How to put a background on a 5th Generation iPod video.
2. June 2008 @ 21:31 |
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Originally posted by Chase1204: That link to download the seven files doesn't work anymore. :(
You do not need the seven files. They were used to fix a problem with the first firmware I put out. All problems are fixed. The only files you need are all in the All In One download on the very first post of this forum.
Junior Member
22. June 2008 @ 08:14 |
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Hi,i cannot see my ipod under 'iPodWizard Essential' box.I followed all the given steps but still i cannot see my ipod in the ipod wizard 1.3.My ipod connects fine with my computer.
I have an iPod 30GB black and it plays videos.
Please i want to put a background on my ipod.HELP....
7. August 2008 @ 00:56 |
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Hi..I'm a new member of this site..i need some help for doing this in my ipod..i had a 5th generation ipod i'm sure with that..becuase when i was doing this process..i mean putting the background changing the font i check my ipod generation and it was showing it's a 5th generation but after all the process and i click WRITE TO IPOD i was having that error 1,22,13836800.. someone please help me :((
8. August 2008 @ 18:30 |
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How did you check the generation because I am sure that error 1,22,13836800 means you do not have a 5th generation. Both the 5th generation and 5.5 generation look the same. There are only small differences in the firmware.
9. August 2008 @ 00:21 |
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on the ipod wizard window beside the minimize icon i press that ( - ) then one window will pop up named ipodwizardhelp my ipod was connected during that time so i press the "WHAT IS MY IPOD GENERATION" then one window will pop up saying that i have a 5th generation ipod :( :(... i remember before i tried this process with the help of my friend not from this site he send me the ipodwizard through file sharing without the BHCF firmware..when i was doing that process before my pc hang up so i press the cancel icon then i encounter that error.
14. August 2008 @ 19:50 |
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what firmware version is this based on-newer firmwares don't pick up my games (there not from iTunes)
18. September 2008 @ 23:55 |
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Originally posted by keith1993: what firmware version is this based on-newer firmwares don't pick up my games (there not from iTunes)
Sorry it took so long to type back. I do not know, it's been to long ago. There's different things pulled from different firmwares. There is even some parts pulled from the new classic iPod firmware.
As for you eullyce08. If you are getting this "Error writing firmware! Code: -1, 22, 13836800" you have the wrong firmware on your iPod. There is nothing I can do.
7. October 2008 @ 18:27 |
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when you said to open the file after opening firmware
actually i do not have that file and dont know why.
i have downloaded the ipod wizard program right from your given link.
12. October 2008 @ 17:15 |
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I've been trying to get some games on my Ipod without success.
It's an 80gig classic 5th generation.
I backed up everything, and restored the Ipod so I could start at square one. Everything works except I get the same error message that everyone else has been getting when trying to write the firmware to my Ipod:
"Error writing firmware! Code: -1, 22, 13836800"
I tried both 5 and 5.5 firmwares, but no luck. I just downloaded the latest version of iPodWizard, so I'm assuming there's no problem with that. Has anyone have any thoughts on why the firmware isn't writing properly?
12. October 2008 @ 20:52 |
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i have an answer for you.
it is not writing properly because the program they gave you was wroong .
answer this question is your ipod 5.5 generation or 5 generation.
in my next message i will give you a link where you could download the program and then get games on your ipod.
trust me it will help
12. October 2008 @ 20:57 |
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As I understand it, the way to determine it is if there's a search feature. i Do have a search feature under music, but no where else though. So I'm assuming it's 5.5?
13. October 2008 @ 03:15 |
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What's weird is that I can load on the 5 firmware, but not 5.5. The games don't actually show after loading 5 either.
13. October 2008 @ 12:58 |
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You can't put games on if you use iTunes it just deletes everything
I could put something funny here but I cant be arsed. Now GO AWAY!
13. October 2008 @ 14:41 |
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Yup, I'm not syncing anything with Itunes. Or am I missing something..?
13. October 2008 @ 20:06 |
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Could you send me those links bans0512?
12. November 2008 @ 11:37 |
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hi. i have a problem. i followed all the steps and it was successful, but then i realized that all my music and videos are gone. photos, however were intact. the worst problem is, i don't have a backup. after reconnecting and restarting itunes, though, i was prompted to download the newest version of the ipod software. i did and installed it, and all my files came back, but the background was gone. i'm going to try changing the background again, but assuming i don't install the new software (which overrides the mods i did) will i still have my files? thanks a lot.
6. December 2008 @ 00:52 |
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Hi, the white square box still shows, even after loading the BHCF Firmware , is there a way to remove that white rectangular box ?????
6. December 2008 @ 22:45 |
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Originally posted by tomemipro: hi. i have a problem. i followed all the steps and it was successful, but then i realized that all my music and videos are gone. photos, however were intact. the worst problem is, i don't have a backup. after reconnecting and restarting itunes, though, i was prompted to download the newest version of the ipod software. i did and installed it, and all my files came back, but the background was gone. i'm going to try changing the background again, but assuming i don't install the new software (which overrides the mods i did) will i still have my files? thanks a lot.
Next time backup everything and you can not update your iPod throught itunes after putting your background on. Because the firmware that is used is old but there is no need to update your iPod unless you buy your songs from itunes.
Originally posted by nits313: Hi, the white square box still shows, even after loading the BHCF Firmware , is there a way to remove that white rectangular box ?????
Download the file again and try putting it on your iPod again. The white box should not be there at all. Sounds like you got the old file or somthing went wrong while downloading it to the iPod.