Philips HTS3357 and Ps3 linking question
23. July 2007 @ 02:28 |
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i just bought a philips HTS3357 and a ps3, i thought i could just hook them up, but apparently the HTs3357 doesnt have optical output, just a Digital Coxial in (heres the list of the outputs on it "Rear Connections: AM/MW Antenna, AUX in, Composite video (CVBS) output, Digital coaxial in, Easy fit speaker connectors, HDMI output, S-Video out, Component Video output, FM antenna, Scart"
my question is, i i got one of these, Coaxial to Optical Digital Signal Convertor would i then be able to get surround sound, i know i would need some cables too, but i havent a clue what??? anyone able to shed some light in my direction?? thanks guys.
Senior Member
23. July 2007 @ 06:55 |
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23. July 2007 @ 06:56 |
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wow thanks for the links too, thats fantastic, thanks very much
3. August 2007 @ 06:25 |
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I've just ordered one of these from Amazon, can't wait to get it and hook it up to my Xbox 360.
If I use the optical out on the Xbox 360 and connect it to my home theatre system using that convertor you mentioned, will that provide 5.1 from the Xbox through the speakers?
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3. August 2007 @ 15:03 |
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It should, as long as the source (game/movie) has 5.1 soundtrack.
Probably gonna be a little more involved though, than just plugging in an optical cable. Probably have to go into setup menus of Xbox, and enable digital output, however it's done. In receiver's setup menus, you may have to assign the input, to whatever you've plugged in. So, yes, it should..........
19. September 2007 @ 01:15 |
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Could it swap the rear and the front speakers? (In the manual they have the same paremeters: impedance, freq. resp., size, etc...)
Other manufacturers (eg. Panasonic) place the pillars to front, and the "little" satelites to rear.
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19. September 2007 @ 04:55 |
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In a 5.1 setup, most of the sound comes from the front three speakers. Only the ambient sounds come from the rear speakers. That's why you use the smaller speakers in the rear, if all the speakers aren't the same. Don't waste a tower speaker's abilities, by using them as rear speakers, unless all your speakers are towers. But if you prefer them that way, it won't hurt them.
19. September 2007 @ 06:26 |
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Sorry, maybe I was not so clear.
But this topic is about Philips HTS3357...
My opinion that this hts has the same satelites to rear and to front.
HTS3357 has pillars to front, and "little" satelites to rear, and I want it to use "reverse".
So my question is that has theese (HTS-3357) satelites REALLY the same parameters?
Senior Member
19. September 2007 @ 06:49 |
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Quote: HTS3357 has pillars to front, and "little" satelites to rear, and I want it to use "reverse".
Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying.
By "pillars", do you mean stands? And "little", are the rears smaller than the fronts? And "reverse", do you mean use rear speakers in front, and front speakers in the rear?
By parameters, if you mean do they have the same frequency response, and same amount of watts, then I'd say yes. All in one systems like that, don't usually mix speakers, with different "parameters".
19. September 2007 @ 07:51 |
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> Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying.
Yeah, firs of all sorry for my poor english... :(
> By "pillars", do you mean stands?
I read it in the Philips manual ("Floor standing pillars"), and yes, maybe "stands" the right term.
> And "little", are the rears smaller than the fronts?
Yes. (not just because of the stands)
Some other manufacturers give four exactly the same satellites, plus two or four stands, depends on model. This Philips set has two-two different speakers to front and rear (at least they have different shapes), plus the two stands.
> And "reverse", do you mean use rear speakers in front, and front speakers in the rear?
Yes (I didn't mean polarity swap... :) )
>By parameters, if you mean do they have the same frequency response, and same amount of watts, then I'd say yes. All in one systems like that, don't usually mix speakers, with different "parameters".
Thanks the answer
Senior Member
19. September 2007 @ 09:19 |
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Glad we finally understand each other......... :o)
19. September 2007 @ 22:53 |
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Anyway, I was eager to hear someone's EXPERIENCE, who has an HTS3357... :P (eg. raggio)
10. December 2007 @ 10:21 |
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Originally posted by raggio: wow thanks for the links too, thats fantastic, thanks very much
Finally do you succeded in connecting your ps3 to philips HTS3357 with the digital coaxial input?
Is the sourround sound ok?
thank you...
15. December 2007 @ 20:01 |
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I just get a pioneer-vsx1017txv-7.1,I connect my PS3 to the HDMI and all
im getting from my audio setup in the PS3 is not supported the optical work ok,is there some thing wring whith my PS3 or A/V RECEIVER
PS.i cant video to my pojector-BENQ-PE5120 my sony brava tv work ok.
PS3 HDMI to AV/RECEIVER,RECEIVER HDMI to PROJECTOR DVI didn't work what im doing wring need help.
3. April 2008 @ 07:45 |
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After reading all this thread the beauty of it is that the two large tower speakers in the Philips HTS3357 are the REAR speakers and not the front as said above . How do i know ? well i'm sat next to one and it clearly says rear on the back and the little ones say front L & R .
I have a converter and cables as described above and the sound is brilliant , well worth the £130 it cost
3. April 2008 @ 07:56 |
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I'm still using this setup and it's freakin awesome. My 360 is plugged in and plays the sound through 5.1 fantastic and my TV goes in too. I got a switch box to allow the 2 Audio feeds into it
Senior Member
3. April 2008 @ 08:06 |
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Originally posted by CableX: I just get a pioneer-vsx1017txv-7.1,I connect my PS3 to the HDMI and all
im getting from my audio setup in the PS3 is not supported the optical work ok,is there some thing wring whith my PS3 or A/V RECEIVER
PS.i cant video to my pojector-BENQ-PE5120 my sony brava tv work ok.
PS3 HDMI to AV/RECEIVER,RECEIVER HDMI to PROJECTOR DVI didn't work what im doing wring need help.
That Pioneer receiver has HDMI pass-through only. It doesn't process the audio over HDMI, so you'll need to use the optical connection for your surround sound. You'll not be able to listen to the HD audio on Blue ray movies, this way. For the HD audio formats, you'll need a new receiver that processes the audio formats over HDMI, such as the new Onkyos, Denons, or the new Yamaha.