Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.
Junior Member
2. August 2004 @ 17:13 |
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This time I didn't use DVD Shrink. Here is what I did,
1. DVD Descrypter ripped DVD to hard disk, everything including all audio streams;
2. set rebuilder vbr to 4 passes (1 vaf + 3 passes, right?)
3. rebuilder prepared the files:
[18:58:07] Phase I, PREPARATION started.
- "Half-D1/Half Space for Extras" mode is enabled.
- Reduction Level for DVD-5: 46.6%
- Overall bitrate : 2,584Kbs
- Space for Video : 2,927,546KB
- Movie improvement from extra reduction = 11.1%
- HIGH/LOW/AVERAGE Cell Bitrates: 3,428/100/2,584 Kbs
[19:05:21] Phase I, PREPARATION completed in 7 minutes.
4. rebuilder encoded the files. I could see that CCE only did one pass. No error though.
My conclusion is, since I can't post to doom9, someone please help to post, rebuilder breaks something when working with CCE SP 2.67 retail version. It doesn't matter which rebuilder version I use.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
2. August 2004 @ 17:20 |
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I believe that Vurbal communicates quiet often with jdobbs, the author of DVD-RB. On occasion jdobbs also visits us here so I'm pretty sure your information will get there.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
Junior Member
2. August 2004 @ 17:33 |
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I will do 2 more test to make sure my conclusion is right, Vurbal, wait until tomorrow.
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2. August 2004 @ 19:56 |
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Junior Member
2. August 2004 @ 20:03 |
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I think I had exactly the same problem as those guys on doom9 had.
I set CCETargetSectors=225000 and vbr_passes to 4. RB-OPT reported estimated size 4451MB, after rebuild, size is 4.06GB.
When I looked into the D2VAVS directory, there are AVS, ecl, D2V, FLG, m2v, vaf and INF files. Looks like there is only one pass, the one that creates vaf and m2v.
This is killing me.
Senior Member
2. August 2004 @ 20:08 |
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
4. August 2004 @ 19:59 |
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I installed DVD rebuilder and set everything up properly - it worked once but when I do another dvd that is over 4.7 GB, I get a runtime error
Rebuilder error
Runtime error 9
Subscript out of range
The rebuilder only lists one video title set under the source path box, however there is more than one video title set on the disc. Also, the rebuilder gives me a meesage before this saying that Warning: The input directory is already small enough to fit on a DVD-5, No compression is necessary. Continue anyway? Whant am I doing wrong; how can i avoid these warning/messages and have the Rebuilder recognize that compression needs to be done.
P.S. I'm using rebuilder v 0.56, EDcce.exe v.1.81 CCE SP Trial
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4. August 2004 @ 20:11 |
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I've never seen DVD-RB tell me that a disc was small enough for a blank already unless it actually was, so I'm confused about that. However, if it's not seeing all the titles that might explain it. I'd say you should post this on the bug report thread on Doom9, but their forums database is down for now so that's not an option.
I'd advise checking to see if it could be backed up to a DVD-R without re-encoding if you didn't have the titles that aren't showing up. You could do this pretty easily by opening the original files in DVD Shrink and then either manually calculating the difference between the whole disc and the disc minus the titles DVD-RB doesn't seem to see or by doing a re-author and adding everything but those titles to the disc. In either case you'd need to make sure the disc was set to No Compression in Shrink to make sure you get accurate numbers.
Senior Member
5. August 2004 @ 03:20 |
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One time I had Rebuilder show the correct titles that added up to over 4.7 gigs and gave the warning that the files were already smaller than the taget size.
I didn't fully figure it out but I had been doing a lot of editing. I started from scratch and everything was fine.
It does sound like the source file path may need to be reset. After you check to see if the ripped files are all there then recheck where the source files are routed.
Senior Member
5. August 2004 @ 11:47 |
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Quote: My conclusion is, since I can't post to doom9, someone please help to post, rebuilder breaks something when working with CCE SP 2.67 retail version. It doesn't matter which rebuilder version I use.
Actually it would be more accurate to say CCE SP 2.67 breaks something when working with DVD-RB. It appears they may have changed the meaning of one-or-more of their .ECL parameters and a single CBR pass is occuring instead of VBR multipass. Sigh... they seem to do that a lot. I'm working it.
Senior Member
5. August 2004 @ 12:06 |
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Quote: The rebuilder only lists one video title set under the source path box, however there is more than one video title set on the disc. Also, the rebuilder gives me a meesage before this saying that Warning: The input directory is already small enough to fit on a DVD-5, No compression is necessary. Continue anyway? Whant am I doing wrong; how can i avoid these warning/messages and have the Rebuilder recognize that compression needs to be done.
If the title set isn't listed, it is because it is too small to get any reasonable benefit from additional compression (< 50MB). Another possibility is that the entire set may not have been included when it was ripped to HD.
Junior Member
5. August 2004 @ 13:25 |
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Thx, jdobbs.
Senior Member
5. August 2004 @ 13:44 |
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@ hypo...
Would you confirm whether or not the entire titleset was included when you ripped to your hard drive? Thanks.
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
5. August 2004 @ 16:19 |
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Hey has anyone seen any wierd artifacting like this:
I'm trying to back up seven samurai using
dvd-rebuilder v0.56 w/ CCE SP
The DVD backed up wonderfully (good quality and size),
but at the very beginning of chapter 4 I get
the problem above. The original has nothing weird going
on there, and neither does the backup I took with
Any ideas? I tried to back it up twice thinking it might be some fluke, but I recieved the same result.
Never knows best . . .
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2 product reviews
5. August 2004 @ 16:39 |
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There was somebody else who had the same problem last week or the week before. I think they got it solved but I can't remember what they did. I looked for the thread but I can't find it right now. If I find it I'll point you there.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
5. August 2004 @ 19:51 |
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Hey guys, the dvd-r i'm attempting to make with rebuilder is definitely over 4.7 GB. I ripped the dvd first with Decrypter and currently my HD VIDEO TS folder has the following files:
VTS_01_0.BUP 84 KB
VTS_01_0.IFO 84 KB
VTS_01_1.VOB 6,560,072 KB
VTS_02_0.BUP 30 KB
VTS_02_0.IFO 30 KB
VTS_02_0.VOB 0 KB
VTS_02_1.VOB 10874 KB
VTS_02_MENU_1.VOB 400,950 KB
So, the first titleset VTS_01 contains the movie, and the second one VTS_02 contains the menus only. I removed some of the VOB IDs in the second titleset like the company logo etc using IFO edit - but i can preview everything with DVD Shrink perfectly and can re-encode it with DVD Shrink to fit 4.7 GB. Ironically, I think the rebuilder prgm is able to transcode the DVD Shrink re-authored 4.7 GB version.
When I load up the above VIDEO TS folder into DVD rebuilder's source path, the VIDEO TITLE SETS BOX indicates only VTS_02 (11 MBytes, 16:9).
Is it possible to use IFOEdit to remove unwanted things then use rebuilder for the transcoding to 4.7 GB. Also, will having one big VOB with the whole movie screw up DVD rebuilder, or does it only work when the movie is split into 1 GB chunks. Also, is it normal for Decrypter to create menu vobs into separate menu VOB files like the ones above, or should it be incorporating the VTS_02_MENU_1.VOB within VTS_2.VOB. Could that be tripping up rebuilder.
Anyways, hope this helps
6. August 2004 @ 10:42 |
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I'm having the same troubles the gentleman above was having w/ RB. I'm using CCE SP w/ ECLCCCCCDFEEEEf... I got it to work properly twice, and now everytime I get that Runtime Error 9. Very frustrating too since it usually waits until late in the encoding to screw up. I also had the same error message popup before beginning the encoding process that said "Dvd is small enough to fit on DVD-5 continue anyway?" I'm curious if there are others who've had the same issue out there, and how'd they fix it. Doom9 has been down for what seems like forever, so I can't really go research there. Perhaps there's a quick fix. Thanks.
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2 product reviews
6. August 2004 @ 11:00 |
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Quote: Hey guys, the dvd-r i'm attempting to make with rebuilder is definitely over 4.7 GB. I ripped the dvd first with Decrypter and currently my HD VIDEO TS folder has the following files:
VTS_01_0.BUP 84 KB
VTS_01_0.IFO 84 KB
VTS_01_1.VOB 6,560,072 KB
VTS_02_0.BUP 30 KB
VTS_02_0.IFO 30 KB
VTS_02_0.VOB 0 KB
VTS_02_1.VOB 10874 KB
VTS_02_MENU_1.VOB 400,950 KB
What mode did you rip in because that's not a correct DVD file structure. The VTS_xx_MENU_x.VOB files are not actual DVD files. Also, VTS 2 doesn't look like just menus to me because the menus are always stored in VTS_xx_0.VOB files but VTS_02_1.VOB apparently has something in it (maybe warning screens, studio logos, FBI warnings, etc,...).
6. August 2004 @ 11:03 |
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Thread sticked because i felt like it :P
Senior Member
6. August 2004 @ 14:08 |
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Quote: Hey guys, the dvd-r i'm attempting to make with rebuilder is definitely over 4.7 GB. I ripped the dvd first with Decrypter and currently my HD VIDEO TS folder has the following files:
You are incorrectly ripping the files by changing the default settings in DVD Decrypter. DVD's do not contain 6GB files (VTS_01_1.VOB)... they are illegal. If properly ripped the directory would have several (6) 1GB files.
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6. August 2004 @ 14:16 |
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Thanks jdobbs. I don't know how I missed that.
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6. August 2004 @ 14:41 |
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illegal? no, you can opt for no file splitting in decrypter- i am ripping in file mode, no file splitting. As for the vts_02_menu and vts_02 vobs, these are the actual menus, they contain lots of menu video to go through and scene selections, so they are large. I tried doing a DVD that was smaller than 4.7 GB with these menu vobs and the rebuilder worked fine; now with a DVD greater than 4.7 GB rebuilder won't do it. What are the ideal settings for Decrypter to avoid making menu vobs?
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6. August 2004 @ 14:45 |
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What jdobbs was saying is that it's illegal in the DVD standard, not illegal in Decrypter. Since they're not compliant, they're being ignored by DVD-RB and therefore not encoded. Turn off file splitting and you should be fine.
I'm not sure about the menu files since I've never seen them before, but as I said before, they're not part of any DVD structure. I imagine DVD-RB is ignoring them as well.
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Suspended permanently
6. August 2004 @ 15:23 |
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Make sure you have already learned enough about this DVD-Rebuilder before trying to teach other on how to use it.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. August 2004 @ 15:58 |
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Doing a little house cleaning.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
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