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Experiment: Want to test D/L HDDVD's against upconverted SD DVD's how to burn. Definative guide Needed!
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13. March 2008 @ 09:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by indyjase:
have looked at the 2 threads above and't really find any negatives at all about the 1400, ..
You didn't read enough posts. For example:

How many more flaws does this unit need before it is considered POS? I can't believe more people have not returned this unit and how many continue to buy it. It is clearly a flawed player. Yet, I continue to see comments like "only stuttered/froze twice during XYZ, I can live with that."

This player stuttered on three movies that I watched before I returned it (Hellboy, Ratatouie, and Spider-Man 2.1 - all the branching points). Also, really slow load times. Upgraded the firmware once, did not resolve the problems. Contacting Samsung was useless. They either truly didn't know anything about these problems or they were playing dumb as to not admit a problem with this player. I returned it and got the Panny BD30. No problems there at all.

I should say that I have no brand loyalty, I'm just looking for a player that has the specs to meet my needs and most improtantly that it works.

Now I see that some don't experince the problems reported by others. Glad to hear it. But for anyone else who may be considering this player, is it really worth the risk? I say no. Avoid this player!!

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3 product reviews
13. March 2008 @ 11:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I may have been too harsh with the POS comment but according to a few friends who work in AV specialty retail, the Samsung BD players have the highest rate of returns and repair requests. There are units that could perform well but others have significant issues. I don't know if it's a QC problem or not. Players from other brands, especially the Panasonics, have much better reputations.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. March 2008 @ 11:29

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15. March 2008 @ 19:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
O.K fair comment.....I agree as I have had issues with it skiping to the next chapter before the end of the previous one...but that was with backup copies an upconvertor...not really great to be honest...just played spiderman 3 no problems to report and it looked great. I concede POS if I'd have paid for it then I would take it back, cuz I know if I complain to the misses she'll take the credit off the card as opposed to another Bluray play after all the probs we had!!!!! Free is a reasonable price for the player and that I will argue....My A3 is way better for upconverting so I'll just use the sammy for bluray until the time comes later this year to upgrade to something really nice after all the profile crap is sorted out and more companies are able to build bluray...hmmmm I do fancy a Arcam Bluray when there is one available, so for the time being I'll use the sammy...happy am I not really and if I didnt have the tosh I really would be p$$#y for SDdvd playback..I would not recomend this player at all.....I blink and the bloody thing looks dusty spent more time cleaning the player than playing it....although I am remodelling the whole downstairs of the house at the moment so everything does get mucky but still....I would have hated the thought of buying a lemon if I'd have parted with cash....I usually drive everyoneone nuts researching thats half the fun but this was indeed a decision taken by the misses...not trying to pass the buck!!!! and really on the spur of the bugger I must stay!!!!!

did you get the TV went and checked it out last night wonderful pict... I like dlp I find is has a more cinamatic effect than LCD for movies as well as the large constraints ruled it out here as the sammy will eventually be mounted on the fireplace once I get to the lounge part of the remodeling....hey only just got a toilet that I can flush for the first time in a week!!!! so it might be a month before I get the the fun part of building a new fireplace and custom cab for everything to be housed in and as I am doing 80 % of the work myself in amongst everything else if feels very slow at the moment. Hence not posting on here of the last day of so!!!!!!

Easy Like Sunday Morning
Junior Member
24. March 2008 @ 09:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well having lived a few days with the BDP 1400 I am starting to warm to it and indeed it is getting better as an upconverting player for SD DVD's but it is not in the same league as the toshiba A3 for that at all....Now for bluray disks it is fine well pretty good actually not found any skipping or freezing up as yet so that is nice....I still feel that the consumer's right of choice has been neglected with the death of HDDVD as I would have to say that given the choice of only one format I would have preffered HDDVD. If honest, then we all know that DRM will not be an issue latter down the line as everything gets bypassed eventually, so in reality studios should not have really counted on that as a specific reason for the choice of bluray and thay would be better to lower the prices of disks and players and get more mass interest in the format especially with the digital switchover coming up. I mean in reality how much more of an opportunity can you put infront of market the switchover as new HDTV with cheap bluray and lower disk prices and the format will thrive. Fail to recognize this and we have another laserdisk....Great quaility for those that want to pay outta the ass!!!! but for mr and mrs smith doing the weekly walmart shop no picking up a bluray or two with the groceries, which in turn means prices of disks will remain high and availability poor....This has all of the makings to be a marketing dream with so many factors coming into play at once in your favor, but I but it is just washed over until thanksgiving to push everything again rather than be progressive throughout the whole year driving prices down and infiltrating the mass market.....Hmmmm lets just see what happens...You never know one of the bluray or digital switchover people might stumble across this and actually take note.....Oh and to BB and CC lets see cheap combined packages for HDTV and bluray to get more people onboard.....I want more movies, more choice and lower prices....One sentance sums up the reason priacy is a rife as it is....Also though most new music in the last couple of years has been p$$$ poor movies have been so so If the movie and music industry were judged on quaility control, like other business that would be interesting...They know they are producing crap cuz we are not allowed to return the stuff if it is rubbish.....That to me tells me that they have no faith in their products....Someone tell me what other goods you buy that from new have a sold as is policy!!! Just a few thought for people to mull over...Not trying to force any opinions just want to see what you guys think!!!!!!!

Easy Like Sunday Morning
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27. March 2008 @ 05:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
help. new to this, i wish to convert a real player dvd downloaded from a supplier in order to play on a uk pal dvd player, any suggestions on required softwear please.
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5 product reviews
27. March 2008 @ 07:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by handford:
help. new to this, i wish to convert a real player dvd downloaded from a supplier in order to play on a uk pal dvd player, any suggestions on required softwear please.
This is not even close to being on topic, try here:

"Great minds discuss ideas... Average minds discuss events... Small minds discuss people"

PS3 compatible video creation thread... mkv2vob, tsMuxeR etc.:
The complete HD (Blu-ray/HD-DVD) back-up thread.:
Junior Member
30. March 2008 @ 20:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well I just did a side by side comparison with King Kong HDDVD against upconverting the SD DVD on both the tosh and the sammy....thus far I have yet to find a title on sd dvd that the sammy does a better job than the tosh at upconverting...difference between the HDDVD and the upconvert.....HUGE....better color for one thing,really sharp pict, good all round disk!!!! great job at mastering the HD on this movie, a well worth upgrade over the SD DVD.....Now tried the same thing with the fifth element bluray....Vs upconvert....the difference is not 25 bucks worth that is for sure, it reminded me of watching the first dvd of blade runner where some scenes were crisp and others were almost vhs standard and you felt like someone was switching channels on you at various points in the movie...that is exactly how this was....As I also have the superbit version of the movie threw that into the mix to see how goog that was upconverted and the difference was even less between up and bluray.....Does anyone of you guys out there know of a site that gives great reviews on HDDVD and bluray, especially in comparison to SD.....

Easy Like Sunday Morning
Suspended permanently
31. March 2008 @ 12:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
did you get the TV went and checked it out last night wonderful pict... I like dlp I find is has a more cinamatic effect than LCD for movies as well as the large constraints ruled it out here as the sammy will eventually be mounted on the fireplace once I get to the lounge part of the remodeling....hey only just got a toilet that I can flush for the first time in a week!!!! so it might be a month before I get the the fun part of building a new fireplace and custom cab for everything to be housed in and as I am doing 80 % of the work myself in amongst everything else if feels very slow at the moment. Hence not posting on here of the last day of so!!!!!!
No, I haven't bought anything yet. I've got caught up in another hobby of mine right now and it has been taking up more of my time. I haven't got around to fooling with all my HT gear yet. :(

Does anyone of you guys out there know of a site that gives great reviews on HDDVD and bluray, especially in comparison to SD.....
Have you looked around High Def Digest? I know they have some pretty fair comparisons of HD DVD and Blu-ray. Not sure about SD DVD.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. March 2008 @ 12:21 > forums > archived forums > hd dvd discussion > experiment: want to test d/l hddvd's against upconverted sd dvd's how to burn. definative guide needed!

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