Hey guys, I know they are two completly different things with the iPod playin music and the 360 for Games (well basically)All i can afford right now is a 30GB iPod or a Core system of the 360 and my local futureshop has plenty of both of them. My real question is what is the best bang for my buck. I don't have a income right now and when i do its only gona be minimum wage. The core system doesnt seem worth it when you look at what you get for your money but for me to get a premium its going to cost me 300 more (taxes+warranty maybe)but down the road I know i'm going to hwant to upgrade to get the HDD and a wireless controller which is going to cost me more in the long run. I also have only a PS2 system right now so if i were to get a 360 all the games i have for it now are going to be useless which seems like a waste of an investment as well lol. I'm between a rock and a hard place with this decision. Really if anyone has both of them could you give me your opinion on what you use more maybe, and if you had to choose what you would return? Thanks alot for any help,
I have both a premium 360 and a 30GB iPod Video. I would suggest the iPod to you because you already have a PS2 so that would cover your gaming needs but you don't have a iPod so I would go with the 30GB Video. Once you buy the iPod now maybe you will have spare change by the time PS3 comes out that way you could use your PS2 games without losings any money. Or if you still want to go for a gaming console I would suggest the PSP because you can do everything on it if you have a big enough memory stick. Sorry if I have made it harder for you to choose by giving you too many ideas. Post back if you make up your mind.
Hey thanks for the advice, for now i think im going to hold off on any purchase till i get some more cash and then see what i want to get. Thanks for you help,
Hey Dave, I tend to disagree. In six years they will have Ps4 and XBOX540 out. My kid has an ipod and a 360(Premium package). You will always be able to use your ipod because as you very well know new songs come out and you delete the old stuff and download the new stuff. It also depends if you are really into music or just a casual listener. I think you know deep down inside which one you want the most. Probably the hardest thing to be is patient. But if you buy the 360 get the Premium package. Well good luck with your choice, which ever one makes you the most excited buy it.
Thanks alot, I really love music which is why i orignally thought that the iPod was for me. But then I saw the 360 and i thought i was getting more bang for my buck, but im not sure if the 360 is what i really wannt. Your right though, being patient is very hard lol Thanks alot for the advice, I eally appreciate it.