What Epson printer are you using?
1 product review
31. May 2008 @ 21:56 |
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Thanks for the heads up bratcher.
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1 product review
1. June 2008 @ 00:37 |
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I'm looking into a printer than has CIS available. More specifically I'm looking at the Epson R280. How much do you guys think one would have to print in order to justify the cost of the CIS? Printing only on DVDs.
Junior Member
1. June 2008 @ 19:36 |
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My brother is looking into buying an epson so he can print on his backups. I told him to look for the R220 because thats the one i have and i know what ink to tell him to buy. The problem is, the only epsons he can find are the R280 and the X595 and i am unable to find affordable none epson brand ink for these two printers. Do they still sell printers like the r220? any help would be great.
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Suspended permanently
1. June 2008 @ 19:45 |
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Fleabay will usually find a good used out of warranty 220.. and if you look at the topic on cdcovers-cc there is a mod to cure the "needs service" fault which is related to full surplus ink pads and makes them close to free. I had the link, but for the life of me..........
As for the new series models.. r260 and above... wouldn't touch them because the generic ink is still not working. £35 to print about 15 disks?? forget it. I will just buy cheapos and write on them with a pen...
The way things are going I think printing disks will be seen as piracy/fraud/duplication with intent to steal IP for profit in a couple of years. Stuff it.. It's a backup.. why does it need to look pretty?? I keep mine in plastic sleeves in a load of wine boxes.. my few originals are what are on display in case the copyright nazis arrive at my door.
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3. June 2008 @ 00:24 |
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the r200, r220, r300, r320 and maybe the r340 have a door in the back of the printer that gives access to the waste ink tube. get the tube out and run an extension into a bottle and poof....no more waste ink in printer. The just use the ssc utility to reset the waste ink message.
AfterDawn Addict
3. June 2008 @ 05:02 |
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A small nearby town had a village garage sales a couple saturdays ago. Of course,I had to check some of them out. It was more like a flea market than garage sales. Vendors all around setting up basecamp and selling their wares. One vendor was selling bootleg videos in the full size thin vinyl cases. Complete with jacket covers. I opened up National Treasure- book of secrets,and low and behold,it was a reg hub verbatim +R,without a cover on it. Just a plain white disc for $5 LOL! This was 3 days before the release date and I alerted the vendor that these were pirated. He said he gets them from a huge warehouse. It would have been funny if he got busted. There's some major busting going on at the huge flea markets north of cincinnati.
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
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3. June 2008 @ 09:11 |
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Originally posted by LOCOENG: Thanks for the heads up bratcher.
Your welcome, glad to help....
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1 product review
3. June 2008 @ 13:08 |
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Originally posted by varnull: Fleabay will usually find a good used out of warranty 220.. and if you look at the topic on cdcovers-cc there is a mod to cure the "needs service" fault which is related to full surplus ink pads and makes them close to free. I had the link, but for the life of me..........
As for the new series models.. r260 and above... wouldn't touch them because the generic ink is still not working. £35 to print about 15 disks?? forget it. I will just buy cheapos and write on them with a pen...
The way things are going I think printing disks will be seen as piracy/fraud/duplication with intent to steal IP for profit in a couple of years. Stuff it.. It's a backup.. why does it need to look pretty?? I keep mine in plastic sleeves in a load of wine boxes.. my few originals are what are on display in case the copyright nazis arrive at my door.
by generics you mean remanufactured carts? I see offering of CIS for R260 and above.
1 product review
12. June 2008 @ 23:27 |
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AfterDawn Addict
13. June 2008 @ 05:13 |
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Loco: If you went into to a brick and mortar store,how much is that ink for your RX-595 printer?
I know my R-300 would run close to $80 a set.
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
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1 product review
13. June 2008 @ 05:20 |
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Senior Member
13. June 2008 @ 13:46 |
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Originally posted by LOCOENG: I found a decent deal on the RX595 compat carts and wondered if anyone has ever dealt with them...
14 carts, black included.
This is about as cheap as I've found so far.
Let me know if they work in your epson & also if the printer will still show how much ink is left in the cartidges.
I think (?) these will also fit my RX680 as it uses 77 & 78 cartridges fir it's ink.
AfterDawn Addict
13. June 2008 @ 21:26 |
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Yeah all the printer manufacturers are putting printhead on the carts. No more of the Canon 6bci style ink wells that are $1.59. LOL
Junior Member
14. June 2008 @ 09:27 |
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I have an Epson RX580. An dI ordered one of the black cartridges from 4inkjets. It worked for me. I had tried from severeal other places, and nothing else would work. Was having to buy genuine Epson ink, and luckily I found someone on ebay selling them very cheap. Something like $80 for 2 full sets. But now that I've found a compatible that works, thats what I'll use.
"I would say that my position is not too far from that of Ayn Rand's; that I would like to see government reduced to no more than internal police and courts, external armed forceswith the other matters handled otherwise. I'm sick of the way the government sticks its nose into everything, now." -- Robert A. Heinlein, as quoted by J. Neil Schulman in The Robert Heinlein Interview and Other Heinleiniana
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29. August 2008 @ 09:30 |
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I've got An Epson Cx-7800 & love it !!!!! I don't Print on my dvd's so It does'nt have that Feature but it's great for printing Covers , Photo's & Copies & scanning . My only complaint if I were To have one is not specifically against Epson in particular But Like all Inkjets You always seem to run out of Ink in at least one cartridge during an important ( to Me atleast !!!) project!and Amazingly I never seem to run out of Black that Often! I do run out occasionally But I'm like so far ahead on Black cartridges It's not a worry. I ran out of magenta/red last night and would'nt ya' know it I'm out of Magenta cartridges as well !!! Well I went Cyber-shopping for ink cartridges online & although most places are cheaper than Genuine Epson on their ink cartidges (remanufactured/GENERIC! They were all kinda high and nobody had a super -sale on the ones I needed ? I found a company that makes a CIS= Continous Ink System for The Cx-7800 and Ordered one ! the company is called SuperTobuy.com and the kit with inkwas like $50.00 with shipping which would be about what I would have to pay for a Genuine set of Epsons cartridges ! Hopefully it will work great and I'll let y'all know regardless ! Ciao!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
29. August 2008 @ 11:28 |
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FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
29. August 2008 @ 11:46 |
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Originally posted by headcase: I have an Epson RX580. An dI ordered one of the black cartridges from 4inkjets. It worked for me. I had tried from severeal other places, and nothing else would work. Was having to buy genuine Epson ink, and luckily I found someone on ebay selling them very cheap. Something like $80 for 2 full sets. But now that I've found a compatible that works, thats what I'll use.
Have you tried any of the other 4inkjet colors besides black? If so then did they work properly? Does the printer tell you how much ink is left with the 4inkjet cartridges like it will with the Epson?
AfterDawn Addict
29. August 2008 @ 17:42 |
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You ever get ink from private abacus: http://private.abacus24-7.com/compatibility.aspx?compat=13786
they have you remanu carts for $3.95 each, 2 pack $7, 3 pack $10 and other combo offers. I get my Canon free ink carts for $1.59 there.
You made any hurricane preps yet. I just drove to Lafayette and pick up my 88yr old Mom and brought her to BR. No traffic probs yet.
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5 product reviews
30. August 2008 @ 08:23 |
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I just bought a new Epson R290 the other day as my old Epson R310 was finally starting to show some age. I decided to go the Continuous Ink Supply System route this time instead of refills.
I found an online store that sold the complete kit for $75 AUD (including P & H) and it came pre filled with 6 x 100ml ink.
So that works out to $1.25 a cartridge (assuming cartridges hold 10ml, which I believe is fairly accurate). I haven't even considered the next batch of ink which I will only need to buy the ink and not the CISS kit, so I am sure that I will save any more.
It seems to be working flawlessly. :-)
Here's a link for anyone in Australia considering one of these...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. August 2008 @ 08:26
Senior Member
31. August 2008 @ 09:16 |
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garmoon- yEAH I Reorganized the computer room and fill big storag toate with movies so somebody could sleep in here ! We also got 12 Houseguest in from New Orleans including Six Kids !!! with 2 to three more adults due today !!! so far so good !!!Naw I perused around the internet & Found that Continuos Ink System for about what i'd have paid for one round of Epson Genuine Cartridges so I jumped on it ! I have'nt used the Genuine epson Cartridges except the ones the printer came with ! Love epson quality but They think their ink is made from gold + Unobtainium !!!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
31. August 2008 @ 11:16 |
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Looks like it's gonna be bad. My house hasn't filled up yet. My daughter will come tonight and if we keep power we'll get more refugees.LOL We got plenty of food and Ice. I have failed to buy a generator because our lights usually come back the same day. That may change for this one. good luck. Anybody else from LA worried about this guys?
4. October 2008 @ 16:19 |
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Just bought the Epson RX680 from their website Today. They have a $60.00 instant rebate making the printer $109.99. After some searching this seems to be a great price.
Junior Member
4. October 2008 @ 18:53 |
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I don't know precisely which COS system I bought on ebay a few months ago but it not only didn't ever work, it actually killed a brand new R280 I brought to Cuba with great difficulty. You cannot ship anything to Cuba. Everything has to be carried in by hand and the amount of things you can bring is severely restricted by weight.
The ink would not flow at all and air bubbles appeared everywhere in the lines. We tried everything to make it work. Finally, we elevated the tubes of ink slightly and that resulted in the ink running out through the print heads to the point where they could not be cleaned again.
A horrible and very expensive mess which I will never again repeat. The worst of it all is that a printer like that is extremely rare in Cuba and probably had a value of $350-400. After spending almost $100 on the COS, it rendered the printer worthless.
Suspended permanently
4. October 2008 @ 19:31 |
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That is so similar with my experience with the late model r265 it is incredible. What people sem to have missed is there are 2 versions of some epson models.. the pre 4/2007 and the later ones which will only use original carts.
Mine is now mothballed with the yellow jet clogged.. unusable without a lot of maintenance and a large bill for original carts to reset the hardware. Unfortunately muppet who was here threw out some of the original carts.. and as the generic ones don't work at all that just leaves a catch22 situation.. the reset hack only works with original carts.. even empty ones will do.. then you can play with the cis tubes and bottles.
Waste of money.. I will never buy another epson printer.
Senior Member
5. October 2008 @ 02:38 |
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Originally posted by fatstrat: Bratcher
Just bought the Epson RX680 from their website Today. They have a $60.00 instant rebate making the printer $109.99. After some searching this seems to be a great price.
I paid about that much for my 680 from Best Buy 6 months ago. Great printer!! 90% of it's use is printing DVD's & covers. Still using Epson ink though. I haven't tried the compatable cartridges yet but plan to soon.