 @ 18:59 |
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Well its confirmed..About one year till Halo 3...dissapointing... :(
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4. June 2005 @ 11:10 |
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halo 2 freaking suks it was so gay i got to the second flood lvl and i couldn't even finish it. it wasn't like it was hard or anything but it was just totally boring. but anyways i think halo 3 shud have the asault rifle and M6D pistol those were like the best pair for charging but if u wanted to snipe u wud stil keep the M6D pistol. o ya if there were more than 16 people playing at once it wud be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo laggy relly it is allready laggy to were i don't even want to play on xbox live. if u ask me halo 3 is going to suk if they don't add the assault riffle and M6D pistol and if xbox live isn't as laggy.
Talk to u lata
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5. June 2005 @ 00:01 |
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belive what ever you what ever you want to belive pspman but halo3 is going to kick some ass
5. June 2005 @ 07:04 |
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No doubt about it... i dont care about any other shooter Halo is just the best. I mean... even my dad loves it!!!
7. June 2005 @ 11:54 |
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yo i tatally agree halo3 3 is going to come out for xbox 360 but for those of you that dont kwow when halo 3 is going to come out it is going to come out in 2006 near or when playstation 3 is going to come out.
7. June 2005 @ 12:43 |
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Halo 3 is so far scheduled to release on June 1 2006.
Peace out!
"Ill Be Back"
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8. June 2005 @ 15:32 |
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LEts hope its good!!!
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8. June 2005 @ 16:09 |
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i hope it will be out earlier.
Many be next june the 360 will be cheaper and comes with free Halo 3, well i can dream cant i. this would kill the PS3 sales.
Go X BOX 360
9. June 2005 @ 11:29 |
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Okay, now just stop hating a game because you think you are special... because you are most definitely not.
"Oooh look at me i'm so special I used to love this game but because so many people like this game I hate it!"
"I used to like it until it got popular"
No. Bad. Go think about what you've done.P: