COD4 best class setup?
2. September 2009 @ 06:18 |
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primary weapon: G36c (with red dot sight)
secondary weapon: M4OA3 (no attachment)
special grenade: Flash grenade
perk 1: Claymore x2
perk 2: Overkill
perk 3: Deep Inpact
if your not really the type of person that likes to sneak and snipe and you like to rush the other team or whatever mode your playing then try this out.
primary weapon: MP5 (red dot sight)
secondary weapon: Desert Eagle
special Grenade: Flash grenade
perk 1: Bandolier
perk 2: UAV jammer
perk 3: Deep inpact
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3. September 2009 @ 04:19 |
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I've gotten A LOT better since my first post on this thread, so here are some good classes.
1.) The best shotgun class IMO:
Primary: W1200 w/ Grip
Side Arm: Doesn't really matter, use what best suits you.
Perk 2: Juggernaut (Jugg is not cheap, and if you think it is you don't know the game mechanics. Stopping power and Juggernaut cancel each other out)
Perk 3: Extreme Conditioning
2.) Primary: AK-74u (No Attachment)
Side Arm: Doesn't really matter, use what best suits you.
Perk 1: Bandolier
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Steady Aim / Dead Silence
3.) Primary: Skorpion w/ Silencer (The silencer steadies it A LOT)
Side Arm: Doesn't really matter, use what best suits you.
Perk 1: Bandolier
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Steady Aim
4.) Primary: AK-47 (No attachment)
Side Arm: Doesn't really matter, use what best suits you.
Perk 1: Stun x3 or Bandolier
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Deep Impact
5.) And last but not least a fun class to use:
Primary: M40A3 w/ ACOG Scope
Side Arm: Deagle
Perk 1: Bandolier / Stun x3
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Steady Aim (For noscopes)
I hope these help everyone!
Originally posted by kikzm33z: Tip for AK 74 users - either use Silencer, Grenade Launcher or ACOG with the gun.
The RDS reduces damage of 5 on the AK which in lots of times can be a poor disadvantage. This is a glitch that IW aren't fixing.
I recommend silencer or nothing with the AK.
Actually it's more then 5 damage, it's 10+. Also the silencer has the same effect. It's not a glitch, it's purposely placed into the game to make the guns more balanced. It's best to use a G Launcher or No Attachments.
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3. September 2009 @ 13:35 |
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Primary Weapon: M40A1 sniper sometimes with acog
Secondry weapon:Gold Deagle
stun grenade
perk 1:3X special grenades or claymores
perk 2:stopping power
perk 3:steady aim for those no scopes
fun class to use quick scoping and no scoping
30. September 2009 @ 06:06 |
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My classes that absolutely own......
1. Primary: M4 Carbine with red dot (any Camo- its not like they change the effect of the gun... they just look cool =))
Secondary: USP.45 - best pistol out
Spec nade: Stun
Perk2:Stopping Power
Perk3:Dead Silence or Extreme Conditioning
2. Primary: G3
Secondary: USP.45 ---- AGAIN
Spec nade: smoke or stun
Perk1: Frag x 3 or bandolier
Perk2: Stopping power
Perk3: Dead silence
3. Search and Destroy class
Primary: MP5 with red dot
Secondary: USP or M9-- only M9 for more mp5 ammo
Spec nade: Smoke
Perk1: Claymores
Perk2: Stopping power
Perk3: Extreme Conditioning
4. October 2009 @ 08:12 |
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Sniper Class:
M40A3 w/ Acog
Desert Eagle
Stun Grenade
Stopping Power
Steady Aim
This class is a mobile sniper, keep on the move and don't over use your position. Steady aim is for those noscopes if you in close quarters.
Assault Class:
AK-47 (No attachment)
Desert Eagle
Smoke Grenade
Stopping Power
Deep Impact
This class is for overpowering the enemy. Perks are obvious, I don't use an attachment on the Ak because I like the iron sights, but use red dot or acog if you like.
Close Quarters:
P90 w/ Red dot
Desert Eagle
3x Stun Grenades
Stopping Power
Steady Aim/ Extreme Conditioning
This is the run 'n' gun class, stuns to immobilize the enemy, kill them, and then get out of there. I swap out extreme conditioning and steady aim depending on the map.
The Flanker/ Stab Class:
MP5 w/ Silencer
Usp w/ Silencer
Stun Grenade
UAV Jammer
Extreme Conditioning
Use this class to get behind the enemy quickly. I mainly use my knife here, but the mp5 is useful is you miss or there are a couple of enemies. Alternatively, every time you see a sniper, go up and headshot him, you'll get your red tiger in no time at all.
Objective Games:
M4 w/ Silencer
Usp w/ Silencer
Stopping Power
Steady Aim/ Deep Impact/ Extreme Conditioning
This is for domination, S&D, HQ, team tactical etc... Good for killing with SP, and silencer keeps you hidden. Jammer isn't necessary in S&D and smaller games as recon planes are less frequent. Extreme Conditioning is for S&D where you can get to somewhere where the enemy wont expect you, Deep Impact is for more open maps, and Steady Aim is if you want to be able to outgun most smg's in close quarters.
Those are the classes I love the most, but you can switch them out for your favorite guns of those types. I mainly play Ground War, HQ, Team Tactical and a little bit of TDM.
Im on ps3, goodcallyall is my psn, I play mainly on the weekends, always looking for new people to play with. Tell me in the friend request if you found me on here, clan tag STAB.
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5. October 2009 @ 04:36 |
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Been a while seen Iv posted. Only a month or so left of COD4 until MW2 comes out so Iv been playing a lot lately. Kind of like a farewell. Best online experience out of any game Iv ever played.
I used to like the M4 but now Im stuck on using the M16. It does more damage than the M4 (stopping power perk for even more damage) and is more stable since it ony does 3 round bursts. A well placed shot once or twice usually kills right away for me. Thats only 6 rounds VS the M4 which I tend to waste more ammo and lose my aim.
So for me its mostly M16 red dot
special: flash
P1: fragx3
P2: stopping power
P3: deep impact
But for those maps with tons of snipers its M16 red dot
side: 50 cal
special: smoke
P1: claymore
P2: Overkill
P3: Deep Impact
So that you can have the option to snipe if you need to and have claymore to protect yourself. only does everything(that Sony allows it to)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. October 2009 @ 04:38
30. October 2009 @ 03:22 |
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I think that there are some classes that you must try:
One of them is:
Primary: Skorpion w/ACOG Scope
Sidearm: Desert Eagle
Special: Smoke X1
Perk 1: Bandolier
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Extreme Conditioning
Another is:
Primary: M60E4 w/red-dot site
Sidearm: Desert Eagle
Special: Smoke X1
Perk 1: RPG-7 X2
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Matredom
Another is:
Primary: AK-47 w/silencer/red-dot site (you can get away with just the M4 and have
Secondary: M4 Carbine w/ACOG Scope stopping power or something inestead of
Special: Stun X1 overkill)
Perk 1: 3X Frags
Perk 2: Overkill
Perk 3: Deep Impact
Another is:
Primary: M16 w/grenade launcher
Secondary: M1014 w/grip
Special: Stun X1
Perk 1: Weapon Attachment(s)
Perk 2: Overkill
Perk 3: Matredome
Another is:
Primary: AK-47 w/red-dot site
Secondary: R700/Berrett. 50 cal
Special: Stun X2
Perk 1: Claymores X2
Perk 2: Overkill
Perk 3: Deep Impact
2. November 2009 @ 09:42 |
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Guys if u get a mp5, and a usp.45, overkill, claymores, and extreme conditioning, you have the ultimate S.T.A.B Class. The pistol takes mp5 ammo. so instead of 72 rounds plus the ammo in ur gun at start, you get loads more, use ur pistol tho as u move faster. or use a shotgun as you move just as fast but can also kill with more range sort of thing
I have a PS.
My PSN ID is Dark_Knight399.
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That does not mean you can ask me to sing...
Its my birthday on the 3rd of November.
Life is like a piece of cake, it just gets eaten up. This is a phrase I made up last year. i.e 2008
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1 product review
2. November 2009 @ 17:22 |
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Originally posted by ThatPSLad: Guys if u get a mp5, and a usp.45, overkill, claymores, and extreme conditioning, you have the ultimate S.T.A.B Class. The pistol takes mp5 ammo. so instead of 72 rounds plus the ammo in ur gun at start, you get loads more, use ur pistol tho as u move faster. or use a shotgun as you move just as fast but can also kill with more range sort of thing
What do you mean? If you use Overkill you won't have a pistol, and you're getting the USP mixed up with the M9. Also, you don't actually run faster with a pistol out, in Cod4 your speed depends on what weapon you have selected as your Primary.
14. November 2009 @ 06:03 |
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Originally posted by JDreturns: Just interested to find out what peoples favourite class setup to use is.
I find what works best for me is...
Primary - G36C with red dot sight
Secondary - Desert eagle
Special grenade - smoke x1
Perk 1 - Frag grenade x3
Perk 2 - Stopping power
Perk 3 - Matyrdom
Junior Member
15. November 2009 @ 19:54 |
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primary: famas using a silencer and a heart beat sensor
secondary: a12
throwing knives
flash grenade
bling pro
cold blooded
scrambler pro
this really helps me and makes it easy to shoot campers in the back you can see where every one is and they cant find u and its so fun to shoot one person and the team looks all over for u and cant see u.
9. February 2010 @ 15:31 |
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SMG setup:
MP5 with silencer and red tiger
M9 (i dislike deser eagles)
1x frag
1x stun
stopping power
dead silence
Sniper setup:
1x frag
1x stun
stopping power
steady aim (for them no scopes y'know?)
19. March 2010 @ 00:17 |
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okay, i'm 55 tenth prestige and i think the best class for rushing is
mp5 silencer
desert eagle
frag and stun
stopping power
steady aim
i usually go about 60 20 with this class so good luck with it
hope it helps
peace out suckas- jet1996
12. April 2010 @ 02:05 |
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one of my best classes are:
primary: MP5(blue tiger)
secondary: desert eagle
perk1: claymores
perk2: stopping power or juggernaut
perk3: deep impact
im beast
12. April 2010 @ 22:36 |
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Originally posted by illway: Primary: MP5 w/ Red Dot
Side Arm: Desert Eagle
Flash x1 - For Quick Distraction
Perk 1 - Frag x3
Perk 2 - UAV Jammer
Perk 3 - Matrydom
PSN ID: JediMindTricks8 (SOMEONE ADD ME)
with this i seriously find it better with silencer.
2. May 2010 @ 07:38 |
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Well, in my opinion no gun is the best, they are all suited to different people's playing styles. i.e some may use the M60E4 for clearing people out at medium range or some people might think that they are a sweaty try hard and try and pick people off across the whole of creek with the terrible gun itself, the M9.
Like I said there is no real gun that is the best, you use whatever gun you play best with, and if anyone says 'Why you using that piece of rubbish, the (such and such a gun is better) you just tell them it's part of the game and you play well with it.
My favourite class I suppose must be:
M60E4 w/ Red Dot Sight ~ as it suits my playing style and I manage to kill people with it.
M1911.45 ~ Again because I play well with it.
9. June 2010 @ 17:54 |
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ak-47 with grenade launcher (preferably gold but it doesnt matter)
gold desert eagle
2:double tap
3:steady aim
i love this class i use mostly for headquarters but will work on anything. tips for using the class (if playing HQ through a smoke at the HQ wait for smoke to even out go to it and lay down) (start a match with ur grenader if you know where the other team respawns at the beginning and shoot it that direction) (this is a run and gun class only long range with ur grenader) ( the grenader wont work if your at close range so never run around with it) (if you shoot the grenader never keep it out unless you know you in a good hiding spot. it takes a while to reload) (dont forget, the class has steady aim on it, you can do close range no scopes) (luckily the ak doesnt take that long to reload but with double tap your bullets will run out fast if you dont conserve them) ( i like to piss snipers of with the grenader and take their kill.....its fun) (after you shoot the grenader run away from where you shot it, it gives up your spot to easily) (after you kill someone while running dont stop keep running,i fyou have to reload lay down in a hidden spot, if you cant fing one pull out your deagle and find one). i hope you get good kills with this class, i did and ive never doubted it and it works the best every time.
9. June 2010 @ 17:59 |
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ak-47 with grenade launcher (preferably gold but it doesnt matter)
gold desert eagle
2:double tap
3:steady aim
i love this class i use mostly for headquarters but will work on anything. tips for using the class (if playing HQ through a smoke at the HQ wait for smoke to even out go to it and lay down) (start a match with ur grenader if you know where the other team respawns at the beginning and shoot it that direction) (this is a run and gun class only long range with ur grenader) ( the grenader wont work if your at close range so never run around with it) (if you shoot the grenader never keep it out unless you know you in a good hiding spot. it takes a while to reload) (dont forget, the class has steady aim on it, you can do close range no scopes) (luckily the ak doesnt take that long to reload but with double tap your bullets will run out fast if you dont conserve them) ( i like to piss snipers of with the grenader and take their kill.....its fun) (after you shoot the grenader run away from where you shot it, it gives up your spot to easily) (after you kill someone while running dont stop keep running,i fyou have to reload lay down in a hidden spot, if you cant fing one pull out your deagle and find one). i hope you get good kills with this class, i did and ive never doubted it and it works the best every time.
10. June 2010 @ 11:37 |
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Originally posted by Dumbpoopy: you have to rank up to get more guns
my setup:
Primary: M4 Carbine with red dot site (digital skin)
Secondary: Desert Eagle
Perk 1: Frag x3
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Martydom
i'm also a big fan of the G3 and i'm starting to try and snipe with the Dragunov
it looks better with blue tiger
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1. July 2010 @ 15:07 |
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The best class for me would be:
Primary: M16 Silencer
Secondary: MP5 Red Dot
Special Grenade: Stun(I use this on every class)
Perk 1: Bandolier or Claymore x2 or RPG x2
Perk 2: Overkill
Perk 3: Deep Impact or Dead Silence
Good luck with this vlass if you want more just ask ;)
25. September 2010 @ 14:03 |
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the best class is
M21 and silenced p90
claymore x2
over kill
dead silence
25. September 2010 @ 14:16 |
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These are my favourite clases
1 M21 with p90 (silenced)
Claymore x2
dead silence
2 AK-47 no attachment
usp .45 silenced
stopping power
deep impact
3 AK-74u no attachment
gold deagle (desert eagle)
stopping power
stedy aim
4 Gold M10 shot gun (the other second one)grip
gold deagle
no attacment
slight of hand
stedy aim
5 M4 carbine with red dot
stopping fire
dead silence
8. October 2010 @ 14:08 |
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AH from here comes much of the cod4 filth!!
Martydom, grenade launcher, last stand, and p90 are tottaly noobish weapons andd perks!!!
everyone knows that, as they mostly take no skill to use. many servers have those hings banned. so if you use them, im sorry for you and your class build takes no skill and is for weak players that rely on luck instead of skill!
20. November 2010 @ 17:04 |
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My class is
Primary: M 16 with silencer or grenade launcher. It has a three round burst fire and it kills in one.
Secondery: m9 because it is pretty sweet. Never use the deagle because it is simply crapand it is not very accurate and this and that, i could go on!!!
Perk 1: Eather RPG-7 orgrenade launcher (I know that the are the noobiest weapons but everyone uses them so i want to get back at them :[) or the bandolier depending on what map and what type of game it is.
Perk 2: Stopping power. Makes wepons dedlier. What more do i have to say. On search and destroy, i use the uav jammer to sneak past them.
Perk 3: I use extreme conditioning or even martydom. I know it's nooby, but i do it to get challenges like martydom veteren or multi frag (if im lucky)
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17. January 2011 @ 07:56 |
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My best LMG class....
Primary:*t, forgot what it was called.. but its the last lmg you unlock w/ grip
Secondary: RPD w/ Red dot sight
Perk 1: XXX
Perk 2: Overkill
Perk 3: Martyrdom (I dont care if you say its nooby -.- it works for me)